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69 Pier Mobs - Arms dealers


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Puteti incepe sa postati raportul.

  • Nume:
  • Poza cu /stats inainte de inceperea war-urilor:
  • Poza cu /stats dupa terminarea war-urilor:
  • Materiale consumate:


LE: xkZUcgr.jpg



* Dolaru primeste un avertisment pentru neprezentare raport.
* Hanii receives an verbal warning -
At every war day, you must consume at least 12,000 materials


* Daca exista vreo greseala anume, ma puteti contacta prin PM, pentru a o corecta. / If you see a mistake, PM me to correct it.

Edited by E u G e n 9 0
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Poza cu /stats dupa terminarea war-urilor: http://imgur.com/xM5gRJf

Materiale consumate: 3600

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Poza cu /stats dupa terminarea war-urilor: http://imgur.com/VTjGoMp

Materiale consumate: 5400

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Poza cu /stats dupa terminarea war-urilor: http://i.imgur.com/kyMlMsH.png?1

Materiale consumate: 5400

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