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69 Pier Mobs - Lista neagra - Black list


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Name: Labanul.PisoiuThau
Rank: 2 
Name of player to get on 
BlackList: crispo_nv
Level of player to get on BlackList: 28

RPG bar of player to get on BlackList (small bar): CrisPo_nv.png 
Describe the situation: I was in a pd car and he start shouting me random..

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Name of player to get on 

Level of player to get on BlackList:20

Describe the situation: DM
Evidence(mandatory) :


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Name: Denys

Rank: 5

Name of player to get on Blacklist: Cage91

Level of player to get on Blacklist: 6

RPG bar of player to get on Blacklist: Cage91.png

Describe the situation: Drive-by with Monster Truck

Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/Y6YkLFX

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Name: Denys

Rank: 5

Name of player to get on Blacklist: [A]lex.JR

Level of player to get on Blacklist: 25

RPG bar of player to get on Blacklist: [A]lex.JR.png

Describe the situation: After he failed the test, injured me.

Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/I8e4vo8

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Name: Denys

Rank: 5

Name of player to get on Blacklist: Faustin

Level of player to get on Blacklist: 8

RPG bar of player to get on Blacklist: Faustin.png

Describe the situation: Disturbing job + DM

Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/NyNHc7x

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  • Scooby69 changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Lista neagra - Black list

Name: DonSemaca.[ZEW]

Rank: 1

Name of player to get on Blacklist: [69]BlaSz.URAGANU

Level of player to get on Blacklist: 20

RPG bar of player to get on Blacklist: BlaSz.URAGANU.png

Describe the situation: Limbaj + comportament non-rp



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Name: Gabriel.LEGEND

Rank: 1

Name of player to get on Blacklist: [Bz]AndreiUK.

Level of player to get on Blacklist: 35

RPG bar of player to get on Blacklist: Aveti mai jos, nu stiu de ce nu merge, a doua de jos `bara` sau cum.

Describe the situation: DM aiurea in puscarie.

Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/XOmB1T7




Edited by Gabriel.LEGEND.
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