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Los Santos Taxi - Discuţii / Discussions


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Uite am reinstalat Windows-ul pe laptop si acum nu vrea sa porneasca deloc, nici SA:MP nici single-player-ul...

Te-ai asigurat ca ai toate driverele necesare?

Nu de alta dar asa am patit si eu. Daca nu esti sigur mai bine ia'ti un program un program gen : Device doctor. [ sper ca nu e reclama ]


Edit : Sunt WhixY ( precizez asta ca sa nu iau warn )

Edited by Troop
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Nickname: Merabi

● Previous nickname: -

● Real ago: 20

● Describe yourself in minimum 30 words:: I am a guy who have played GTA:SAMP for a while and im really enjoying it. In real life i come from Georgian so im good to speak english.

● Level: 5

● For how long are you playing on this server: 1 Month

● How much you play daily: 7-8 Hour

● In what period you play ( ex: 08:00-12:00 ): 12:00 : 4:00

● Screenshot with /stats: http://postimg.org/image/5ya06rx3x/47dcf0b1/

● Last faction and time spent there: never been in any faction

● Why did you left previous faction: never been in any faction

● Why do you want to join Los Santos Taxi Company ( minimum 20 words ): I love Los Santos and i loved to be a taxi driver, im a good driver around the town/city.

● Why do you think that Los Santos Taxi Company is the right place for you: Because no other faction you can spent time with other people...

● Do you know important locations from server?:Yes

● Do you know Los Santos Taxi Company rules?:Yes

● Number of warns and reason: None

● Have you ever been banned? Why?:None

● You are on a faction Blacklist?:No

● Do you agree that you must stay in Los Santos Taxi Company for 2 weeks?:Yes

● Would you listen to leader and higher rank members?:Yes

● How many times a day you check the forum? 2-3

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Srry ca ma bag ,dar am si eu o intrebare cand se va repornii aplicatiile?


Congratulations! Sansele tale de a fi acceptat tocmai au scazut! Cel putin asa cred...


Nu vei afla nimic aici. Nu ai decat sa astepti linistit pana atunci :)



Noi imagini din viitorul GTA V au aparut :)


gta5_gold_1.jpg gta5_gold_2.jpg gta5_gold_3.jpg


gta5_gold_4.jpg gta5_gold_5.jpg gta5_gold_6.jpg


gta5_gold_7.jpg gta5_gold_8.jpg

Edited by Toni Cipriani
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Uitati aici o perla marca Filelist :))


Interzis copiilor!





Deci numai pot.. rad intruna =))

Nu stiu unde ai gasit pe filelist asa ceva dar in orice caz, prea tare :))

cica " cum cu flexu ? " =))))))))0000 numai poot

Edited by Troop
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Doamne mare iti e gradina si multi "destepti" mai sunt in ea:))


Acum alta bomba:))




Mare grija la Carrefour! Escrocheria functioneaza in urmatorul fel: 2 pustoaice bune, de 18-19 ani, se apropie de masina in timp ce bagi cumparaturile in portbagaj si incep sa stearga parbrizul cu o carpa, in timp ce sanii le atarna afara din tricouri. E imposibil sa nu te uiti. Cand le multumesti si le dai niste bani, ele te roaga ca in loc de asta sa le duci la un alt magazin Carrefour. Accepti si ele urca in spate. Pe drum incep sa faca sex una cu alta. Dupa un timp una dintre ele trece in fata si incepe sa iti faca sex oral. In acest timp ce cealalta iti fura portofelul! Va sfatuiesc sa fiti foarte atenti deoarece mie mi s-a intamplat lunea trecuta, miercuri, de doua ori joi, vineri si din nou ieri, acum ma duc din nou....

Edited by Robert16
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Doamne mare iti e gradina si multi "destepti" mai sunt in ea:))


Acum alta bomba:))




Mare grija la Carrefour! Escrocheria functioneaza in urmatorul fel: 2 pustoaice bune, de 18-19 ani, se apropie de masina in timp ce bagi cumparaturile in portbagaj si incep sa stearga parbrizul cu o carpa, in timp ce sanii le atarna afara din tricouri. E imposibil sa nu te uiti. Cand le multumesti si le dai niste bani, ele te roaga ca in loc de asta sa le duci la un alt magazin Carrefour. Accepti si ele urca in spate. Pe drum incep sa faca sex una cu alta. Dupa un timp una dintre ele trece in fata si incepe sa iti faca sex oral. In acest timp ce cealalta iti fura portofelul! Va sfatuiesc sa fiti foarte atenti deoarece mie mi s-a intamplat lunea trecuta, miercuri, de doua ori joi, vineri si din nou ieri, acum ma duc din nou....

Totusi e ceva, nu te poti plange =))

Macar a meritat ? :))))

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La mine pot sa se urce doar in spate .. iar daca am costumu moto pe mine .. sa vedem ce portofel imi fura :))))))) ca n-am buzunare la pantaloni .. doar fermoar .. pentru diverse nevoi :)) deci se vor multumi doar cu ce ai zis ca face aia de se pune in fata =)))

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La mine pot sa se urce doar in spate .. iar daca am costumu moto pe mine .. sa vedem ce portofel imi fura :))))))) ca n-am buzunare la pantaloni .. doar fermoar .. pentru diverse nevoi :)) deci se vor multumi doar cu ce ai zis ca face aia de se pune in fata =)))

Vii cu portofelul de forma cu 5 lei in el dupa ce te prinzi ce vor sa faca, si sa faca tot ce pot ele pentru 5 lei nu e rau, mai ales 2:)))

Iar in cazul in care ai motor nu se aleg cu nimic decat cu un "menaj a trois" nu stiu daca am scris bine, nu stiu franceza:))

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Nickname: Merabi

● Previous nickname: -

● Real ago: 20

● Describe yourself in minimum 30 words:: I am a guy who have played GTA:SAMP for a while and im really enjoying it. In real life i come from Georgian so im good to speak english.

● Level: 5

● For how long are you playing on this server: 1 Month

● How much you play daily: 7-8 Hour

● In what period you play ( ex: 08:00-12:00 ): 12:00 : 4:00

● Screenshot with /stats: http://postimg.org/i...6rx3x/47dcf0b1/

● Last faction and time spent there: never been in any faction

● Why did you left previous faction: never been in any faction

● Why do you want to join Los Santos Taxi Company ( minimum 20 words ): I love Los Santos and i loved to be a taxi driver, im a good driver around the town/city.

● Why do you think that Los Santos Taxi Company is the right place for you: Because no other faction you can spent time with other people...

● Do you know important locations from server?:Yes

● Do you know Los Santos Taxi Company rules?:Yes

● Number of warns and reason: None

● Have you ever been banned? Why?:None

● You are on a faction Blacklist?:No

● Do you agree that you must stay in Los Santos Taxi Company for 2 weeks?:Yes

● Would you listen to leader and higher rank members?:Yes

● How many times a day you check the forum? 2-3

Vai :)))

Please don't post again here, u can be warned .

If u want to apply here, go to aplication topic, but for moment topic are closed.

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