Name: Sandy
Website link:
Type of interview: Normal, General life.
Name(s) of other participants (if any): DH01, Wolfmanwolf7
Link to the website profile of the participants / RPG bar:
Have I read the rules of the first page?: Yes.
Anything else: Thank you.
Name: Sandy
Website link:
Type of interview: Normal, General life.
Name(s) of other participants (if any): -
Link to the website profile of the participants / RPG bar: -
Have I read the rules of the first page?: Yes.
Anything else: Thank you.
- Name: Sandy
- Link to the website profile:
- The type of interview you want: Simple, Samp/real life.
- Name of other participants (if any): Loody[ToV]
- Link to the website profile of the participants:
- I was aware of the rules presented on the first page: Yes
- Other specifications: We want Mushroom for the interview. Thanks!
-Name: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Samp/real life with 1 more participant.
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants:
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: We want Mushroom. to do the interview. Thanks.
-Name: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Samp/real life with 3 more participants.
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants:
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: We want Alfie. to do the interview. Thanks
-Name: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Samp/real life with 4 more participants.
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants:
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: We want Alfie. to do the interview. Thanks
-Name: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Samp/real life with 1 more participant.
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants:
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: We want Alfie. to do the interview.
-Name: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Samp/real life with 1 more participant.
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants:
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: We want Alfie. to do the interview.
-Name: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Samp/real life with 1 more participant.
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants:
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: We want Alfie. to do the interview.
-Name: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Samp/real life with 2 more participants.
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants:
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: We want Alfie. to do the interview.
- Nume: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Tipul de interviu dorit: Simplu
- Numele celorlalți participanți (dacă există): Loody - FTD - Styler - Blackhawk - Zoli - Cristeaa - Waleed
- RPG Bar al participanților:
- Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: Da
- In cazul in care imi e repartizat un reporter strain, sunt de acord sa sustin interviul in engleza: Da
- Alte precizări: We prefer to be interviewed by Aziz
- Nume: Sandy
- RPG Bar:
- Tipul de interviu dorit: Simplu
- Numele celorlalți participanți (dacă există): Loody
- RPG Bar al participanților:
- Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: Da
- In cazul in care imi e repartizat un reporter strain, sunt de acord sa sustin interviul in engleza: Da
- Alte precizari: we want to do this live with Aziz.
- Nume: Cristeaa
- Rank: 3
- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 25/08/2018
- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Emission ( admin life )
- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Loody
- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului:
- Alte precizări: -
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