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Nick: AUDI_RS8

Rank: Assistant Chief

Am dat test cu: YoshiJiro

Data: 26/09/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 0,5/3

Rezoltat proba practica: -

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):

Alte menţiuni:

yoshi a dat practica cu mine si a trecut cu 8/10. Welcome.
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Nick: ZuGa_ZuGa

Rank: LSPD Captain (5)

Am dat test cu: [GF]Dejan88

Data: 29.09.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3

Rezultat proba practica: - 9/10

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) -Admis

Alte menţiuni:

Edited by SRB ZuGaZuGa
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Nick: Maxtreme2008

Rank: LSPD Captain (5)

Am dat test cu: D3nver.

Data: 27.09.20913

Rezultat proba teoretica: 0,5/3

Rezultat proba practica: -

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) -

Alte menţiuni: Prima probă.


Proba practica: 10/10 | Admis.


Nick: Maxtreme2008

Rank: LSPD Captain (5)

Am dat test cu: MaRiaN.

Data: 02.10.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3

Rezultat proba practica: 7/10

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) Admis

Alte menţiuni: $@l.

Edited by maxtr3me2008
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Nick: Mihnea

Rank: LSPD Lieutenant (4)

Am dat test cu: [OM3GA]

Data: 04.10.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3

Rezultat proba practica: -

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): -

Alte menţiuni: Proba practica maine sau o da cu altcineva.

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Nick: AlexM

Rank: Chief

Am dat test cu: Akki

Data: 07/10/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3

Rezoltat proba practica: 5/10

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Respins. Ai acordat wanted 6 cop kill si ai facut dm aiurea fapt ce a dus la picarea ta.

Alte menţiuni:

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Nick: InfernaGuess

Rank: Captain(5)

Am dat test cu: Tiblerone

Data: 10/10/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3

Rezoltat proba practica: In asteptare

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis

Alte menţiuni: Sunt femeie

Rezultat proba practica, 9/10. Welcome.

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Nick: InfernalGuess

Rank: Captain(5)

Am dat test cu: Akki

Data: 12/10/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 0,5/3

Rezoltat proba practica: Waiting

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):-

Alte menţiuni: -

Rezultat proba practica 7/10. Welcome

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Nick: Mihnea

Rank: LSPD Lieutenant (4)

Am dat test cu: Sbk.

Data: 14.10.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 2.25/3

Rezultat proba practica: 7/10

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis

Alte mentiuni: A dat proba practica cu InfernalGuess. Welcome!

Edited by Mihnea
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Nick: AUDI_RS8

Rank: 6

Am dat test cu: King_Andrei / King_Damian

Data: 16/10/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 si 1/3

Rezoltat proba practica: In asteptare

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): In asteptare

Alte menţiuni: AlexM e nab

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Nick: AUDI_RS8

Rank: 6

Am dat test cu: King_Andrei / King_Damian

Data: 16/10/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 si 1/3

Rezoltat proba practica: In asteptare

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): In asteptare

Alte menţiuni: AlexM e nab


King_Damian a dat practica cu mine, 6/10. Welcome!

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Nick: AUDI_RS8

Rank: 6

Am dat test cu: King_Andrei / King_Damian

Data: 16/10/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 si 1/3

Rezoltat proba practica: In asteptare

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): In asteptare

Alte menţiuni: AlexM e nab


King_Andrei, rezultat proba practica: 6/10. Welcome!

Edited by Mihnea
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Nick: AUDI_RS8

Rank: 6

Am dat test cu: King_Andrei / King_Damian

Data: 16/10/2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 si 1/3

Rezoltat proba practica: In asteptare

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): In asteptare

Alte menţiuni: AlexM e nab

King_Andrei, rezultat proba practica: 7/10. Welcome!

Eu am dat cu King_Andrei si a obtinut 6/10.

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Nick: Magnum

Rank: Lieutenant (4)

Am dat test cu: Sonny

Data: 23.10.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1,25/3

Rezultat proba practica: In asteptare

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) In asteptare

Alte mentiuni: Revin cu edit.

Edited by Magnum96
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Nick: Magnum

Rank: Lieutenant (4)

Am dat test cu: Sonny

Data: 23.10.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1,25/3

Rezultat proba practica: In asteptare

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) In asteptare

Alte mentiuni: Revin cu edit.

Imi pare rau, nu a mers EDIT.


Nick: Magnum

Rank: Lieutenant (4)

Am dat test cu: Sonny

Data: 23.10.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 1,25/3

Rezultat proba practica: 9/10

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): ADMIS

Alte mentiuni: Bun venit.

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Nick: RoberteL
Lieutenant (4)
Am dat test cu: Rendark
Data: 24.10.2013
Rezultat proba teoretica:
Rezultat proba practica:
In asteptare
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) In asteptare
Alte mentiuni: Revin cu edit.

Edited by RoberteL
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Nick: RoberteL

Rank: Lieutenant (4)

Am dat test cu: Rendark

Data: 24.10.2013

Rezultat proba teoretica: 2/3

Rezultat proba practica: 5/10

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) Respins

Alte mentiuni: Nu merge edit

Edited by RoberteL
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Nick: Magnum
Lieutenant (4)
Am dat test cu: JohnnyRO
Data: 27.10.2013
Rezultat proba teoretica:
Rezultat proba practica:
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): ADMIS
Alte mentiuni: Bun venit.

Edited by Magnum96
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Nick: ZuGa_ZuGa
Rank: LSPD Captain (5)
Am dat test cu: prince sheikh

Data: 27.10.2013
Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
Rezultat proba practica: -
Rezultat total (Admis/Respins) - Respins

Alte menţiuni: We made deal, learn rules better and apply again.

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