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Din: "Ca membru al acestui departament, aveti obligatia de a avea minim 10 ore jucate pe luna. Cine nu indeplindeste aceasta conditie, risca Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Demitere(Rank 1) sau Faction Warn(Rank 5, daca a contribuit prin alte mijloace la activitatea factiunii: antrenori, statistici efectuate, alte activitati prin care liderul considera ca s-a implicat)."

In:  Ca membru al acestui departament, aveti obligatia de a avea minim 20 ore jucate pe luna. Cine nu indeplindeste aceasta conditie, risca Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Demitere(Rank 1) sau Faction Warn(Rank 5, daca a contribuit prin alte mijloace la activitatea factiunii: antrenori, statistici efectuate, alte activitati prin care liderul considera ca s-a implicat).



Din: "Aveti dreptul la patru invoiri consecutive la antrenament, in caz ca va exista si o a 5-a invoire consecutiva aceasta nu va mai fi luata in considerare prin urmare va fi respinsa si in caz ca veti lipsi o sa primiti Faction Warn."

In:  Aveti dreptul la patru invoiri consecutive la antrenament, in caz ca va exista si o a 5-a invoire consecutiva aceasta nu va mai fi luata in considerare prin urmare va fi respinsa si in caz ca veti lipsi o sa primiti Faction Warn.(Inactivitatea este considerata si contorizata ca fiind invoire)


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 03.11.2018~




From: "As a member of this department you are obliged to have minimum 10 hours played per month. Who doesn`t fullfill this condition risks Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Demitere(Rank 1) or Faction Warn(Rank 5, if he contributed to faction in other ways: strainers, statistics made, other activities where leader considers he was implicated."

In: As a member of this department you are obliged to have minimum 20 hours played per month. Who doesn`t fullfill this condition risks Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Demitere(Rank 1) or Faction Warn(Rank 5, if he contributed to faction in other ways: strainers, statistics made, other activities where leader considers he was implicated.



From: "You're only allowed to have 4 pass requests that are consecutive. In the case that you try to request the 5th absence request it consecutively it will be rejected and if you don't turn up to the training session you will be sanctioned with a faction warn."

In: You're only allowed to have 4 pass requests that are consecutive. In the case that you try to request the 5th absence request it consecutively it will be rejected and if you don't turn up to the training session you will be sanctioned with a faction warn.(The inactivity is considered and counted as a pass request)


~This change will be applied  from 03.11.2018~

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Licenta de arme se confisca atunci cand armele sunt folosite in apropierea unui politist cu scopul de a ataca fara motiv un alt jucator. Cine nu respecta aceasta regula, risca Faction Warn.  ---> https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/departmentRules


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 24.11.2018~




Weapon license is confiscated when weapons are used near an officer with the purpose of atacking without a reason another player. Who doesn`t respect this rule will receive a Faction Warn.  --->https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/departmentRules


~This change will be applied from 24.11.2018~




Din: "ATENTIE !!!

  • Verificati-va in permanentă activitatea ! Verificati daca aveti minimul de puncte necesar, in caz contrar primiti Faction Warn pentru raport incomplet.
  • In cazul in care liderul constata greseli sau puncte care nu ar trebui luate în considerare la totalizarea raportului acesta are posibilitatea de a invalida unul sau mai multe puncte. Punctele invalide vor avea o culoare de fundal mai deschisa decat punctele valide pentru a fi usor de observat.
  • Membrii intrati in factiune sunt obligati ca in prima saptamana sa faca acest raport de activitate, iar daca sunt intrati joi/vineri, obligatia ramane pentru saptamana urmatoare.
  • Pentru helperi raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. (Rank 4: 15 pct | Rank 5: 10 pct)
  • Pentru admini raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. (Rank 4: 15 pct | Rank 5: 10 pct)
  • In acest topic în fiecare saptamana liderul va posta evidenta rapoartelor pentru saptamana precedenta."

In:  ATENTIE !!!

  • Verificati-va in permanenta activitatea ! Verificati daca aveti minimul de puncte necesar!
  • Un membru de factiune care are de finalizat un raport de activitate cu X puncte, nu reuseste sa acumuleze toate punctele necesare:

              -->Jucatorul va intra la raportul de saptamana viitoare in modul de recuperare. Acest lucru inseamna ca nu va fi sanctionat momentan, insa pentru a scapa de sanctiune, la raportul de activitate de pe saptamana viitoare va trebui sa recupereze mai intai punctele neacumulate pentru raportul vechi(cele ramase), iar abia apoi va putea sa acumuleze puncte in vederea finalizarii raportului de activitate curent.

              -->Daca jucatorul are un raport de activitate restant(nefinalizat), iar la urmatorul raport de activitate fie nu reuseste sa-l recupereze pe cel trecut, fie nu reuseste sa-l completeze pe cel curent, atunci jucatorul va fi sanctionat automat in felul urmator:

                        *Daca are Rang 2: jucatorul va fi demis din factiune cu 10/60 FP.

                        *Daca are Rang 3 sau mai mare: jucatorul va primi Rang Down.

              -->Daca jucatorul are Rang 1, nu poate beneficia de modul de recuperare, deci nefinalizarea unui singur raport de activitate va duce la demiterea acestuia din factiune cu 60/60 FP.

  • Membrii care intra in factiune in zilele de miercuri/joi/vineri/sambata/duminica vor avea raport optional pe saptamana curenta.
  • Pentru helperi raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au + namecover(Rang 2 / Rang 3)
  • Pentru admini raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au + namecover(Rang 2 / Rang 3)


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 24.11.2018~





  • Check your work! Make sure you have the minimum required points, if not you will receive Faction Warn for incomplete report.
  • If the leader finds mistakes or points that should not be considered for report,he is able to invalidate one or more points. To be easily observed the points whichare invalid will be showed with a lighter background color than valid points.
  • For helpers minumum of will be halved for their rank they have (Rank 4: 15 pct | Rank 5: 10 pct)
  • For admins minumum of points will be halved for their rank they have (Rank 4: 15 pct | Rank 5: 10 pct)"


  • Check your work! Make sure you have the minimum required points.
  • A faction member who has failed to complete an activity report with X points:

               -->The member will enter next week in recovery mode. This means that it will not be sanctioned at the moment, but to get rid of the penalty, the next week`s activity report will have to recover non-acumulated points for the old report(the remaining ones) first, and then will be able to accumulate points to complete the current one activity report.

               -->If the member has an outstanding(unfinished) activity report, and the next activity report either fails to recover the past activity report, or fails to complete the current one, then the player will automatically be sanctioned as follows:

                        *If he has Rank 2: the member will be kicked out from the faction with 10/60 FP

                        *If he has Rank 3 or higher: the member will receive Rank Down.

               -->If the member has Rank 1, he can`t benefit from the recovery mode, so failure to complete a single activity report will result in his demise from the faction with 60/60 FP.

  • Members entering the faction on Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays will have an optional report for the current week.
  • For helpers minumum of will be halved for their rank they have+ namecover(Rank 2 / Rank 3)
  • For admins minumum of points will be halved for their rank they have+ namecover(Rank 2 / Rank 3)


~This change will be applied  from 24.11.2018~

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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  • Regula pentru demiterea membrilor inactivi 3+ zile a fost inlaturata;
  • Membrul nu se poate invoi de la un raport de activitate aflat deja in desfasurare, doar de la rapoartele viitoare;
  • Membrii cu Rang 1 nu pot sa faca inactivitati;
  • Membrii cu Rang 2 pot sa se invoiasca doar de la o saptamana de raport;
  • Membrii cu Rang 3+ pot sa se invoiasca de la doua saptamani de raport.


  1. https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/414408-despre-inactivitati-about-inactivities/
  2. https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/departmentRules


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 27.11.2018~




  • The rule for dismissing members inactive for 3+ days will be removed;
  • The member cannot excuse himself from an activity report that is already ongoing, only for future weeks;
  • Rank 1 members cannot make inactivities;
  • Rank 2 members can only make 1 week inactivity;
  • Rank 3+ members can make 2 weeks inactivity.


  1. https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/414408-despre-inactivitati-about-inactivities/
  2. https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/departmentRules


~This change will be applied from 27.11.2018~






  •   In cazul in care doriti sa va luati inactivitate suneti scutiti si de raport doar daca cererea este postata cu 3 zile inainte de ziua cand raportul trebuie postat. ( raportul se posteaza de Luni 00:00 - Duminica 23:59. Sunteti invoiti doar daca ati postat inactivitatea joi. )
  •   Membrii FBI nu au voie sa someze un player care se afla in timpul jobului, cu o masina specifica jobului ( care dispare in momentul in care playerul se da jos. ) pentru a il perchezitiona de droguri. Daca sunteti 100% siguri ca acel player are droguri il puteti opri. Cine incalca regula primeste Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 27.11.2018~




  •   FBI members can not /ms a player who is in the middle of a job with a specific job car( which dissapears when he gets out of the car) for /frisk. If you are 100% sure that player have drugs, you can stop him. Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.
  • If you want to get inactivity request and be consent from the activity raport, your inactivity request must be made 3 days before the day that the raport has to be posted.( You are consent only if you placed your inactivity on thursday).


~This change will be applied from 27.11.2018~



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Orice membru FBI are obligatia de a avea pe Website scurtatura cate profilul sau de forum. Aveti la dispozitie 48h din momentul intrarii in factiune sa faceti asta. Cine nu are aceasta scurtatura catre profilul de forum dupa cele 48h o sa fie sanctionat cu AV, iar dupa 24h daca situatia nu va fi remediata AV-ul o sa fie transformat in Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 21.01.2019~





All FBI members are obliged to have a forum link shortcut on their RPG website profile. You have 48 hours from the moment you join the faction to do so. Who doesnt have this shortcut set after 48 hours will be punished with AVand after 24 hours if the situation isn't fixed with AV it will be transformed info Faction Warn


~This modification will be applied from 21.01.2019~

Edited by South Radu
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Regula noua !


Jucatorii care folosesc [/pickpocket] pe voi si nu reusesc sa fure bani de la voi nu vor fi sanctionati cu wanted.





Players who [/pickpocket] you and fail (don't steal your money) will not be suspected for pickpocketing a cop.

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                REGULA NOUA!


De acum in F.B.I. vor fi organizate doar 2 activitati obligatorii/luna cu o singura invoire/luna.
Activitatile pot fi: antrenament, sedinta, war cu un alt departament/factiune. 
O invoire folosita la antrenamentul de duminica, face ca membrul respectiv sa fie obligat sa vina la urmatoarea activitate obligatorie din luna respectiva.
Din 06.03.2019 invoirile voastre vor fi resetate, o sa aveti o singura invoire




From now on in F.B.I. we will organize only 2 obligatory activities per months with the right to excuse yourself only once. Activities can be: training, meeting, war with another department/faction. Pass request used once on sunday makes it that way that the member has to be present on the next activity in the respective month. From 06.03.2019. your pass request will be reseted and you will have only 1 pass request available per month.




Din"Antrenamentele F.B.I. sunt menite a va spori indemanarea in ceea ce priveste armele si capacitatea de a face fata anumitor situatii in combaterea diverselor infractiuni.
Antrenamentul va avea loc o data pe saptamana: Duminica la ora 20:00 , el fiind obligatoriu !
Responsabilul cu antrenamentele va fi un rank 3+ ales de lider. Acesta are voie sa acorde sanctiuni pe parcursul antrenamentului in functie de caz (AV, FW).

Aveti dreptul la patru invoiri consecutive la antrenament, in caz ca va exista si o a 5-a invoire consecutiva aceasta nu va mai fi luata in considerare prin urmare va fi respinsa si in caz ca veti lipsi o sa primiti Faction Warn.(Inactivitatea este considerata si contorizata ca fiind invoire) ."


In"Antrenamentele F.B.I. sunt menite a va spori indemanarea in ceea ce priveste armele si capacitatea de a face fata anumitor situatii in combaterea diverselor infractiuni. 
Antrenamentul va avea loc o data pe luna: Duminica la ora 20:00 , el fiind obligatoriu ! 
Antrenamentul o sa fie anuntat pe /fmotd cu 48 de ore inainte pentru ca fiecare membru sa fie informat.
Aveti dreptul la o singura invoire pe luna."



From: "The FBI training sessions are designed to enhance and improve your skill with weapons and scenarios you will take part in to give you the upper hand and experience when working as an agent within the force.

The training takes place on a Sunday at 20:00, which is compulsory to take part in.
The person who will be the group trainer and will be responsible is a rank 3+ member chosen by the leader of the department. This person has the right to distribute sanctions where necessary within the time of the training (AV, FW).
You're only allowed to have 4 pass requests that are consecutive. In the case that you try to request the 5th absence request it consecutively it will be rejected and if you don't turn up to the training session you will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn.(The inactivity is considered and counted as a pass request."
In: "F.B.I. trainings are made to make things easier for you in different situations like using weapons or proceeding in various actions.
Training will be held once per month: Sunday at 20:00 and it will be obligatory!
Training will be announced via /fmotd 48 hours before training so that every member is informed in time.
You are allowed to make a one and only pass request per month."
Modelul pentru invoire a fost schimbat si el.  | The model for pass request was changed too. 


* Nume:

* Rang:

* Data Antrenamentului :       

* Invoire(X/4):

* Lipsesc din motivul:

* Alte precizari?:



* Nume:

* Rang:

* Data Antrenamentului :

* Lipsesc din motivul:

* Alte precizari?:


Din"Sedinta va avea loc o data la 2 saptamani: Duminica la ora 21:00 , ea fiind obligatorie ! "


In: "Sedinta va avea loc o data pe luna: Duminica la ora 21:00 , ea fiind obligatorie ! 

Sedinta o sa fie anuntata pe /fmotd cu 48 de ore inainte pentru ca fiecare membru sa fie informat. "



From: "The meeting will be once peer 2 weeks: Sunday at 21:00 Pm." 


In: "Meeting will be held once per month : Sunday at 21.00 and it will be obligatory!

Meeting will be announced via /fmotd 48 hours before training so that every member is informed in time. "




RO: Odata pe saptamana (Sambata sau duminica) o sa avem o activitate optionala in zilele in care nu avem antrenament sau sedinta. Acesta activitate o sa fie anuntata prin [/fmotd] cu 48 ore inainte. Prezenta OPTIONALA.


ENG: Once per week (Saturday or sunday) we will have an optional activity during the days in which we don't have training or meeting. This activity will be announced via [/fmotd] 48 hours before the activity. Presence is OPTIONAL.


Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 06.03.2019 | This change will be applied from 06.03.2019

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Anunt | Announcement 



 Din acest moment sanctiunile pentru absenta/intarziere la activitatile obligatorii urmeaza sa fie acestea:


- Intarziere de 10 minute SAU mai putin - nimic

-Intarziere de 10-20 de minute = Avertisment Verbal (AV) 

-Intarziere de 20-30 minute = Avertisment Verbal (AV) + 50.000$ amenda 

-Intarziere de 30+ minute = Faction Warn (FW).



 From now on sanctions for absence/delay of mandatory activities are to be the following: 


- 10 minutes delay or less - nothing

-10-20 Minutes = Verbal Warning (AV)

-Delay 20-30 minutes = Verbal Alert (AV) + $ 50,000 fine 

-Delay 30 + minutes = Faction Warn (FW) 

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          REGULA NOUA!


  RO: Nu aveti voie sa stati la hq -urile mafiilor (curtea HQ-urilor) fara un scop anume ( dm in hq, runner in hq cu complici etc. ) si sa confiscati obiecte sau sa dati [/frisk], acest lucru se sanctioneaza cu Faction Warn.  

~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 14.03.2019


 ENG:  You are not allowed to stay in gang hq's (or around gang hq's) without a good reason (dm in hq, runner in hq with accomplices etc. ) and to confiscate things or [/frisk] , this action will be punished with Faction warn. 

~This modification will be applied from 14.02.2019~


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 RO: Inainte sa acordati  wanted pentru 'apel nefondat' sunteti obligati sa anuntati pe /d sub urmatoarea forma 'nefondat ID/nume" (celui ce a comis infractiunea). Cine nu respecta regula va primi Avertisment Verbal.


ENG: Before giving a wanted for 'prank call' you are obligated to announce on /d in next form 'prank call ID/name" (of the one who comitted a crime). Who doesn't respect this rule will recieve a Verbal Warning.



RO:  Nu aveti voie sa detineti alt job in afara de cel de Detectiv atunci cand sunteti on duty. Acest lucru se sanctioneaza cu Avertisment Verbal.


ENG: You are not allowed to posess any other job instead of Detective when you are on duty. This will be punished with Verbal Warning.



~This modification will be applied from 23.04.2019~ | Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 23.04.2019

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 RO: Postati raportul namecover pe saptamana curenta, abia dupa ce a aparut statistica pe saptamana precedenta in caz contrar raportul nu se va lua in considerare.


ENG: Post your namecover raport for current week only after the statistic for the last week has been posted. If you don't respect this you namecover will not be taken into consideration.



RO: Sunteti obligati sa folositi nume roleplay in namecover, ex: nume_prenume sau nume.prenume (ioan_garcea, vlad.toretto, ana_maria, raluca.maria). Daca faceti cererea gresita de 5 ori la rand o sa fiti sanctionati cu un Avertisment Verbal (AV).


ENG:  It is mandatory to  use roleplay name in namecover, ex: name_surname or name.surname (ioan_garcea, vald.toretto, ana_maria, raluca.maria). If you make incorrect namecover request 5 times in a row you will get Verbal Warning (AV).



 RO:  Nu aveti voie sa mai dati [/acceept] [/admins] [/helpers] sau alte comenzi de genul care sa va umple chat-ul cand sunteti namecover.  In cazul in care in pozele voastre apar vreuna din comenzi sau altele raportul vostru namecover nu se va lua in considerare. 


ENG:  You are not allowed to use [/accept] [/admins] [/helpers] or any other commands that will fill your chat when you are using namecover. If any of these appears in your screenshots your namecover raport will not be taken into consideration.



 RO:  Sunteti obligati sa confiscati drogurile intr-o actiune namecover dupa ce folositi [/undercover off]. Obligatoriu la postarea namecover-ului  sa aveti poza cu confiscate (in cazul in care  a aruncat drogurile sau a dat deposit in safebox sau hq ajunge o poza ca nu le mai are cu [/frisk]).


ENG: It is mandatory to confiscate drugs during a namecover action after using [/undercover off]. Mandatory when posting namecover is to have a screenshots with confiscate (in case if suspect threw his drugs or deposited them in safebox or hq you only need a screenshots he doesn't have them anymore [/frisk]).


~This modification will be applied from 15.05.2019~ | Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 15.05.2019


Atentie ||| Attention

Nu postati namecover-ul inainte de 15.05.2019 asigurati-va ca ati citit si inteles regulile de mai sus. 

Do not post your namecover raport before 15.05.2019 make sure you have read and understood rules from above.

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 RO: Namecover cereti doar intr-un interior (HQ sau casa). [/undercover off] folositi doar intr-un interior (HQ sau casa). Care nu respecta aceasta regula i se anuleaza raportul namecover si primeste Faction Warn.


ENG: Request namecover only inside an interior (HQ or house). Use [/undercover off] only inside an interior (HQ or house). Who doesn't respect this rule his namecover report will be canceled and he will recieve Faction Warn.


 RO: In cazul in care suspectul cu droguri iese din joc sau ia crash aveti nevoie de un video de cateva secunde in care sa se vada mesajul "jucatorul nu este conectat".


ENG: If a suspect with drugs leaves the game or his game crashes you need to record a short video when the message 'player not connected' will be seen.



RO: In cazul in care suspectul pe care tocmai l-ati sanctionat cu wanted pentru "posesie folosire droguri", nu mai are drogurile la el o sa faceti un screenshot(ss) la /frisk.


ENG: If a suspect to who you have wanted for "drugs posession/use" doesn't have drugs anymore you need to make a screenshot on /frisk.


~This modification will be applied from 27.05.2019~ | Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 27.05.2019

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Anunt | Announcement 



RO:  Duminica, 22.09.2019, la ora 20:00 va avea loc un War4Fun cu LVPD. Aceasta activitate tine loc de antrenament, iar la ora 19:55 toata lumea trebuie sa fie in armoury, urmand ca eu sa fac poza cu cei prezenti.



EN:  Sunday, 22/09/2019, at 20:00 we will have a War4Fun with LVPD. This activity will hold up the place of the training, and at 19:55 all of you must be in the armory, following that i make the screenshot with the people that are present.




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 RO: Nu aveti voie sa efectuati raportul namecover pe colegii din clan. 

(Am ajuns la concluzia asta pentru ca multi ati abuzat de asta dar nu am avut dovezi concrete sa va sanctionam.)


ENG: You are not allowed to do your namecover raport with colleagues from clan.

(We came to this conclusion due to the abuse made by several of you lately but we didn't have enough proofs to punish you.)


~This modification will be applied from 14.10.2019~ | Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 14.10.2019


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Anunt | Announcement 



RO:  Duminica, 27.10.2019 vom organiza sedinta la ora 21:00. Vreau prezenta maxima deoarece vom discuta cateva lucruri foarte importante.



Meeting !

EN:  Sunday, 27.10.2019 we will organize a meeting at 21:00. I want a maximum presence because we will discuss about several very important things.




De asemenea, Joi 24.10.2019 vom organiza mandat de perchezitie de la ora 22:00 pana la 22:50
Also, Thursday 24.10. 2019. we will organize a serach warrant from 22:00 until 22:50.

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Anunt | Announcement 




ROSancțiunile pentru rapoartele de activitate au fost corectate astfel:
Rank 1 - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului curent, va primi kick cu 60/60 FP.
Rank 2 - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului, va intra la raportul următor in modul de recuperare al raportului neterminat. Dacă nici de această dată nu se recupereaza acel raport, atunci va primi kick din facțiune cu 10/60 FP.
Rank 3 sau mai mare - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului, va intra la următorul raport in modul de recuperare al raportului neterminat. Dacă nici de această dată nu se recuperează acel raport, atunci va primi rank down. Dacă nici următorul raport nu este finalizat, având deja în trecut 1 raport nefinalizat, 1 raport in curs de recuperare pe care nu l-a finalizat si cel curent nefinalizat, atunci jucătorul va primi kick din facțiune cu 10/60 FP.


EN:  The penalties for the activity reports were corrected as follows:
Rank 1 - For non-completion of the current report, you will be kicked from the faction with 60/60 FP.
Rank 2 -  For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If this unfinished report is not recovered this time, the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP.
Rank 3 or higher - For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If that unfinished report is not recovered this time, then the player will receive rank down. If the following report is not finalized neither, already having in the past 1 unfinished report, 1 recovery report that has not been finalized and the current one not completed, then the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP.

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Anunt | Announcement 


RO: Topicurile Regulament Intern, Raport de Activitate si Rapoarte de activitate Namecover au fost imbunatatite cu mai multe informatii pentru voi, dar si cateva reguli scoase. Va rugam sa le recititi.


EN: Topics Internal rules, Activity raport and Namecover activity raport were improved with more informations for you, also several rules were removed. Please read them again.

Edited by Radu FBI
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Anunt | Announcement 



       RO:  Duminica, 19.01.2020, la ora 20:00 va avea loc o activitate cu SFPD. Aceasta activitate tine loc de antrenament, iar la ora 19:55 toata lumea trebuie sa fie in armoury, urmand ca eu sa fac poza cu cei prezenti.



EN:  Sunday, 19.01.2020, at 20:00 we will have an activity with SFPD. This activity will be held instead of training and at 19:55 everyone needs to be in armoury because we will make screenshots with present members.



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Anunt important ! | Important announcment !



Dupa o disctutie mai veche am ajuns sa clarificam putin situatia invoirilor de la activitati / sedinte pentru factiunile pasnice cat si pentru departamente. Impreuna cu SaRtOR si cu Kelton am decis ca pentru o mica greseala ce poate aparea din graba la modelul postat cum ar fi: numarul invoirii, rank-ul detinut in prezent sau alte greseli minore ce pot aparea atunci cand se face o invoire liderii sa nu mai o respinga. Scopul este acela de a ajuta jucatorul si nu de a il sanctiona pentru orice greseala minora. In cazul in care cererile sunt completate cu erori mici prima data se poate accepta specificand jucatorului in joc / website de greseala facuta, a doua abatere fiind sanctionata cu AV urmand ca la a 3-a sa-i oferim acestuia un Faction Warn! Schimbarea intra in vigoare din acest moment.




After an older discussion, we got to clarify a little the situation of the meetings from activities / meetings for peaceful factions as well as for departments. Together with SaRtOR and Kelton, we decided that for a small mistake that can occur in a hurry to the posted model, such as: the number of the consent, the currently held rank, or other minor mistakes that can occur when making a consent, the leaders do not have the permission to reject it. The purpose is to help the player and not to punish him for any minor mistake. If the consents are filled with small errors the first time can be accepted by specifying the player in the game / website of the mistake made, the second deviation being sanctioned with AV following that at the 3rd we offer him a Faction Warn! The change comes into effect from this moment.




Reguli noi ! | New rules !




ROEste interzis sa acordati [/frisk] respectiv [/su]  oricarui jucator atunci cand acesta este intr-un meci de poker. Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction Warn.
Precizare: Cand jucatorul nu joaca la masa de poker puteti sa-i acordati [/frisk] respectiv [/su]. In cazul in care un fucator fuge dupa [/frisk] la masa de poker in meci, il puteti reclama pe WebSite. (preferabil dovada video).


EN: It is not allowed to [/frisk] or [/su] a player when he is in a poker match. Who disrespects this rule will get a Faction Warn.
Mention: When a player isn't playing a poker match you are allowed to [/frisk] and [/su] him. In case in which a player runs after [/frisk] to join a poker match, you can report him on Website (Preferrable to have video proofs).




RO: Candidatii care trec testele de intrare nu au voie sa fie [/duty] on sau sa foloseasca chat-ul [/d]. Sanctiune - picarea testelor.


EN:  Candidates that pass entry tests are not allowed to be [/duty] on or to use [/d] chat. Punishments - tests failed.







Edited by Nephilym
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Reguli noi/modificate



1. Regula modificata din: Sunteti obligati sa folositi nume roleplay in namecover, ex: nume_prenume sau nume.prenume (ioan_garcea, vlad.toretto, ana_maria, raluca.maria). Daca faceti cererea gresita de 5 ori la rand o sa fiti sanctionati cu un Avertisment Verbal (AV).

In: Aveti voie sa folositi orice nume la namecover (Este interzisa folosirea unui nume la misto, indecent, foarte asemanator cu al altor jucatori/admini, cu tag de clan oficial). Modificarea se aplica din 03.02.2020.


2. Pentru a confisca arme/droguri aveti nevoie de rank 2+.


3. In modelul de aplicatie am modificat din "Alte informatii folositoare pentru lider"  in "Alte informatii folositoare pentru lider, conturi secundare (daca exista)".



New / Modified Rules



1. Rule modified from: It is mandatory to use roleplay name in namecover, ex: name_surname or name.surname (ioan_garcea, vlad.torreto, ana_maria, raluca.maria) . If you make incorrect request 5 times in row you will get Verbal Warning (AV).

In: You are allowed to use any name on namecover (It is forbidden to use a mocking, indecent, very similar name with other players/admins, with an official clan tag)This rule will be applied from 03.02.2020.


2. To confiscate weapons/drugs you need rank 2+.


3. We modified the application model from: ''Other useful informations for leader'' to ''Other useful informations for leader, secondary accounts (If they exist)''.

Edited by Nephilym
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Regula modificata




--Atunci cand un politist incalca regulile de circulatie, acesta o sa fie sanctionat cu o amenda dubla indiferent de fapta comisa, iar in cazul in care n-o achita in 24 de ore primeste. (Faction Warn)


- De asemenea aveti 24 de ore de la crearea unei reclamatii in numele vostru sa achitati amenda in depozitul factiuni.  (Faction Warn)


PRETUL AMENZILOR pentru incalcarea regulilor de circulatie :


- Parcatul neregulamentar - 1440$

- Condus neregulamentar - 1200$ 

-Folosirea hidraulicelor pe un drum public - 480$

- Folosirea de NOS - 960$

- Depasire viteza legala intre 50-100km/h -  (Platiti amenda politistului)

- Depasire viteza legala peste 100km/h  -  (Platiti amenda politistului)

- Headlights off (Faruri oprite) - 1440$

- Mers pe partea carosabila - 720$



-Atunci cand un politist incalca regulile de circulatie, acesta o sa fie sanctionat cu amenda (Verificati lista cu amenzi mai jos). In cazul in care n-o achita in 24 de ore primeste. (Faction Warn)


-De asemenea aveti 24 de ore de la crearea unei reclamatii in numele vostru sa achitati amenda in depozitul factiuni. (Faction Warn)



- Parcat neregulamentar - $25.000

- Condus neregulamentar - $25.000

- Folosirea de NOS - $25.000

- Folosirea hidraulicelor pe un drum public - $10.000

- Faruri oprite - $10.000

- Mers pe partea carosabilă - $10.000

- Depășire viteză legală între 50 - 100 km/h -  Plătiți amenda polițistului

- Depășire viteză legală peste 100 km/h  -  Plătiți amenda polițistului



Modified Rule





When a COP breakes a traffic rule, he will be sanctioned with a double fine for the traffic rule he broke, and if not paid within 24 hours gets (Faction Warn)


Also you have 24 hours to pay the fine if you were posted. (Faction Warn)


The PRICE of FINES for violating traffic rules:


Parking irregularly-$1440 (Or pay at cop road)

Driven illegally-$1200 (Or pay at cop road)

Using hydraulics on a public highway 480$

Using NOS - 960$

Exceeding the legal speed between 50-100 km/h (Pay the ticket  at cop road)

Exceeding the legal speed over 100 km/h (Pay ticket at cop road)

Headlights off (Faruri oprite) - 1440$

Went on a carriageway-$720





When a cop breaks a traffic rule, he will be punished with a fain (check fines list below). If you don't pay it in 24 hrs you will recieve a Faction Warn.


Also, you have 24 hours to pay the fine in the factions deposit in case you have a complaint. (Faction Warn)



-Illegal parking - $25.000

-Illegal driving - $25.000

-Using NOS - $25.000

-Using hydraulics on a public road - $10.000

-Headlights off - $10.000

-Driving on sidewalk - $10.000

-Driving above speed limits 50-100km/h - Pay the ticket to a police officer

-Driving above speed limits 100km/h - Pay the ticket to a police officer



Aceasta schimbare se va aplica din data de 9.3.2020. | This change will be applied from the date of 9.3.2020.

Aceasta regula va fi postat in topicul de amenzi ca si pana acum | This rule will be posted in tickets topic as it was until now.

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Regula noua | New rule



Membrii de departament nu au voie să conducă abuziv și să deranjeze cu intenție ceilalți participanți ai traficului (exemple: intratul intenționat de multiple ori în alți șoferi, blocarea drumului, etc.). Încălcarea acestei reguli va fi sancționată cu Faction Warn. Exceptie cand mergeti dupa suspect!





Department members are not allowed to drive in an abusive way with an intention of bothering other traffic participants (examples: hitting someone multiple times, blocking the road, etc.). Disrespecting this rule will be punished with a Faction Warn. Exception to this rule is when you are after a suspect!




Edited by Nephilym
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Reguli Modificate


1.Sanctiunile pentru rapoartele de activitate au fost corectate



              -->Daca jucatorul are un raport de activitate restant(nefinalizat), iar la urmatorul raport de activitate fie nu reuseste sa-l recupereze pe cel trecut, fie nu reuseste sa-l completeze pe cel curent, atunci jucatorul va fi sanctionat automat in felul urmator:

                        *Daca are Rang 2: jucatorul va fi demis din factiune cu 10/60 FP.

                        *Daca are Rang 3 sau mai mare: jucatorul va primi Rang Down.

              -->Daca jucatorul are Rang 1, nu poate beneficia de modul de recuperare, deci nefinalizarea unui singur raport de activitate va duce la demiterea acestuia din factiune cu 60/60 FP.




* Rank 1 - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului curent, va primi kick cu 60/60 FP.

* Rank 2 - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului, va intra la raportul următor in modul de recuperare al raportului neterminat. Dacă nici de această dată nu se recupereaza acel raport, atunci va primi kick din facțiune cu 10/60 FP.

* Rank 3 sau mai mare - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului, va intra la următorul raport in modul de recuperare al raportului neterminat. Dacă nici de această dată nu se recuperează acel raport, atunci va primi rank down. Dacă nici următorul raport nu este finalizat, având deja în trecut 1 raport nefinalizat, 1 raport in curs de recuperare pe care nu l-a finalizat si cel curent nefinalizat, atunci jucătorul va primi kick din facțiune cu 10/60 FP.


2.Punctajul minim pentru raport a fost modificat.


  • Rank 1 - minim 30 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(1 test lunar(sau observator la 2 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 20 puncte + 1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate.


  • Rank 1 - minim 40 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(1 test lunar(sau observator la 2 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 puncte + 1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate.


Modified Rules


1.The penalties for the activity report were corrected.



-->If the member has an outstanding(unfinished) activity report, and the next activity report either fails to recover the past activity report, or fails to complete the current one, then the player will automatically be sanctioned as follows:

                        *If he has Rank 2: the member will be kicked out from the faction with 10/60 FP

                        *If he has Rank 3 or higher: the member will receive Rank Down.

               -->If the member has Rank 1, he can`t benefit from the recovery mode, so failure to complete a single activity report will result in his demise from the faction with 60/60 FP.



* Rank 1 - For non-completion of the current report, you will be kicked from the faction with 60/60 FP.

* Rank 2 -  For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If this unfinished report is not recovered this time, the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP.

* Rank 3 or higher - For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If that unfinished report is not recovered this time, then the player will receive rank down. If the following report is not finalized neither, already having in the past 1 unfinished report, 1 recovery report that has not been finalized and the current one not completed, then the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP.


2.The minimum points required changed.


  • Rank 1 - minim 30 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 points + the option of being a tester(1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 20 points + 1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.


  • Rank 1 - minim 40 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 points + the option of being a tester(1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 points + 1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.
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Din acest moment, castigatorii "Agentii Lunii", pe langa premiul in bani si prioritatea la rank up, vor beneficia si de o saptamana de raport optional din luna in curs. Cei care nu vor alege, o sa piarda premiul.




From this moment, the winners of 'Agents of the Month', besides the money prize and priority to rank up, they will also benefit with an optional raport in a week from the current month. Those who don't choose, will lose the prize.

Edited by FBI Terrasre
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Reguli Modificate



1. Pentru a-i acorda wanted 3 "cop attack" unui jucator, acesta trebuie sa va atace cu pumnii de minim 4 ori sau sa traga cu arma in voi (chiar si in jail) (Puteti sa aveti un video in care apare textul de la DMG Informerul serverului care va indica cine a tras in voi). Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn.



1. Pentru a-i acorda wanted 3 "cop attack" unui jucator, acesta trebuie sa va atace cu pumnii de minim 4 ori sau sa traga cu arma in voi (chiar si in jail) (Trebuie sa aveti dovezi clare, de preferat video sau multiple poze ca jucatorul a avut intentia sa va atace, sa fie clar ca n-a fost din greseala. Mesajul informativ care arata cat damage ati primit NU este suficient pentru a acorda Wanted 3 pentru Cop Attack). Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn.

Modified Rules



1. In order to give wanted 3 "cop attack" to a player, he has to give you at least 4 fists or shoot you with a gun.(even inside jail) (You can have in which it will show you the text of servers DMG Informer wich will show you who shot you). Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.




1. In order to give wanted 3 "cop attack" to a player, he has to give you at least 4 fists or to shoot you with a gun.(even inside jail) (You can have in which it will show you the text of servers DMG Informer wich will show you who shot you). (You must have clear proofs, preferably video or multiple photos that the player had the intention to attack you, to be sure it wasn't a mistake. The Damage Informer is NOT enough to give Wanted 3 for Cop Attack). Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.

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