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The Broken Wings (2003)


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Autor: Khalil Gibran

Book title: The Broken Wings

Publication year: 2003

Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Novels, Classics

Number of pages: 132 pages

Short description: This is the exquisitely tender story of love that beats desperately against the taboos of Oriental tradition. With great sensitivity, Gibran describes his passion as a youth for Selma Karamy, the girl of Beirut who first unfolded to him the secrets of love. But it is a love that is doomed by a social convention which forces Selma into marriage with another man. Portraying the happiness and infinite sorrow of his relationship with Selma, Gibran at the same time probes the spiritual meaning of human existence with profound compassion. **Lightning Print On Demand Title.

Personal review: A really great book and immensely enlightening. The author greatly presents many things. He has presented himself as a staunch critic of the string Religious Aspirations people share and blind faith in those who claim themselves to be the closest to God. He also shows what it means to love someone with all heart and mind. He in this book also presents a Philosophical (and Spiritual) perspective of love as well!. This shows he was well ahead of his time!

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