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Talha Jameel

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About Talha Jameel

  • Birthday 11/03/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lahore, Pakistan
  • Hobbies
    SA:MP, LoL, Racing-Cars, Technology-Sci.

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Talha Jameel's Achievements


Proficient (10/14)



  1. - -

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Talha Jameel

      Talha Jameel


    3. DH01


      What you been up to recently ba?!

    4. Talha Jameel

      Talha Jameel

      CIE :,D

      Now free

  2. Hi everyone, whats up? A warm welcome to every new member here at San Fierro School Instructors. We hope we make a good understanding with each other. Adolfe , you're ALIVE?!
  3. Good Morning everyone! Ba DH01, don't post inappropriate material over here. #IfYouKnowWhatIMean upload pics - YouTube blocked in Pakistan
  4. Hello all. How are you? It's been a while since we talked. Anyways, I just came back home yesterday. Coming in game to kick your butt
  5. Good morning everyone! Don't worry... these are the hard times right now. Once this faction gets one or two months old, believe me everything would be very smooth. Smoother than any other faction Eh no.. I don't know who's the owner of this but I saw this abandoned at CNN LS.
  6. Don't worry about that. Hello everyone, how are you? Since we don't have a screenshots topic, I'm post this here. Look what I found DH01
  7. -- Nume: Talha_Jameel -- Level: 31 -- RPG Bar sau poza cu [/stats]: -- Numele celui de-al doilea participant (dacă există): - - -- Levelul celui de-al doilea participant (dacă există) - - -- RPG Bar sau poza cu [/stats] celui de-al doilea participant (dacă există): - - -- Subiectul interviului: Terrorism (in real life) / situation in PAKISTAN -- Am citit şi lua la cunoştintă regulile prezentate în primul post al topicului: Yeah -- Alte precizări: English Interview. I want to deliver a message to the community / speech. Reason -> http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/16/world/asia/pakistan-peshawar-school-attack/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  8. Ho ho ho! Hi everyone whats up? Bad day for Pakistani members over here -> http://www.dawn.com/news/1150455/national-power-grid-survives-major-breakdown The problem still persists
  9. Ok guys good night. Such a tiring day it was today. So much spam at the pending license to be issued...
  10. Instructor for the first time :)

  11. Write your comments regarding "About Me" here.

  12. Huaaa, look guys I'm a superman Will this be accepted in report? Good night fella`s & good luck at training!
  13. Well... I would be in both favour and against this thing. This might just divide up the popularity and attendance of your MAIN RPG Server. But it is indeed a good, new, fresh beginning for people who haven't achieved much in RPG 1. I'm personally looking forward to take part in the administrating role in this new server and dedicate most of my time over there. Lets hope for the best!
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