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The Tsar Bratva - Evidenţă war-uri / Wars evidence


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Atenţie !

  • Cine postează după mine are FW.
  • Cei cu un raport incomplet au primit 1 avertisment verbal.La 2 avertismente verbale respectivul va primi FW.


  • Who will post after me will receive FW.
  • Those who have missing report will receive 1 warning.At 2 warnings that member will receive 1 FW.

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Reţineţi !

  • Astăzi am prins 4 attack-uri,deci trebuie să postaţi un album cu 2 ss-uri.
  • Cei care au un raport incomplet vor primi 1 avertisment verbal.La 2 avertismente verbale respectivul va primi FW.
  • Cei care nu îşi postează raportul vor primi FW.
  • Aveţi la dispoziţie 24 de ore să vă postaţi raportul.



  • Today I only got four attacks, so you need to post an album with 2 screenshots.
  • Those who have missing report will receive 1 warning.At 2 warnings that member will receive 1 FW.
  • Those who don't post their report will get FW.
  • You have 24 hours to post your report.

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Nick: Gabos_GL

Rank: 2

Screenshot-uri: http://i.imgur.com/MivMDtY.png , http://i.imgur.com/B7KJFoU.png , http://i.imgur.com/TNk2okL.png , http://i.imgur.com/RIXMiM0.png

Edited by GabosGL
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Atentie !

  • Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.
  • Cei cu un raport incomplet au primit 1 avertisment verbal.La 2 avertismente verbale respectivul va primi FW.


  • Who will post after me will receive FW.
  • Those who have missing report will receive 1 warning.At 2 warnings that member will receive 1 FW.

Edited by South ValentinoRossi
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Retineti !

  • Astazi am avut 4 war-uri,deci trebuie sa postati un album cu 4 ss-uri.
  • Cei care au un raport incomplet vor primi 1 avertisment verbal.La 2 avertismente verbale respectivul va primi FW.
  • Cei care nu îsi posteaza raportul vor primi FW.
  • Aveti la dispozitie 24 de ore sa va postati raportul.


  • Today we only had four wars, so you need to post an album with 4 screenshots.
  • Those who have missing report will receive 1 warning.At 2 warnings that member will receive 1 FW.
  • Those who don't post their report will get FW.
  • You have 24 hours to post your report.

Edited by Ciccio
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