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Avispa Rifa - Discutii intre membri / Discussions


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@, Good luck in the future.

@, Trust me you are a little kid, resign for Assassins leader or anything like that, you are not ready for Gangs and team work, try peacefull faction to learn.

Shut up, i don`t want to stay more in avispa ? what is your problem, i have rank 3 in : TTB and GSB, i was leader on rpg3 two times and helper, i don`t know what is your problem, go and sleep.



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Felicitari avispa pentru warul de astazi. In aceasta seara am dat dovada ca putem castiga o zona, intr-adevar am fost mai mult decat ei si am triumfat.

Felicitari si sa speram ca vom avea succes in continuare.

O seara buna.

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Bravo mexicanii mei, vedeti ca se poate?

Deea, te rog sa prinzi 2 attack. E naspa sa nu avem un rank 4+, sa te ajute, dar se va rezolva in scurt timp.

Daca continuam tot asa, SF va fi luat usor, ati vazut si voi azi, cat a tras mELC de cele 2 runde. Seara faina Avispa, mult noroc!

Edited by rTn Seba
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Bun, felicitari pentru warul de astazi! Maine aceeasi activitate pentru a mentine turful. Incercati sa nu mai mergeti rambo fratilor, cand vi se spune ceva ascultati! Azi era 15-0 daca nu mureati... Daca stateati pe teren si in parcare erau ei fortati sa intre in noi si dupa ce luati 8 runde aveati liber la rambo.

Edited by BTD Sparros
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