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Interviu #22 - Krish - RPG Admin 1


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I present to you some details about Krish, ex level 4 admin on the secondary server, current level one admin on the main server.




Hello, Krish. I'd like to thank you for accepting my invitation to join in my interview. Let's begin, what's your name, how old are you and where do you come from?

Hello sRn, thank you for inviting me to this interview. My name is Krishanu Seth, I am 22 years old and i am from Gurgaon, India.

How does a day of your life look like on this server considering you have such a rank?

A regular day of my life would be to wake up at 9 AM, take a shower, have my breakfast and leave for work. After that I follow up with my real life duties and also with my in-game duties while at my office. I come back home by 7 PM and go to the gym with a friend of mine. Once I am back, I have dinner and also do some random stuff like playing SA:MP and later on I go to sleep.

How did you find out about this community?

I met a guy on a DM server one day, who told me to try the B-Zone primary server. I don't remember that guy's name, but thankfully he is the reason I could play on the B-Zone servers.

How were your first moments with us?

When I was new to the server I had no friends, I couldn't speak Romanian. I was just a lost guy running around and trying to figure out what the hell am i supposed to do. I used to stand outside the Pay n Spray Los Santos and watch other new players shooting the cars and fighting each other (Alex.bibi was one of them). Soon I started doing the same and got punished by the Admins (laugh). Things kept on this way until I met Karan and my other Indian friends who taught me the rules and how things are done on the server. After that there was no looking back.

What motivated you to remain on this community and to develop such a career?

What made me keep playing on this server were my friends. Friends such as Playerslayer356, Karan, Gisele and so many others. I could play for hours doing nothing but chatting to these people. What motivated me to develop such a career was my dream to achieve something big here.

Considering you don't know how to speak Romanian very well, was it easy for you to join a faction?

Honestly, I did have a hard time joining a faction during the early days. I used to get rejected a lot. But that gave me strength and I kept applying till the time I got accepted and that's anadvice I would like to give to everyone, don't get discouraged, you will surely get accepted one day.

How can you describe the time you've spent in Tattaglia (Verdant), considering you got promoted to rank 5 there?

The time I spent in Tattaglia Family was probably one of my best experiences on the primary server, it was my 2nd faction and I made some friends who are still in contact with me such as Maxtreme2008, Erow and Andrey13. Back then, there was no war system. The mafia members use to just roam around here and there, make fairs and sometimes have wars with another mafia. The leader at that time was Dj.Croco who promoted me to rank 3 and after he was replaced by Snizel, who ironically was the leader of my first faction (Paramedic). Snizel promoted me to rank 5. I stayed in the faction until the day Snizel decided to leave, I had great respect for him and I resigned before he quit the leader function. I'm glad I had the opportunity to join this faction and these memories will always stay with me.

After a new SA:MP server got created, you decided to start all over again. Which was the reason that made you quit the main server?

The feeling of a fresh start seemed very positive to me. I moved on to the secondary server, joined the Hitmen Agency and then things kept moving forward in favor on the secondary server as I was enjoying it a lot.

What can you tell us about the time you've spent in Hitmen Agency and Cuneo (Vietnamese), where you got promoted to the rank of co-leader?

I was the 2nd person to join the Hitmen Agency (the first one being TheKillerFish). During the early days in the faction I decided to work hard and give a great "report" at the end of each week. At that time the secondary server did not have many players. I remember we, the hitmen used to make "/ad's" to let people know that we have no contracts (laugh). The owner of the secondary server that time decided to change the Hitmen leader, Sawyer became the new leader after which he selected me as the co-leader and we worked together for a few months. Then one day Sawyer got promoted from Hitmen leader to Server Administrator. I was really surprised and happy for him at that time. Soon after that I left the Hitmen Agency and I've joined the Cuneo Family, where I met the biggest newbie of the secondary server called Paul (laugh), I'm just kidding he is a really good friend of mine. I stayed in Cuneo for a long time and made really good friends such Yumber, Sebastian, Mr.Froztic, Maxtreme and more. I can never forget those days when we used to fight at wars as a team and celebrate our victories.

How was the moment when you've got promoted to the admin function like?

It was actually very scary. I was in Cuneo that time and it was war time, so suddenly I got teleported to the Admins room and standing in front of me were Sawyer, Nicolas, TheEmperor, Hefa and other admins. First thing that struck my mind was, do they think i use aimbot? (laugh). I suddenly started thinking how will I prove that i don't use aimbot and got a bit scared. But then Sawyer asked me if i would like to be an admin and to which i immediately replied with Yes and then took a breath of relief.

Was it easy for you to get used to the new responsibilities?

During the early days, it took me some time to get comfortable, I used to cross check with the higher admins before making important decisions, but in time I became comfortable and I've started taking decisions on my own.

How did you feel when you've got promoted to the fourth level of this function?

Whenever you work hard to achieve something and you finally get it, the feeling is beyond awesome. It was a very happy moment given to me by Hefa.

Do you consider that your responsibilities as a level four admin were higher than a level one admin?

Each level of admin has different responsibilities. The level of responsibility keeps increasing with each admin level.

How did you feel when you got selected as the best admin from RPG2 by the players?

Honestly, I did not expect to win that vote poll but it made me feel that my hard work paid off. I thank all the players who voted for me.

Having the most wanted function from the server, what was the reason that made you quit?

If RPG 1 was a dream, RPG 2 was the dream come true. It was hard for me to take that decision but things were getting stressful day by day, many disrespectful decisions taken by some members of the staff were the reason i resigned.

After you quit the secondary server, you've moved onto the main one once again. Why?

I moved back to the primary server because the foreign player base on the primary server is larger than on the secondary server. Also, I have many Indian friends who play on the primary server.

Not after a long time from your return, you've applied to become a Helper and you got accepted. How did you feel in that moment?

I felt really happy because when I applied I had mixed feeling whether the staff members will accept me or not. But they gave me a warm welcome and I really appreciated it and I've thanked them with my heart.

Having a two months experience as a Helper, you got promoted as an admin. Did you feel appreciated at that time?

I again had mixed feelings when I was promoted to admin as I only had 2 months experience as a helper and there were others with higher experience than me. I am thankful to Karan and Kelton who trusted me and thought that I am deserving enough to handle this function.

Was it difficult to get used to the admin function on the primary server? I believe it wasn't that big of a difference from the secondary one, but the group, the personalities were considerably changed.

I didn't have any difficulties in getting used to the functions on the primary server as I already knew what I was suppose to do. But it took me some time to understand the updates which were applied after I left the admin function on the secondary server. As far as the group is concerned I already knew most of them, some way or the other.

Is there a difference between being admin on the main server or on the secondary one? Are there more responsibilities? Is there more work to be done?

There is not much difference except the fact that the primary server has a higher player base due to which there are more players seeking help than on the Secondary server. The responsibilities are same, but yes the work to be done is more on the primary server.

From your view, do you consider that you've accomplished enough on this community or do you want more?

As a foreign player, I think I have accomplished enough and I am happy with what I have currently.

Can you make a comparison between the main server and the secondary one?

It's not a secret that the primary server has a higher player base than the secondary server. Apart from that everything is the same and after Kelton has taken charge of the secondary server, I'm guessing even the way how the staff works is the same now.

How was the moment when you've got selected for the Moderator function of the "English forum"?

I was checking the forums one day when I saw a PM from Alex.Bibii, in that message he asked me if I would like to become the moderator of the English forum. I replied with yes and I thanked him for giving me this opportunity.

Is it difficult to take care of the section while being admin on SA:MP too?

Not at all, I am comfortably handling both my functions without much difficulty and I plan to keep these functions as long as I can.

What do you feel about the news updates? Are they beneficial to the players?

Yes, I think they are beneficial. They surely help the players understand the game better and i feel every bit of information that you can share is useful.

How do you see the server in two years?

Hard to predict the future, but in the past 1 year we have had some excellent updates and I am sure if things keep going this way we will hit 1000 player mark everyday (fingers crossed).

Considering you're a player with a vast experience on both servers, what advice can you give the foreign players, but not only, to prove themselves and to obtain a high rank?

I advice them to not lose hope only because they can't speak Romanian. Just be yourself, have fun, make friends, respect others, don't do anything wrong, join a faction and work hard. Success will follow you.

I'd like to thank you once more for accepting my invitation. I wish you good luck!

Thank you for taking my Interview, it's an honor for me.






Vă prezint câteva detalii despre Krish, fost admin 4 pe serverul secundar, actual admin 1 pe cel principal.



Salut, Krish. Îţi mulţumesc că ai avut plăcerea de a-mi accepta invitaţia. Pentru început te rog să-mi spui cum te numeşti, ce vârstă ai şi care este locul tău de provenienţă?

Salut sRn, multumesc ca m-ai invitat in acest interviu. Numele meu este Krishanu Seth, sunt din Gurgaon, India si am 22 de ani.

Cum arată o zi din viaţa ta având în vedere că ai o astfel de funcţie pe server?

O zi normala din viata mea ar fi: ma trezesc la 9 dimineata, fac un dus, imi iau micul dejun si ma duc la servici. Dupa asta am grija de responsabilitatile mele din viata reala cat si din SA:MP cand sunt la birou, iar mai incolo ma duc la somn.

Cum ai aflat de această comunitate?

Am intalnit un tip pe un server de DM intr-o zi, care mi-a spus sa incerc serverul primar B-Zone. Nu imi amintesc numele acelui tip, dar cu noroc el este motivul pentru care am putut juca pe B-Zone.

Cum au fost primele momente alături de noi?

Cand eram nou pe server nu aveam prieteni, nu puteam vorbi romana. Eram doar un tip pierdut care fugea prin jur incercand sa-mi dau seama ce naiba trebuie sa fac. Obisnuiam sa stau langa Pay N Spray Los Santos si sa ma uit la ceilalti jucatori noi cum trag in masini si cum se lupta intre ei (Alex.bibi era unul dintre ei). Imediat dupa am inceput sa fac si eu la fel si am fost pedepsit de catre admini (rasete). Lucrurile au continuat tot asa pana l-am intalnit pe Karan si pe ceilalti prieteni indieni de-ai mei, care m-au invatat regulile si cum functioneaza lucrurile pe acest server. Dupa asta, nu mai exista cale de scapare.

Ce te-a motivat să rămâi pe comunitate şi să-ţi dezvolţi o astfel de carieră?

Ce m-a facut sa raman pe acest server erau prietenii mei. Prietenii ca Playerslayer356, Karan, Gisele si multi altii. Puteam juca ore intregi facand nimic, doar vorbind cu acesti oameni. Ce m-a motivat sa construiesc o astfel de cariera era visul meu de a obtine ceva mare aici.

Ţinând cont că nu cunoşti foarte bine limba română, a fost uşor să intrii într-o facţiune?

Sincer, a fost greu sa intru intr-o factiune atunci cand m-am apucat. Obisnuiam sa fiu respins mult. Dar asta mi-a dat putere si am continuat sa aplic tot timpul pana cand o sa ma accepte cineva, acesta ar fi sfatul care mi-ar placea sa-l dau tuturor, nu te descuraja, cu siguranta o sa fi acceptat intr-o zi.

Cum poţi descrie perioada petrecută în Tattaglia (Verdant), având în vedere că acolo ai fost avansat la rank 5?

Timpul petrecut in Tattaglia Family a fost probabil una dintre cele mai bune experiente ale mele de pe serverul primar, era a doua mea factiune si mi-am facut niste prieteni ca si Maxtreme2008, Erow si Andrey13 cu care inca sunt in contact. Pe vremea aia, nu era sistem de war. Mafiotii doar mergeau pe-aici si pe-acolo, mai faceau cate un targ si uneori mai faceau un cu alta mafie. Atunci obisnuia sa fie lider Dj.Croco care m-a promovat pana la rank 3, dupa a fost inlocuit de catre Snizel, care ironic era liderul primei mele factiuni (Paramedic). Snizel m-a promovat pana la rank 5. Am stat in factiune pana la ziua in care Snizel a decis sa plece, aveam mult respect pentru el si m-am retras si eu inainte ca el sa lase functia de lider. Sunt fericit ca am avut oportunitatea sa intru in factiunea aceaasta si sa am aceste amintiri care vor sta mereu cu mine.

După ce un nou server de SA:MP a fost deschis, ai decis să începi de la 0, acolo. Care a fost motivul pentru care ai renunţat la serverul principal?

Sentimentul unui proaspat inceput imi parea foarte pozitiv. M-am mutat pe serverul secundar, am intrat in Hitmen Agency si lucrurile au inceput sa mearga tot inainte in favoarea mea pe serverul secundar, avand in vedere ca imi placea foarte mult.

Ce ne poţi spune despre perioadele petrecute în Hitmen Agency, respectiv Cuneo (Vietnamese), unde ai obţinut rangul de sublider în amândouă?

Am fost a doua persoana care sa intre in Hitmen Agency (prima a fost TheKillerFish). In decursul primelor mele zile in factiune m-am decis sa lucrez mult si sa fac cele mai bune rapoarte saptamanal. Pe vremea aia serverul secundar nu avea multi jucatori. Imi amintesc ca, noi hitmenii obisnuiam sa dam [/ad]-uri ca sa ii anuntam pe jucatori ca nu avem contracte (rasete). Proprietarul serverului secundar a decis sa schimbe liderul Hitmen Agency, Sawyer a devenit noul lider si m-a pus pe mine sublider si am lucrat impreuna pentru cateva luni. Intr-o zi Sawyer a fost promovat de la lider Hitmen Agency la Server Administrator. Eram foarte surprins si fericit pentru el atunci. Cu putin timp dupa asta am iesit din Hitmen Agency si am intrat in Cuneo Family, unde am intalnit cel mai mare incepator de pe serverul secundar, il cheama Paul (rasete). Doar glumesc, este un prieten foarte bun de-al meu. Am stat in Cuneo pentru mult timp si mi-am facut foarte multi prieteni buni ca si Yumber, Sebastian, Mr.Froztic, Maxtreme si multi altii. Nu pot uita niciodata zilele alea cand obisnuiam sa ne luptam la war ca o echipa si sa ne sarbatorim reusitele.

Cum a fost momentul în care ai fost promovat la funcţia de admin?

Era destul de infricosator. Eram in Cuneo atunci si era timp de war, si dintr-o data am fost teleportat in camera adminilor unde stateau in fata mea Sawyer, Nicolas, TheEmperor, Hefa si alti admini. Primul gand care m-a fulgerat a fost, cred ca folosesc aimbot? (rasete). Dintr-o data am inceput sa ma gandesc cum o sa le dovedesc ca nu folosesc aimbot si m-am speriat putin. Dar atunci Saywer m-a intrebat daca mi-ar placea sa fiu un admin, la care imediat am raspuns cu da in timp ce ma linisteam respirand usor.

A fost uşor să te acomodezi şi să te înveţi cu noile responsabilităţi?

In timpul primelor zile, mi-a luat ceva sa ma acomodez, obisnuiam sa ma consult cu adminii mai mari inainte sa iau o decizie importanta, dar in timp m-am acomodat si am inceput sa iau decizile pe cont propriu.

Cum te-ai simţit când ai fost promovat treptat la a patra treaptă a acestei funcţii?

Oricand muncesti din greu ca sa obtii ceva si in final primesti acel ceva, sentimentul este mai mult decat minunat. Era un moment foarte fericit pentru mine care a fost oferit de catre Hefa.

Consideri că responsabilităţile erau mai mari ca Admin 4 decât ca Admin 1?

Fiecare admin de orice level are diferite responsabilitati. Cu fiecare level creste si nivelul de responsabilitate.

Cum te-ai simţit în momentul în care ai fost desemnat cel mai bun admin de pe RPG2 de către jucători?

Sincer, nici nu ma asteptam sa castig acel sondaj de opinie dar m-a facut sa ma simt apreciat, ca si cum munca mea grea a meritat. Le multumesc tuturor jucatorilor care m-au votat.

Având cea mai râvnită funcţie de pe server, care a fost motivul retragerii?

Daca RPG 1 a fost un vis, RPG 2 a fost visul devenind o realitate. A fost greu pentru mine sa iau acea decizie dar lucrurile deveneau tot mai stresante cu fiecare zi, multe decizii proaste luate de catre staff au influentat retragerea mea.

După retragerea de pe serverul secundar, ai decis să revii pe cel principal. De ce?

M-am mutat inapoi pe serverul primar pentru ca numarul jucatorilor straini pe serverul primar era mai mare decat cel de pe serverul secundar. Pe langa asta, am foarte multi prieteni indieni care joaca pe serverul primar.

Nu după mult timp de la revenire, ai aplicat pentru funcţia de Helper şi ai fost acceptat. Cum te-ai simţit în acel moment?

M-am simtit chiar fericit pentru ca atunci cand am aplicat aveam sentimente amestecate cand venea vorba de decizia staffului, daca ma vor accepta sau nu. Dar m-au primit calduros si chiar am apreciat asta si le-am multumit din inima.

Având o experienţă de circa două luni ca Helper, ai fost promovat ca şi admin. Te-ai simţit apreciat în acel moment?

Si din nou am avut sentimente amestecate cand am fost promovat la admin, aveam doar doua luni de experienta ca si helper si mai erau si altii cu mai multa experienta decat mine. Sunt recunoscator lui Karan si Kelton care au crezut in mine si care au considerat ca merit destul de mult aceasta functie incat sa o stapanesc.

A fost greu să te acomodezi ca admin pe serverul principal? Presupun că nu era o aşa mare diferenţă face de cel secundar, dar grupul, personalităţile erau cu totul schimbate.

Nu am avut greutati in a ma acomoda cu functiile pe serverul primar avand in vedere ca deja stiam ce trebuie sa fac. Dar mi-a luat ceva timp sa inteleg noile updateuri care s-au pus in aplicare dupa ce m-am retras de la functia de admin de pe serverul secundar. Cand vine vorba de grup, deja ii stiam pe majoritatea dintre ei, intr-un fel sau altul.

Este o diferenţă între a fi admin pe serverul principal şi cel secundar? Sunt mai multe responsabilităţi? E mai multă muncă?

Nu sunt multe diferente, inafara faptului ca serverul primar are mai multi jucatori care rezulta la faptul ca mai multi jucatori decat pe serverul secundar cauta ajutor. Responsabilitatile sunt aceleasi, dar da, este mai mult lucru pe serverul primar.

Din punctul tău de vedere, consideri că te-ai realizat pe această comunitate sau îţi doreşti mai mult?

Ca un jucator strain, cred ca am obtinut destule si sunt fericit cu ce am momentan.

Ne poţi face o comparaţie între serverul principal şi cel secundar?

Nu este un secret faptul ca serverul primar are mai multi jucatori decat cel secundar. Inafara de asta, totul este la fel si dupa ce Kelton a preluat conducerea serverului secundar, ma gandesc ca si conducerea este la fel.

Cum a fost momentul în care ai fost ales ca moderator la secţiunea „English forum”?

Verificam forumul intr-o zi cand am vazut un PM de la Alex.Bibii, in acel mesaj m-a intrebat daca mi-ar placea sa devin moderatorul sectiei engleze pe forum. Am raspuns cu da si i-am multumit pentru sansa acordata.

Este greu să administrezi secţiunea şi în acelaşi timp să fii admin pe SA:MP?

Nu chiar, am grija de ambele functii ale mele fara prea multe dificultati si planuiesc sa imi mentin functiile cat de mult pot.

Ce părere ai despre noile update-uri? Ţi se par benefice pentru jucători?

Da, cred ca sunt benefice. Cu siguranta ajuta jucatorii ca sa inteleaga jocul mai bine si cred ca fiecare bucatica de informatie pe care o poti impartii este utila.

Cum vei vedea serverul peste 2 ani?

Greu sa prezici viitorul, dar in ultimul an am avut niste updateuri excelente si sunt sigur ca daca lucrurile continua asa o sa atingem limita de 1000 de jucatori in fiecare zi (degete incrucisate).

Având în vedere că eşti un jucător cu foarte mare experienţă pe ambele servere, ce sfat le oferi jucătorilor străini, dar nu numai, pentru a se afirma şi a obţine o funcţie?

Ii sfatuiesc sa nu piarda speranta doar pentru ca nu pot vorbi romana. Doar fi tu insuti, distreaza-te, fa-ti prieteni, respecta-i pe ceilalti, nu fa nimic gresit si intra intr-o factiune si munceste din greu. Succesul te va urma.

Îţi mulţumesc încă odată că mi-ai acceptat această invitaţie. Îţi urez mult succes!

Multumesc ca mi-ai luat acest interviu, este o onoare pentru mine.



This was my interview with Krish. We are waiting for your comments!

Acesta a fost interviul alături de Krish. Aşteptăm comentariile dumneavoastră.




Mulţumiri lui Plutonium pentru traducere

Edited by sRn
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