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Avispa Rifa - Evidenta waruri / Evidence wars


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War 23.08.2013



Prezenti: Stefanless , [mR].noTe , Norbert14 , XandeR. , ...LuCyAn... , VASCO888 , StrikeR. , Gasu21 , Karim , Asqwe , Prody. , An0Nim , Dolhe , AsSasiNn , AmitHadad (15).

Invoiti+Cei cu inactivitate: [OC]ShlomY , LevyY. , Darkilic14 , P.v.L , Speedy ,LOUiE. , Edy27 , Inhuman , Mokka , Skyline . (10).

Absenti: (0)

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Nick: Mokka

Poza cu scorul de la war:http://www.tinyuploa...ages/Z5TpPA.png ,http://www.tinyuploads.com/images/dI4ChZ.png, http://www.tinyuploa...ages/1ogaF4.png, http://www.tinyuploa...ages/9G0UqK.png

Numarul de war-uri la care am participat: 4

Alte precizari: Va multumesc ! Scuzati scorurile proaste

Edited by Mokka
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Nick: XandeR.

Poza cu scorul de la war:

Numarul de war-uri la care am participat: Toate

Alte precizari: Ne-am descurcat cat de cat, in ciuda faptului ca nu am avut masini / hely ! Se putea mai bine ..

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Nick: Inhuman

Poza cu scorul de la war: http://imgur.com/6pufVea,Hff38aO,QMnJ22q

Numarul de waruri la care am participat: Toate.

Alte precizari: La primul war, am luat crash, si nu am putut sa mai intru vreo 10 minute..

La al 3-lea war am facut poza..dar se pare ca nu la scor, cred ca se intelege de acolo ca am fost..nu se va mai intampla, scuze. (aveam 4-4 si 5-2)

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Nick: SkylinE.

Poza cu scorul de la war: http://postimg.org/image/x5gqv4g8h/




Numarul de war-uri la care am participat: Toate

Alte precizari?: Scoruri foarte slabe, nu-mi mergea mouse-u bine :| .

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War 26.08.2013



Prezenti: Stefanless , [mR].noTe , AsSasiNn , SkyLinE , Inhuman , Drangu1 , VASCO888 , LevyY, Asqwe , XandeR- , StrikeR, Dolhe-, Gasu21 , P.v.L , Prody , SpeedY , Mokka-, Norbert14 , AmitHadad(raport neprezentat) , An0Nim (20).

Invoiti+Cei cu inactivitate: [OC]ShlomY , Darkilic14 ,LOUiE. , Edy27 , ...LuCyAn... (5).


Absenti: (0)


Amithadad - you will get an AV because you haven't posted your war evidence

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