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7 Years Together [RPG Events]


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Wow, chiar nu ma asteptam, ca de 7 ani, sa fie asa, in niciun an nu a fost asa cum este acum. I LOVE YOU B-ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fortza , B-Zone!

B-Zone nu va moare!!!!!!!!

La Multi Ani, B-Zone!!!!!!!!!





Wow , really did not expect , for seven years , to be so, in no year was not as it is now. I LOVE YOU B -ZONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fortza , B -Zone !
B -Zone will not die !!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday , B -Zone !!!!!!!!!


<script> </script>

I Love You B-Zone!!!

B-Zone will not Die!!!!!!!!!

Edited by RW FlameSkull24
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Trebuie să iei 5 payday-uri consecutive. Adică da, 5 ore jucate la rând. Nu faci acum 2 ore și mâine celelalte 3 ore.

Am inteles, mersi ca mi-ai spus.

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Felicitări în special lui Andrei , Daniel, Gabb,Master și celorlalți pentru ce au făcut. Am ajuns sa am 6 ani pe aceasta comunitate, acum am văzut pe Facebook ca ea împlinește 7 ani( nu mai joc) La Mulții ani B-Zone !!!!

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Forte frumos! pace si respect bobo :* . Va urmez un calduros La multi ani! :) Parere: Eu zic ca o sa ii multumesti pe toti cu tot ce ai facut! pe mine prea putin ma intreseaza event-urile ... scopu meu pe RPG2 e GSB si LS.



Edited by Faneeeee
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Felicitari Bobo, Kelton si tuturor care au participat la aceste idei splendide !

Sper sa ajungem cat mai sus si la 20 de ani! :D . Felicitari, si abia astept sa colectez premiile :3

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Dear players,

ro32.png uk32.png

7 years together!

Seven years have passed since the opening of the B-Zone community with new adventures, objectives and a lot of fun. This year we will celebrate for 7 days the 7 glory years of our community. During the 1st of September 2015 - the 7th of September 2015 you will see a mixture of events on our RPG servers. Here are the events we prepared for you!





We want you to know that during the festive period on the Vinewood hill you can collect at every 6 hours a prize. You can win 1.000$-5.000$, 1-5 Respect Points or 10-50 Gold. More than that, the important places in the city have been festively decorated and in a lot of areas you can listen to the community's radio.




A new Quest has been added, this time with bigger prizes. Players need to find the 150 briefcases, 50 in each city, to receive the prize of 30.000$, 40 Respect Points, 10 Rob Points, 10 Escape Points, 400 Gold and a Level UP. To get help for finding the remaining briefcases, you can use the /questhelp command.


Dublu RP & Level UP


During the festive period you will receive 2 respect points for each played hour on the servers. More than that, at each 5 played hours (not AFK) you will automatically receive on Level UP. This prize can be received once per day.




Each payday can bring you a new bonus! Between the hours of 10 and 24 by answering correctly to the question asked by the server you can win one of the following 6 prizes: $3,000, 3 respect points, 100 Gold, 3 rob points, 3 escape points or one day premium account.




For the online players on the server we have prepared 4 daily extractions. With a bit of luck you can win one of the following prizes: 1 vehicle extra slot, a vehicle (Sandking, Sabre, Flash, NRG-500, Comet, Elegy, Sultan), 14 days premium account or Level UP. Extractions will be made randomly during the hours of 10 and 22.


Hidden objects


In each city you can find a bomb that hides certain surprizes: the explosion which will kill you (infinite stock), Level UP (20 stock), 1 vehicle extra slot (20 stock), 1 respect point (500 stock), $1,000 (500 stock), 10 Gold (500 stock), dildo (2000 stock), chainsaw (2000 stock), Infernus (3 stock), Sultan (3 stock), MonsterTruck A (1 stock). Once the bomb has been found it will change its location thus offering other players the possibility to find it. This object can be colected for an infinite number of times.


LCS & DM events


Once a day randomly between 10 and 22 a Last Car Standing or DeathMatch event will be organized. To participate in the events you will get a checkpoint on the map and the first players to get there will be part of the event. The prize will be $50,000 and 100 Gold.



We are waiting you on one of the 3 RPG servers to meet new friends and have fun together. B-Zone staff wishes you a generously welcome.

rpg.b-zone.ro:7777 | rpg2.b-zone.ro:7777 | rpg3.b-zone.ro:7777


Cum luam bomba?


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