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[Portofoliu] Zx.Cristi


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Cristian, you are a liar and a thief. I wonder if any of this work is originally yours. Please remove my photo that you have slapped your watermark on and taken credit for. The original work is on my own website here, feel free to peruse if you'd like to follow a legitimate artist: http://galleries.aaronpriestphoto.com/Night/Moosehead-Lake-Maine/i-c4SxbRm/A In the meantime, I have reported your post and I hope karma takes care of the rest. I'll be happy to remove this post/complaint afterward.



Edited by AaronPriestPhoto
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Vorbește marele designer? Dacă nu știi, te rog eu. Taci.

Când vei face identice ca astea, mai vorbim.


Dacă comentariile sunt pentru + 1, tu de ce mă rog ai dat reply?

Mai , "Domnu mare designer" , el ti-a dat un sfat, sa-l iei in calcul si sa "mai cresti" in ps, nu da pareri de genu "wow frumoase" sau numai stiu cum, ca asa tu numai evoluezi deloc, asculta sfaturile altora, inloc sa te crezi "cineva" si sa critici.

PS: Mai ai de invatat.

Edited by Kire123
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Cateva din ele sunt foarte reusite,felicitari pentru munca depusa !

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