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Avispa Rifa - Discutii intre membri / Discussions


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The problem is that the consequences will follow me, if I put you again in Avispa.

What if I put you again and that gangster report the leader again for inviting you. Then the leader will say "rikos invited him, not me", and then, what rikos will say?

The fact is, that I had the impression, that members could PM their leaders for serious problems, so I told Belze, to keep you in the faction, as long as you had sent him PM...

He did that, but then Johnny told me that you should have made an inactivity request on site. Forum is not for making inactivities requests. So, I agreed with him and kicked you from the faction...

About that "second chance"... I will add Johnny here, to see his opinion. I don't have any personal issue, advantage or disadvantage, whether you are civilian, Avispa subleader, helper, leader or anything else. I will continue my life without caring about that. What I want to say is, that I am not gonna favorize anyone. I try to respect some rules and behave to all players the same.

Johnny please share your opinion...


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@, Nu stiati ca tot ce reprezinta un pericol pentru baietii din ZEW se elimina prin orice mijloace ? doar asa ajung ei sa fie buni, eliminandu-si adversarii rand pe rand sa ramana doar ei sa bata recorduri si dupa sa se bata cu pumnii in piept, semnatura mea spune tot.

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