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6 Years Together [Events Schedule & Promo Offers]


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I. Happy Birthday!!!

A mai trecut inca un an si am ajuns sa sarbatorim cei 6 ani de cand comunitatea B-Zone a luat forma. Timp de 6 zile vom sarbatori cu fel de fel de concursuri si premii. Mai jos veti gasi programul evenimentelor ce vor avea loc pe serverele RPG si promotiile din aceasta perioada.

II. Servers events

RPG Servers Events
1. Opening Party - 01.09.2014 12:00 va avea loc o petrecere pe muntele Chilliad. Sunt invitati toti jucatorii. Harta speciala va ramane activa pe toata perioada evenimentului.
2. Trivia Event - de pe 01.09.2014 pana pe 06.09.2014 intre orele 10-24 vor fi afisate intrebari de tip Trivia din ora in ora. Pentru a raspunde va trebui sa tastati in chat. Raspunsul este validat automat de catre server. Castigatorul va fi anuntat pe chatul global. In cazul in care nu exista nici un castigator va fi afisat raspunsul in 2 minute. Premiile se vor acorda la finalul zilelor festive.
3. B-Day Quest - de pe 01.09.2014 pana pe 06.09.2014 pentru fiecare jucator au fost plasate 60 inimi pe harta serverului, cate 20 in fiecare oras. In total se gasesc 300 inimni, insa doar 60 sunt destinate unui singur jucator. Pentru colectarea celor 60 inimi veti primi 1 level up, 10 puncte de respect, 10 puncte de rob si 50 ore jucate.
4. Special Daily Extraction - de pe 01.09.2014 pana pe 06.09.2014 in fiecare seara la ora 22:00 va fi oferit un pemiu special unui jucator ales aleator din lista celor online.
5. Premium Account - de pe 01.09.2014 pana pe 06.09.2014 in fiecare zi la ora 13:00 va fi oferit un premium account unui jucator ales aleator din lista celor online.
6. Alte evenimente speciale vor fi anuntate in joc.

1. Opening Party - 01.09.2014, ora 21:00
Va avea loc o ceremonie de deschidere in care toti membrii vor primii fly intre orele 21:00 - 22:30, iar la arenele special amenajate vor avea loc anumite drop eventuri si giveaway-uri.
2. Trivia event - de pe 01.09.2014 pana pe 06.09.2014 membrii staffului vor pune cate o intrebare pe ora, iar jucatorul care va raspunde corect primeste $1.000
3. In data de 02.09.2014 la 21:00 vor avea loc din nou o serie de giveawayuri, drop event, mine event, Parkour.
4. In data de 03.09.2014 se vor da la toti jucatorii 5h jucate, Find the Chest, mine event, SkyFall, DropEvent.
5. In data de 04.09.2014 la ora 21:00 va avea loc o serie de eventuri de tip Hide and seek, minevent. Se va oferi un VIP gratis aleatoriu.
6. In data de 05.09.2014 va avea loc un event de tip Hunger Games si se va oferi un VIP gratis aleatoriu.
7. Vor avea loc si alte eventuri care vor fi anuntate pe parcurs in joc.
8. Dupa aceasta sarbatoare serverul va trece pe versiunea 1.8 cu anumite updateuri care speram noi vor aduce numai bune.

III. Promo offers

Denumire produs Procent reducere Pret initial(EURO) Pret initial(LEI) Pret redus(EURO) Pret redus(LEI) Cod promo
B-Zone: Forum
Clear 10 % of warn 15% 1 4 0.85 3.40 BDZ201415
Clear 50 % of warn 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 BDZ201420
Clear 100% of warn 30% 8 32 5.60 22.40 BDZ201430
Change display name 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
Change member title 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
B-Zone: RolePlay
Premium Account 15% 8 32 6.80 27.20 BDZ201415
Change nick 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 BDZ201410
Clear 1 warn 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Clear 2 warns 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Unban(Not for cheats) 50% 10 40 5.00 20.00 BDZ201450
Unban(Easy use of cheats) 50% 25 100 12.50 50.00 BDZ201450
Clear fp(10) 10% 1 4 0.90 3.60 BDZ201410
Clear fp(30) 15% 3 12 2.55 10.20 BDZ201415
Clear fp(60) 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 BDZ201420
Small House Interior 15% 7 28 5.95 23.80 BDZ201415
Medium House Interior 20% 12 48 9.60 38.40 BDZ201420
Big House Interior 25% 20 80 15.00 60.00 BDZ201425
Vehicle KM Reset 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 BDZ201410
Vehicle hidden color 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 BDZ201410
1 Extra vehicle slot 25% 4 16 3.00 12.00 BDZ201425
Vehicle-Premier 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Phoenix 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Freeway 15% 9 36 7.65 30.60 BDZ201415
Vehicle-FCR-900 15% 11 44 9.35 37.40 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Feltzer 10% 12 48 10.80 43.20 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Huntley 10% 13 52 11.70 46.80 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Savanna 10% 14 56 12.60 50.40 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Sabre 10% 15 60 13.50 54.00 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Jester 10% 17 68 15.30 61.20 BDZ201410
Vehicle-NRG-500 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Super GT 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Comet 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Elegy 15% 22 88 18.70 74.80 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Buffalo 15% 25 100 21.25 85.00 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Sultan 20% 28 112 22.40 89.60 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Cheetah 20% 31 124 24.80 99.20 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Turismo 20% 35 140 28.00 112.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Banshee 20% 40 160 32.00 128.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Bullet 20% 45 180 36.00 144.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Infernus 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 BDZ201420
Heli-Sparrow 15% 20 80 17.00 68.00 BDZ201415
Heli-Maverick 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Hotring Racer 20% 60 240 48.00 192.00 BDZ201420
Small clan 20% 10 40 8.00 32.00 BDZ201420
Medium clan 30% 15 60 10.50 42.00 BDZ201430
Big clan 30% 25 100 17.50 70.00 BDZ201430
B-Zone: Minecraft
Beacon 30% 4 16 2.80 11.20 BDZ201430
Diamond Horse Armor (x2) 20% 1 4 0.80 3.20 BDZ201420
Diamond (x64) 30% 2 8 1.40 5.60 BDZ201430
Emerald (x64) 30% 2 8 1.40 5.60 BDZ201430
Job (2nd) 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Jump 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
Full Glass Pack (x12 Stacks) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Full Wood Pack (x12 stacks) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Full Wool Pack (x12 stacks) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Level 25 All jobs 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
mcMMO REPAIR SKILL 1000 15% 4 16 3.40 13.60 BDZ201415
Nether Star(x1) 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
Personal End Portal 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Protections emerald blocks (x5) 30% 3 12 2.10 8.40 BDZ201430
Public Custom Warp (recommanded for shop) 25% 2 8 1.50 6.00 BDZ201425
Spawner (x2) 25% 3 12 2.25 9.00 BDZ201425
Enchanted Golden Apple (1x stack x 64) 30% 3 12 2.10 8.40 BDZ201430
VIP (1 month) 20% 3 12 2.40 9.60 BDZ201420
Sponsor (1 month) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
VIP (permanent) 20% 6 24 4.80 19.20 BDZ201420
Sponsor (permanent) 30% 8 32 5.60 22.40 BDZ201430
FLY 15% 4 16 3.4 13.6 BDZ201415
Gold Blocks (x2 stack x 64) 20% 2 8 1.60 6.40 BDZ201420
Glowstone (x5 stack x64) 20% 2 8 1.60 6.40 BDZ201420
Command blocks for teleport 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Unban 50% 6 24 3.00 12.00 BDZ201450


*Preturile in LEI de mai sus sunt valabile doar pentru plata prin depunere numerar. Preturile pentru plata cu cardul vor fi calculate la cursul euro din ziua respectiva. Platile prin depunere numerar sau transfer bancar se vor calcula la un curs de 1 euro = 4 lei. Spre exemplu, pentru 6 euro, veti avea de plata 24 lei.
*Produsele au un caracter permanent. Acestea nu expira dupa un anumit timp.
*Timpul de livrare mediu este de 2 ore. Produsele nu sunt livrate instant, un operator va livra produsele comandate.
*Vehiculele cumparate din magazinul nostru nu pot fi vandute altor jucatori. Mai multe detalii pe http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/96950-new-personal-vehicles-in-our-shop/ . Acelasi lucru se aplica si pentru categoria Heli : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/101616-autumn-sale-week-3-promo-code/.
*Jucatorii de pe serverele B-Zone : Roleplay pot detine pana la 4 vehicule, chiar si de acelasi tip. Pentru a detine mai multe vehicule puteti cumpara sloturi din shop.
Pe http://clienti.b-zone.ro/knowledgebase.php?action=displaycat&catid=9 se gasesc tutorialele de plata.

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I. Happy Birthday!!!

Another year has passed and we are now celebrating the 6 years since the B-Zone community took shape. For six days we are celebrating with all kinds of contests and prizes. Below you will find the program of events that will take place on RPG servers and promotions from this period.

II. Servers events

1. Opening Party - 01.09.2014 12:00 a party will take place on mount Chilliad. All players are invited. The special map will remain active during the entire event.
2. Trivia Event - from 01.09.2014 until 06.09.2014 between the hours of 10-24 there will be Trivia questions asked hourly. To answer you need to type in the chat. The answer is automatically validated by the server. The winner is announced on the global chat. In case there is no winner the answer will be displayed in 2 minutes. The prizes will be awarded at the end of the festive days.
3. B-Day Quest - from 01.09.2014 until 06.09.2014 for each player there have been placed 60 hearts on the server's map, 20 in each city. In total there are 300 hearts, but only 60 are destined for any single player. For collecting the 60 hearts you will receive 1 level up, 10 respect points, 10 rob points and 50 hours played.
4. Special Daily Extraction - from 01.09.2014 until 06.09.2014 on each night at 22:00 we will offer a special prize to a player picked randomly from the online list of players.
5. Premium Account - from 01.09.2014 until 06.09.2014 daily at 13:00 we will offer a premium account to a player picked randomly from the online list of players.
6. Other special events that will be announced ingame.

1. Opening Party - 01.09.2014 at 21:00
There will be an opening ceremony in which all members will receive /fly between 9:00pm and 10:30pm and on specially designed arenas it will be some drop events and giveaways.
2. Trivia event - from 01.09.2014 until 06/09/2014 staff members will put one question per hour, and the players who respond correctly will get $1,000.
3. On 02.09.2014 at 21:00 there will take place some giveaways, drop events, mine events, Parkours.
4. On 09.03.2014 all players will receive 5 playing hours, Find the Chest, mine events, Skyfall, DropEvent.
5. On 04.09.2014 at 21:00 there will be a series of events: Hide and seek, minevent. A free VIP will be offered randomly.
6. On 05.09.2014 there will be a Hunger Games event and it will offered a free VIP randomly.
7. There will be other events to be added in the game.
8. After this event we will pass the server to version 1.8.

III. Promo offers

Denumire produs Procent reducere Pret initial(EURO) Pret initial(LEI) Pret redus(EURO) Pret redus(LEI) Cod promo
B-Zone: Forum
Clear 10 % of warn 15% 1 4 0.85 3.40 BDZ201415
Clear 50 % of warn 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 BDZ201420
Clear 100% of warn 30% 8 32 5.60 22.40 BDZ201430
Change display name 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
Change member title 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
B-Zone: RolePlay
Premium Account 15% 8 32 6.80 27.20 BDZ201415
Change nick 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 BDZ201410
Clear 1 warn 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Clear 2 warns 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Unban(Not for cheats) 50% 10 40 5.00 20.00 BDZ201450
Unban(Easy use of cheats) 50% 25 100 12.50 50.00 BDZ201450
Clear fp(10) 10% 1 4 0.90 3.60 BDZ201410
Clear fp(30) 15% 3 12 2.55 10.20 BDZ201415
Clear fp(60) 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 BDZ201420
Small House Interior 15% 7 28 5.95 23.80 BDZ201415
Medium House Interior 20% 12 48 9.60 38.40 BDZ201420
Big House Interior 25% 20 80 15.00 60.00 BDZ201425
Vehicle KM Reset 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 BDZ201410
Vehicle hidden color 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 BDZ201410
1 Extra vehicle slot 25% 4 16 3.00 12.00 BDZ201425
Vehicle-Premier 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Phoenix 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Freeway 15% 9 36 7.65 30.60 BDZ201415
Vehicle-FCR-900 15% 11 44 9.35 37.40 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Feltzer 10% 12 48 10.80 43.20 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Huntley 10% 13 52 11.70 46.80 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Savanna 10% 14 56 12.60 50.40 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Sabre 10% 15 60 13.50 54.00 BDZ201410
Vehicle-Jester 10% 17 68 15.30 61.20 BDZ201410
Vehicle-NRG-500 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Super GT 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Comet 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Elegy 15% 22 88 18.70 74.80 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Buffalo 15% 25 100 21.25 85.00 BDZ201415
Vehicle-Sultan 20% 28 112 22.40 89.60 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Cheetah 20% 31 124 24.80 99.20 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Turismo 20% 35 140 28.00 112.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Banshee 20% 40 160 32.00 128.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Bullet 20% 45 180 36.00 144.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Infernus 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 BDZ201420
Heli-Sparrow 15% 20 80 17.00 68.00 BDZ201415
Heli-Maverick 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 BDZ201420
Vehicle-Hotring Racer 20% 60 240 48.00 192.00 BDZ201420
Small clan 20% 10 40 8.00 32.00 BDZ201420
Medium clan 30% 15 60 10.50 42.00 BDZ201430
Big clan 30% 25 100 17.50 70.00 BDZ201430
B-Zone: Minecraft
Beacon 30% 4 16 2.80 11.20 BDZ201430
Diamond Horse Armor (x2) 20% 1 4 0.80 3.20 BDZ201420
Diamond (x64) 30% 2 8 1.40 5.60 BDZ201430
Emerald (x64) 30% 2 8 1.40 5.60 BDZ201430
Job (2nd) 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Jump 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
Full Glass Pack (x12 Stacks) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Full Wood Pack (x12 stacks) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Full Wool Pack (x12 stacks) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
Level 25 All jobs 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
mcMMO REPAIR SKILL 1000 15% 4 16 3.40 13.60 BDZ201415
Nether Star(x1) 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 BDZ201410
Personal End Portal 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Protections emerald blocks (x5) 30% 3 12 2.10 8.40 BDZ201430
Public Custom Warp (recommanded for shop) 25% 2 8 1.50 6.00 BDZ201425
Spawner (x2) 25% 3 12 2.25 9.00 BDZ201425
Enchanted Golden Apple (1x stack x 64) 30% 3 12 2.10 8.40 BDZ201430
VIP (1 month) 20% 3 12 2.40 9.60 BDZ201420
Sponsor (1 month) 20% 4 16 3.20 12.80 BDZ201420
VIP (permanent) 20% 6 24 4.80 19.20 BDZ201420
Sponsor (permanent) 30% 8 32 5.60 22.40 BDZ201430
FLY 15% 4 16 3.4 13.6 BDZ201415
Gold Blocks (x2 stack x 64) 20% 2 8 1.60 6.40 BDZ201420
Glowstone (x5 stack x64) 20% 2 8 1.60 6.40 BDZ201420
Command blocks for teleport 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 BDZ201415
Unban 50% 6 24 3.00 12.00 BDZ201450

*Products are permanent. They do not expire after a certain time.
*Average delivery time is 2 hours. Products are not delivered instantly.
*Vehicles purchased from our store can not be sold to other players. More details can be found here : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/96950-new-personal-vehicles-in-our-shop/. Same thing happens for Helicopters : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/101616-autumn-sale-week-3-promo-code/.
*B-Zone: Roleplay players can have up to 4 vehicles, even the same type. If you want to have more vehicles you can buy extras slots from Shop.
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Mai jos se află lista cu câștigătorii eventului Trivia. Toți câștigătorii vor primi suma de $1.000 și 5 RP pentru fiecare întrebare.



Question 1: IoanaB answered correctly (Buddha). - (01.09.2014, 10:01:43)


Question 2: BigDevil answered correctly (Volga). - (01.09.2014, 11:01:33)


Question 3: Reyzard[ToV] answered correctly (Chelsea). - (01.09.2014, 12:01:34)


Question 4: [rTn]BIS answered correctly (Hotel FM). - (01.09.2014, 13:02:59)


Question 5: Edutuu answered correctly (West Side Story). - (01.09.2014, 14:10:16)


Question 6: rikos answered correctly (1981). - (01.09.2014, 15:01:35)


Question 7: Edutuu answered correctly (Chicago). - (01.09.2014, 16:01:41)


Question 8: Reyzard[ToV] answered correctly (Zagreb). - (01.09.2014, 17:01:33)


Question 9: TheGrimReaper[VIP] answered correctly (San Marino). - (01.09.2014, 18:01:33)


Question 10: [AIM]xFlavio answered correctly (marie curie). - (01.09.2014, 19:01:37)


Question 11: [uS]Adrian28 answered correctly (Perennial). - (01.09.2014, 20:01:36)


Question 12: .SkY.[VIP] answered correctly (school instructors). - (01.09.2014, 21:01:36)


Question 13: [GF]Andrei. answered correctly (05.11.2013). - (01.09.2014, 22:01:46)


Question 14: IoanaB answered correctly (01.04.2013). - (01.09.2014, 23:01:37)


Question 15: TeXx answered correctly (litiu). - (02.09.2014, 00:01:34)


Question 16: FunK. answered correctly (2). - (02.09.2014, 10:01:32)


Question 17: PauLyNNho[VIP] answered correctly (microsoft). - (02.09.2014, 11:01:33)


Question 18: IoanaB answered correctly (plamanii). - (02.09.2014, 12:01:34)


Question 19: TheGrimReaper[VIP] answered correctly (Newton). - (02.09.2014, 13:01:33)


Question 20: [uS]Smith. answered correctly (Mercur). - (02.09.2014, 14:01:34)


Question 21: [sQ]Matrix.Vicious answered correctly (Lucifer). - (02.09.2014, 15:01:33)


Question 22: OldNab answered correctly (Regele Solomon). - (02.09.2014, 16:02:36)


Question 23: Michael.xD answered correctly (1870). - (02.09.2014, 17:01:50)


Question 24: Mater.Chakra7 answered correctly (1976). - (02.09.2014, 18:01:41)


Question 25: angelxxx answered correctly (0). - (02.09.2014, 19:01:35)


Question 26: Alright[ADM] answered correctly (Elmer Fudd). - (02.09.2014, 20:01:59)


Question 27: Michael.xD answered correctly (robert ballard). - (02.09.2014, 21:03:06)


Question 28: [F4L]LosT8 answered correctly (Gabb). - (02.09.2014, 22:01:35)


Question 29: Regenesis[ADM] answered correctly (2008). - (02.09.2014, 23:01:32)


Question 30: [uS]EviL.Capone answered correctly (Mark Zuckerberg). - (03.09.2014, 00:01:35)


Question 31: IoanaB answered correctly (2,54). - (03.09.2014, 10:01:37)


Question 32: [GF]Naruto. answered correctly (august). - (03.09.2014, 11:01:34)


Question 33: Michael.xD answered correctly (Albania). - (03.09.2014, 12:02:05)


Question 34: Regenesis[ADM] answered correctly (drahma). - (03.09.2014, 13:01:34)


Question 35: [TE]AdhamTheKinG answered correctly (12). - (03.09.2014, 14:01:34)


Question 36: Adrian answered correctly (21). - (03.09.2014, 15:01:33)


Question 37: Regenesis[ADM] answered correctly (20.09.2012). - (03.09.2014, 16:01:59)


Question 38: [GF]Jodko answered correctly (royce). - (03.09.2014, 17:01:34)


Question 39: [GF]Mihnea answered correctly (Daniel_f). - (03.09.2014, 18:02:32)


Question 40: Cllau answered correctly (2). - (03.09.2014, 19:01:32)


Question 41: [GF]Zokee. answered correctly (Infernus). - (03.09.2014, 20:01:32)


Question 42: EuroStar answered correctly (Beethoven). - (03.09.2014, 21:01:34)


Question 43: Cllau answered correctly (Claustrofobie). - (03.09.2014, 22:01:34)


Question 44: TudorTudy23 answered correctly (Neil Armstrong). - (03.09.2014, 23:01:34)


Question 45: Kiranulea[ZEW] answered correctly (7). - (04.09.2014, 00:01:32)


Question 46: Reyzard[ToV] answered correctly (7). - (04.09.2014, 10:01:32)


Question 47: Detergent answered correctly (bravura). - (04.09.2014, 11:01:33)


Question 48: TheGrimReaper[VIP] answered correctly (1945). - (04.09.2014, 13:01:32)


Question 49: [GF]Andrei. answered correctly (phil heath). - (04.09.2014, 14:01:43)


Question 50: BotysGhytza answered correctly (2007). - (04.09.2014, 15:01:32)


Question 51: Richie.[ZEW] answered correctly (2011). - (04.09.2014, 16:01:33)


Question 52: DarriN. answered correctly (Southern Pimps). - (04.09.2014, 17:01:34)


Question 53: Echo. answered correctly (Germania). - (04.09.2014, 18:01:34)


Question 54: Roshu answered correctly (1939). - (04.09.2014, 19:01:34)


Question 55: [GF]Zokee. answered correctly (Helper). - (04.09.2014, 21:01:33)


Question 56: DrW. answered correctly (Whore). - (04.09.2014, 22:01:33)


Question 57: MaNiaCul34 answered correctly (pony). - (04.09.2014, 23:01:38)


Question 58: TudorTudy23 answered correctly (Landstalker). - (05.09.2014, 00:01:33)


Question 59: BigDevil answered correctly (Tattaglia). - (05.09.2014, 10:01:34)


Question 60: DonGambetta answered correctly (las venturas). - (05.09.2014, 11:01:33)


Question 61: [uS]Wukong answered correctly (8). - (05.09.2014, 12:01:33)


Question 62: Edutuu answered correctly (10). - (05.09.2014, 13:01:32)


Question 63: XtaZy answered correctly (3). - (05.09.2014, 14:01:32)


Question 64: Nikos. answered correctly (5). - (05.09.2014, 15:01:32)


Question 65: IoanaB answered correctly (asia). - (05.09.2014, 16:01:32)


Question 66: [uS]Maxtreme2008 answered correctly (sulfuric). - (05.09.2014, 17:01:36)


Question 67: BigDevil answered correctly (Reykjavik). - (05.09.2014, 18:01:35)


Question 68: PadE answered correctly (iuri gagarin). - (05.09.2014, 19:01:39)


Question 69: Ace.Vercetty[ToV] answered correctly (uruguay). - (05.09.2014, 20:01:34)


Question 70: PaulTrr answered correctly (1392). - (05.09.2014, 21:01:56)


Question 71: [GF]Robert answered correctly (44). - (05.09.2014, 22:01:32)


Question 72: TudorTudy23 answered correctly (Laika). - (05.09.2014, 23:01:33)


Question 73: OldNab answered correctly (Lisa). - (06.09.2014, 00:01:56)


Question 74: IoanaB answered correctly (12). - (06.09.2014, 10:01:32)


Question 75: IoanaB answered correctly (3). - (06.09.2014, 11:01:32)


Question 76: [GF]ribe answered correctly (Soarele). - (06.09.2014, 12:01:34)


Question 77: GreenReaper answered correctly (The Tsar Bratva). - (06.09.2014, 13:01:36)


Question 78: Danut answered correctly (Jamaica). - (06.09.2014, 14:01:33)


Question 79: Vlad_rO answered correctly (baseball). - (06.09.2014, 15:01:34)


Question 80: DemonRullz[ToV] answered correctly (eschimosii). - (06.09.2014, 16:01:36)


Question 81: RDCristian98 answered correctly (balena). - (06.09.2014, 17:01:34)


Question 82: [ThL]Francezul69 answered correctly (dog). - (06.09.2014, 18:01:33)


Question 83: [sQ]RasHid. answered correctly (0). - (06.09.2014, 19:01:33)


Question 84: CarN answered correctly (312211). - (06.09.2014, 20:02:22)

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