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[Presentation] -Ro[G]er


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- Nick: Ro[G]er
- Name: Dhia hannachi
- Age: 17
- Location: Tunisia
- Ocupation: Student
- Favorite games: cs go/clach royale/ league of leagends / Sa:MP ...etc
- Your hobbies: playing football with freinds and listening music or watching video clips
- A short description about you: hello, im a normale person i like playing video games with freinds i mean i play only online games and i life in a bieutiful country of course i want all of you visit it, im a short boy i hate the school like evry student i have a girl freind a gamer girl freind =) and that's it.
- How did you find B-Zone?: b-zone is a server from the best servers i played or let's say is the better one wich i found a good players from the first days they are helpful some of them didn't accept me becouse they think am taliban but others are so nice they give me a lot of respect and they show me a lot of things about the game like GoSa , peleg , Geont ....etc thank's a lot for them.
- Anything else: nothing important, Welcome to me.

Edited by DhiA
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