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Welcome Royce

Dion ibe

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- Nick: Royce.

- Name: Royce

- Age: 18 Years old

- Location: Tunisia

- Ocupation: School

- Favorite games: Just Samp

- Your hobbies: Playing

- A short description about you: First My name is Royce and I am from Tunisia , a very hot country with a lot of nice people. Secound of all I have a very settled character , that means I try to focus important points like school or family because this is our secret recipe to be luck or successful in life. Another point of my character is that I am tolerant to all people and don't judge them for her or his religion, because we are all the same called nowadays Human. In my freetime I like it to spent a lot of time with my friends to hang around in our beautiful city , sometimes we are hunting chickens I am a passive person.

- How did you find B-Zone?: My alls friends says to me we know new game but i don't do any Importance for this but after i see my friend play and i like that ,So i ask him to Downlowd to me and step by step i became good

- Anything else: Nice day.

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