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Interviu #23 - Allen.Django - Ex RPG Admin 3


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Vă prezint câteva detalii despre Allen.Django, fostul lider al facţiunii Paramedics şi Admin 3 pe serverul principal.



Salut, Allen.Django. Doresc să-ţi mulţumesc pentru că mi-ai acceptat această invitaţie. Pentru începot aş dori să aflu mai multe despre tine, cum ar fi numele, vârsta, locul de provenienţă şi gestionarea timpului liber.

Salut sRn, eu iti multumesc pentru invitatie. Dupa cum multi stiti numele meu este Daniel Florin, am minunata varsta de 20 de ani, locuiesc in Com. Slobozia, Jud. Giurgiu si in timpul liber vizionez filme (sunt un mare iubitor de filme), merg la piscina, la o bere cu prietenii este vara cere corpul ceva rece.

Acum că am aflat mai multe despre tine vom vorbi despre partea ce implică jocul. Când şi cum ai ajuns pe această comunitate?

Prin aprilie 2010 veneam de la liceu si in drum spre casa, m-am intaltnit cu un prieten si din vorba in vorba a adus discutia de San Andreas Multiplayer, eu la aceea vreme nici nu stiam ca exista ,,multiplayer’’, bineinteles tot el mi l-a instalat, apoi m-a pus sa imi aleg un nume, eu repede sa imi pun ,,Fabyy’’ ghinion nu a mers asa ca mi-am pus ALLEN (numele unui jucator de CS).

Cum au fost primele momente alături de noi? A fost uşor să te acomodezi şi să-ţi faci noi prieteni?

Ajuns la faimoasa gara Los Santos nu stiam nimic, dar si acum tin minte, acolo era un mare avion de lupta (Hunter), era chiar Senz0r, l-am intrebat de unde imi iau si eu unul, la care el imi spune: faci level si intri in National Guard, oricum eu n-am inteles nimic la momentul respectiv. Imediat dupa 2 saptamani de activitate am aflat si eu de /buylevel…asta care mi-a spus de joc nu mi-a spus si mie ca se avanseaza in level dupa un anumit interval de ore jucate si usor, usor au trecut zile, saptamani, luni pana am ajuns intr-o factiune.

Ce te-a motivat să rămâi pe comunitate astfel încât să-ţi dezvolţi o astfel de carieră?

Eram foarte incantat fiindca se imita realitatea si voiam sa am si eu numele colorat pe tab, glumesc, voiam sa aflut cat mai multe despre acest joc.

De ce ai ales să-ţi începi drumul pe comunitate ca mafiot, intrând în The Stracci family?

Dupa 2 luni de civilianus, acest om care m-a adus pe comunitate pe nume GlaDy, era deja in mafie si am zis sa incerc si eu. La inceput eram foarte uimit de antrenamente, de war-uri, de tot ce era nou pentru mine.

Nu ai stat mult timp prin mafii şi ai decis să intrii într-un departament, National Guard. Aici, după multă muncă şi devotament ai atins rangul de sublider. Cum te-ai simţit atunci când ai realizat că eşti la conducerea unuia dintre cele mai râvnite facţiuni de pe server?

Eram foarte fericit pentru ca mi-a fost rasplatita munca si am realizat ca sunt apreciat pentru ceea ce faceam in National Guard, departamentul cel mai dorit de toti jucatorii, cred ca a ramas cel mai dorit si acum.

Ce detalii ne poţi da despre Ciupanezu, liderul tău la acea vreme şi cel mai longegiv lider pe care serverul principal l-a avut.

CiupaNezu a fost, este si va fi un om de nota 1000+, el nu refuza pe nimeni niciodata, iti sarea in ajutor oricand, daca aveai o problema te ajuta cu ce putea si nu doar in joc era asa ci si in viata de zi cu zi…rar in zilele noastre om ca el.

După o perioadă destul de lungă la cârma facţiunii, ai decis să părăseşti departamentul şi să treci la un alt nivel. Ai intrat în Hitmen Agency şi ai obţinut rang 4. A fost uşor să ajungi acolo având în vedere liderul de la acea vreme, Woozie?

Da, pot spune ca a fost chiar usor, am obtinut acest rang intr-o luna. Cum si de ce? La aceea vreme exista doar 3 oameni cu rang 4, iar cel cu rang 5 (Steve) era subliderul, acesta dandu-si demisia, a fost promovat la functia de sublider un agent de rang 4 (Addyn). In acest caz trebuia sa promoveze un hitman la rang 4 pentru distribuirea contractelor, eu fiind rang 2 nici nu ma gandeam ca eu o sa fiu omul ales cand stiam ca mai sunt si agenti cu rang 3 in factiune, dar spre uimirea mea, eu am fost alesul pentru ca eram foarte activ si la locul meu cred eu.

Ce detalii ne poţi da şi despre Woozie, o legendă a serverul principal, cu un trecut impresionant. Cum administra el facţiunea, ţinând cont că promova rar jucătorii şi nu discuta prea mult cu ceilalţi jucători.

Un om cu un caracter puternic, omul din umbra sa zic asa. El isi juca super bine rolul de lider al agentiei. Isi alegea oamenii cu grija, niciodata nu se grabea si de asta ii mergea treaba foarte bine. Cel mai mult si cel mai mult imi placea ca nu discuta cu civilii (foarte rar vorbea), discuta doar cu agentii lui.

După ce ai părăsit agenţia, te-ai reîntors într-o mafie, dar nu pentru mult timp. Ţi s-a oferit şansa de a deveni lider la o facţiune paşnică, Fireman/Paramedic. Cum te-ai simţit în acel moment?

Din Agentie am plecat cu gandul sa ma duc intr-o mafie sa ajung un mafiot de renume iar dupa aceea sa ajung chiar lider mafiot, dar nu a fost cum am gandit eu, a fost cum s-a nimerit. Dupa 3 saptamani in Barzini cu lider Unk. eram cel mai activ, eram si lider de grupare. Cand au trecut cele 2 saptamni de acomodare, normal se da rang 2, eram fiert, ma tinea cu rang 1, dupa sa imi spuna el ,,aveam in gand sa iti dau rang 5’’…in fine baiat bun. Intr-o seara vad pe public chat un anunt dat Gabb ca se cauta lider ,,Fire and Medic Departament’’ dau si eu report ca imi doresc aceasta functie si ma pun cu TV pe el (ceva gen recon la admini), vedeam ca tot se teleporta la Jack, apoi imi da PM ,,esti’’ si am iesit imediat de pe TV. Dupa o lunga discutie cu el m-a promovat ca lider si a iesit din joc, dar culmea aveam rang 1 si nu puteam sa folosesc nicio comanda de lider, oricum nu conta eram extrem de entuziasmat.

N-ai stat mult timp la cârma facţiunii şi ai renunţat. Care a fost motivul pentru care ai decis să pasezi ştafeta altcuiva?

Au fost niste probleme de sanatate…

După aproximativ 7 luni petrecute în alte facţiuni şansa la lider a venit din nou. Credeai în acel moment că vei mai primi vreodată o şansă? Cum te-ai simţit în acel moment?

Aceasta sansa a venit tot la factiunea ,,mea’’, eram la fel de fericit cum a fost si prima data pentru ca nu mai credeam ca voi mai primii vreodata sansa sa fiu lider.

Cât timp ţi-a luat ca să-ţi pui planurile în aplicare?

Stiam cum sta treaba si in maxim 2 saptamani totul era pus la punct.

Pe ce criterii ţi-ai ales subliderii?

Cu primii sublideri pot spune ca am dat-o in bara, ma gandeam ca au niste factiuni in spate, un anume rang si ma pot ajuta, dat m-am inselat. Apoi am mers pe activitate in primul rand si in al doilea rand eram atent sa aibe si level mic. De ce? Pentru ca intotdeauna playerii cu level mic sunt dornici sa ajute.

Ne poţi spune care au fost cei mai buni medici cu tine la cârma facţiunii?

Bineinteles, unii au fost exceptionali si aici ma refer la uiDivo, Brunetta., BogdiBMX, Waveshock, Megapolis, Andreynh0 si tu, sRn, cu voi in factiune totul mergea super bine. Am mentionat aici pe cei care chiar m-au ajutat si au ramas o perioada buna de timp in factiune.

După aproximativ 3 luni ca lider ai fost promovat ca admin. Cum a fost momentul acela?

Ohohohohoho, cel mai si cel mai si cel mai asteptat moment…tipam prin camera ,,este ba baiatule, bine ba baiatule’’ nu imi venea sa cred. Apoi mi-a picat netu’ si a revenit dupa 10 ore.

A fost uşor să te acomodezi cu noile responsabilităţi şi cu noii colegi?

Nu a fost chiar asa de usor dar nici dificil nu era, problema era ca aveam emotii, cu timpul am trecut peste ele si mi-am intrat in mana. Colegii erau baieti de treaba chiar nu ma asteptam sa fie o atmosfera asa amuzanta pe chat-ul nostru.

După ce ai administrat facţiunea 5 luni de zile ai decis să o laşi. Nu mai aveai timp pentru ambele funcţii sau ai decis să laşi funcţia altui jucător mai nou?

Am renuntat deoarece eram in ultimul an de liceu, ma complicam aiurea si nu iesea nimic bine.

Cum ai ales viitorii candidaţi la funcţia de lider?

Am propus cel mai activ om, mai exact subliderul factiunii (uiDivo), stiam ca o sa faca o treaba buna.

Treptat ai fost promovat la a treia treaptă a funcţiei de admin. Cum au fost momentele în care ai fost promovat? Te-ai simţit vreodată nedreptăţit? Credeai că meritai mai mult?

Acum sa fiu sincer. Da, m-am simtit nedreptatit si nu o data si nu de doua, de mai multe ori. Il intrebam pe Kelton diverse intrebari, imi placea sa fiu informat sa stiu care sunt lipsurile mele, el imi dadea cate un raspuns de imi dadea la picioare si asa ma supuneam si mergeam mai departe.

Cum a fost perioada petrecută în gangul El Loco Cartel, ţinând cont că erai şi admin. Erau discuţii că favorizai gangul?

Perioada in El Loco Carter a fost cea mai lunga perioada petrecuta de mine in ,,mafie’’ mai exact Gang si chiar mi-a placut. Am prins 3 lideri Andreynh0, Snizel, Al3xu1tzu super baieti. Discutii precum ca favorizam gangul nu au fost niciodata, eram destul de corect cu toata lumea.

Cum a fost perioda ca moderator la secţiunea Entertainment? Şi acolo ai moderat o lungă perioadă, aproximativ 1 an şi o lună.

Cu greu am obtinut si aceasta functie, am obtinut-o cu 5 zile inainte sa primesc admin pe serverul principal. Chiar imi placea mai ales ca ador filmele si chiar ma ocupam pana intr-o zi cand am fost promovat la admin 2, pe urma am lasat-o mai moale pana a luat Blade Global Moderator si am intrat sub aripa lui. A fost chiar baietas pentru ca putea sa ma dea afara dar el mi-a dat un termen limita sa imi imbunatesc activitatea deoarece eram la pamant, dar nu am putut si l-am anuntat sa caute pe cineva care chiar isi doreste.

Cum ţi se par noile update-uri, aici mă refer în special la joburile noi şi facilităţile contului premium, dar şi celelalte.

Chiar am urmarit toate update-urile si sunt foarte bune si utile novicilor, foarte buna ideea cu radio pentru toata lumea.

Ce părere ai că serverul secundar a fost preluat tot de Kelton? Crezi că va face faţă să administreze ambele servere cu brio?

Am inteles si eu din surse ca acum adminii cu level 3+ se ocupa in principiu cu tot, recrutare lideri/helperi/admini. Daca el are incredere totala in ei ca pot lua aceste decizii, se poate ocupa fara probleme si de serverul secundar.

Având în vedere că ai prins şi foştii administratori, Alexander şi RazR, cum ţi s-a părut modul lor de gândire faţă de a lui Kelton?

Doar Alexander a fost administrator, RazR a fost scripter. Alexander in 2010-2011 a fost foarte inactiv cine ma contrazice este nebun, dar stiu ca lua deciziile la rece, lui Kelton ii place sa testeze omu’ sa stie cat mai multe despre el…mare diferenta intre cei doi

A fost mai bine cu Alexander şi RazR decât cum e acum cu Kelton?

A fost si este mult mai bine cu Kelton pentru ca se ocupa, la vremea lui Alexander se raspundea la cereri unban doar sambata, la reclamatii admini/lideri se asteptau raspunsurile cu saptamanile.

Cum ţi se pare colaborarea dintre Mastertrap21 şi KillerFish în legătura cu scriptul?

Din ce am vazut in update-uri, eu cred ca una foarte buna, sper ca si asa este

Având în vedere că ai avut funcţii importante pe serverul principal, ce sfat le oferi jucătorilor în plină ascensiune să se remarce?

In primul rand sa nu schimbe factiunile ca pe sosete, sa nu fie dusmani cu ceilalti playeri, sa aiba incredere in ei pentru ceea ce fac deoarece vor fi remarcati odata si odata. Nimeni nu ramane cu degetul in gura daca face o treaba exceptionala.

Îţi mulţumesc încă odată că mi-ai acceptat invitaţia. Îţi urez mult succes!

Si eu iti multumesc pentru invitatie. Multa sanatate tuturor jucatorilor pentru a fi alaturi de comunitate mult timp de acum inainte!

English version



I present you some details about Allen.Django, ex-leader of the Paramedics faction and level 3 admin on the primary server.



Hello, Allen.Django. I would like to thank you for accepting my interview invitation. For the start, I'd like to know more about you, like your name, your age, where are you from and what do you do in your free time?


Hello sRn, I thank you for this invitation. Most of you know that my name is Daniel Florin, I have the wonderful age of 20, I live in Slobozia, Giurgiu and in my free time I watch movies, (I really love movies) I go to the swimming pool and to drink beer with my friends, in the summer my body asks for something cold to drink.


Now that we've found out more things about you, we'll talk about your virtual life. When and how did you join this community?


In April 2010 I was on my way home from highschool and then I met a friend, at a point in our conversation we started discussing San Andreas Multiplayer, at that time I didn't even know "multiplayer" existed, of course he's the one who installed it for me, then he asked me to pick a name, I quickly picked "Fabyy", sadly it didn't work so my final name was ALLEN. (the name of a CS player)


How were your first moments with us? Was it difficult to get used to it and to make new friends?


I got to the famous Los Santos station, I didn't know anything, but I still remember that there was a big Hunter plane, it was Senz0r, I asked where can I get one too, and he told me: you have to level up and join National Guard, even though I didn't understand anything at that time. Immediately after two weeks of activity I found out about [/buylevel].. that guy who told me about the game didn't tell me that you can level up after playing for some hours and quickly days, weeks and months passed until I've joined my first faction.


What motivated you to remain on this community in order to create your own successful career?


I was very pleased because it was like real life and I wanted my name to be in color on tab, just kidding, I wanted to find out more about this game.


Why did you choose to start your career on this community as a gangster, by entering The Stracci Family?


After two months of being a civilian, this guy who brought me on this community, GlaDy, was already in a gang and I've decided to try it myself. At the beginning I was very surprised by the training sessions, the wars and everything that was new for me.


You didn't stay in gangs for a long time at all, you've decided to join a department, National Guard. There, after high amounts of work you reached the rank of co-leader. How did you feel when you realized that you're one of persons who is leading one of the most loved factions of the server?


I was very happy because my work has paid off in the end and I've realized that I was appreciated for what I was doing for National Guard, the most loved department by all the players, I think it's still the best one even now.


What could you tell us about Ciupanezu, your leader at that time and one of the leaders who leaded the most time on the primary server.


Ciupanezu was and will always be a grade 1000+ player, he was never refusing anyone, he was always helping you, if you had a problem he'd help you with everything he could, he was like this in real life too, not only in the game, you can't findpeople like this at all anymore.


After a long period of time at the faction command, you decided to leave the department and to move on to another level. You've joined Hitmen Agency where you've received rank 4. Was it easy to get there considering the leader at that time was Woozie?


Well I can say it was pretty easy, I got this rank in about a month. How and why? At that time there was only three persons with rank 4, and the one with rank 5 (Steve) was the co-leader, when he quit a rank 4 got promoted to co-leader (Addyn). In that case he needs to promote a hitman to rank 4 so he could give out contracts, me being rank 2 I didn't even imagine that I will be the chosen one when I knew there were others with rank 3, but to my amazement, I was the chosen one because I was really active and I was doing my job well, I believe.


What can you tell us about Woozie, a legend of the primary server, with an impressive past. How was he leading the faction, considering he was rarely promoting the players and he wasn't discussing too much with the other players?


A strong man, the man behind the shadows so to say. He played his role of agency leader very well. He was picking his men carefully, he never rushed and that's why it worked out so well for him and his agency. The thing I've liked the most is that he didn't talk to the civilians, only with his agents.


After you've left the agency, you rejoined a gang, but you didn't stay there for long. You got the chance to lead a peaceful faction, Firemen/Parameidcs, how did you feel back then?


I've left the agency in order to join a gang and to become a famous gangster, and then to become a gang leader, but it wasn't as I've thought, it just happened. After 3 weeks of benig in Barzini with Unk leader, I was the most active, I was a squad leader. After 2 weeks of accommodation have passed, you normally get rank 2, I was boiling, he was keeping me with rank 1, then he told me "I was planning to give you rank 5", whatever, good guy. One night I saw on the public chat an announcement given by Gabb that they are looking for a leader for "Fire and Medic Department", I gave a report that I want this function and I put myself on TV on him (like the admin recon), I saw that he kept teleporting to Jack, then he PMed me "are you there" then I quickly quit the TV. After a long discussion he promoted me to leader and he quit the game, but funnily I was rank 1 and I couldn't use any leader command, anyway it didn't matter I was extremely excited.


You didn't lead too much before you quit. Why did you decide to give your leadership to someone else?


There were some health issues..


After about 7 months spent in other factions the leader chance came once again. Did you believe at that time that you'll receive a chance once more at all? How did you feel then?


This chance was to "my" faction, I was as happy as the first time it happened because I never believed I'm going to receive the chance to be a leader again.


How long did it take for you to put your plans in application?


I know how things were working so everything was perfect in about two weeks.


On what criteria did you pick your co-leaders?


With the first co-leaders I can say I've failed, I thought that they've been in many factions before with a good rank and that they can help me, but I was wrong. Then I went for activity first and then I made sure he's low level. Why? Because low levels are always willing to help.


Can you tell us who were the best co-leaders who aided you in leading the faction?


Of course, some of them were exceptionally good like uiDivo, Brunetta., BogdiBMX, Waveshock, Megapolis, Andreynh0 and you, sRn, with you guys in the faction everything was perfect. I've mentioned here the ones who have really helped me and who have stayed a good amount of time in the faction.


After about 3 months as a leader you got promoted to the admin function. How was that moment?


Ohohohohoho, the most awaited moment, I was screaming in my room "that's it man, good job man", I couldn't believe it. Then my internet crashed and came back after 10 hours.


Was it easy to get used to the new responsibilities and the new colleagues?


It wasn't that easy but it wasn't hard either, the problem was that I was excited, in time I got used to them and I started to get good at it. My colleagues were good guys which I really didn't expect, it was really fun on our chat.


After you've leaded the faction for about 5 months you decided to quit, you didn't have time for both functions or did you quit so other younger player can have it?


I quit because I was in my last year of highschool, it was complicated and nothing was going right.


How did you pick the next candidates for the leadership?


I've suggested the most active guy, the co-leader uiDivo, I knew he's going to do a good work.


Slowly you've been promoted to the next levels of the admin function. How were these moments of your promotion? Did you ever feel cheated? Did you feel you deserved more?


To be honest, yes, I felt cheated, and not only once or twice, more times. I was asking Kelton several questions, I liked to be informed and to know my drawbacks. He gave me answers that put me down and I've always listened and moved on.


How was the time you spent in the gang El Loco Cartel, considering you was an admin, too. Were there discussions that you helped the gang?


My time in El Loco Cartel was the longest time I've ever spent in a gang, and I've really liked it. I had 3 leaders, Andreynh0, Snizel and Al3xu1tzu, great guys. There were no discussions about me helping the gang, I was treating everyone with equality.


How was the time as moderator of the "Entertainment" section? You moderated it for a long time, about a year and a month.


Hardly I've received this function, I received it 5 days before receiving admin on the primary server. I really liked it because I love films and I really took care of it till a day when I got promoted to admin level 2, then I've put it aside till Blade received Global Moderator, and I've placed myself under his wing. He was a good guy because he could kick me out but he gave me a deadline to improve my activity because I was at the bottom, but I couldn't and I told him to search for someone else who really wants this.


What do you think about the new updates, I'm talking about the new jobs and the new facilities for the premium account, but also about the other stuff.


I've really followed the new updates and I can asy that they're really good and useful for the novices, really good idea with the radio for everyone.


What do you think about the fact that the secondary server also is leaded by Kelton? Do you think he's able to manage the both servers with ease?


I understood from various sources that level 3+ admins are taking care of everything, recruiting leaders/helpers/admins. If he trusts them entirely that they can take these decisions, he can easily manage the secondary server too.


Considering you also know the ex-administrators, Alexander and RazR, what do you think about their way of thinking in comparison to Kelton's?


Only Alexander was an administrator, RazR was a scripter. Alexander in 2011-2011 was really inactive, who contradicts me is insane, I only know he took cold decisions, Kelton likes to test the people and to know more about them, a huge difference between the two of them.


Was it better with Alexander and RazR than now with Kelton?


It was and it is way better with Kelton because he's doing work, at Alexander's time, ban appeals were answered only Saturday, at complains the admins and leaders waited for an answer for weeks.


What do you think about the collaboration of Mastertrap21 and KillerFish considering the scripting?


From what I've seen in the updates, it's a really good one, hopefully it really is.


Considering you had important functions on the primary server, what advice can you give to the players who are trying to get up there?


Firstly, don't change your factions too often, don't hate people like others, trust yourself for what you're doing because they'll be noticed sooner or later. No on remains at the bottom if they do a good job.


Thank you again for accepting my invitation. Good luck further!


I thank you too for this invitation. A lot of luck and good fortune to all the players, to be next to the community for long and forever!



This was my interview with Allen.Django. We are waiting for your comments!





Acesta a fost interviul alături de Allen.Django. Aşteptăm comentariile dumnevoastră.




Thanks to Plutonium for the english translation

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Am fost primul caruia i-ai acordat rank 5 ca lider. Un lider exceptional.


20.08.2012 13:53 Paramedics Left the faction

29.07.2012 14:14 Paramedics Got rank 5

21.07.2012 14:48 Paramedics Received FactionWarn

10.07.2012 13:57 Paramedics Received a FW clear

29.06.2012 22:06 Paramedics Got rank 4

25.06.2012 23:45 Paramedics Received FactionWarn

10.06.2012 20:53 Paramedics Got rank 3

27.05.2012 20:48 Paramedics Got rank 2

11.05.2012 15:55 Paramedics Joined the faction


Edited by STC Magnum
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Eu te-am prins doar ca admin level 3 si am fost o perioada colegi in ELC, dar mi-ai lasat o impresie foarte buna. Mult succes in tot ceea ce iti propui.




Multumim si tie sRn pentru acest interviu minunat.

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Multe amintiri frumoase ne-au legat frate ALLEN in acest joc, le-as mai petrece inca odata dar timpul nu imi permite. Felicitarile mele!

Felicitari si tie sRn pentru tot ceea ce faci si tino tot asa.

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