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[PAWN] Date & Time


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În acest tutorial vă voi prezenta cum se poate afișa data cât și ora pe server.



Înainte de toate eu am folosit include-ul: a_samp și am definit FUNCTION

#include <a_samp>

#define function%0(%1) forward %0(%1); public %0(%1)


1. Creăm două variabile, una pentru dată, iar celalaltă pentru oră.

new Text: ServerDate;
new Text: ServerTime;


2. Creăm două textdraw-uri globale, unul pentru dată și unul pentru oră.

ServerDate = TextDrawCreate(576.999694, 31.525890, "10.10.2020");
TextDrawLetterSize(ServerDate, 0.271666, 1.309629);
TextDrawAlignment(ServerDate, 2);
TextDrawColor(ServerDate, -1);
TextDrawSetShadow(ServerDate, 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(txtDateDisp, 1);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(ServerDate, 255);
TextDrawFont(ServerDate, 2);
TextDrawSetProportional(ServerDate, 1);
ServerTime = TextDrawCreate(577.000122, 14.933329, "00:00");
TextDrawLetterSize(ServerTime, 0.484999, 1.890370);
TextDrawAlignment(ServerTime, 2);
TextDrawColor(ServerTime, -1);
TextDrawSetShadow(ServerTime, 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(ServerTime, 1);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(ServerTime, 255);
TextDrawFont(ServerTime, 3);
TextDrawSetProportional(ServerTime, 1);


3. Mergem la OnGameModeInit și vom crea un timer global cu intervalul de 1 secundă.

public OnGameModeInit()
	OneSecondTimer = SetTimer("OneSecond", 1000, true);
	return 1;


4. Creăm funcția care va fi apelată la fiecare secundă de către timer-ul creat.

function OneSecond()
	new hour, min, sec, year, month, day, dateString[32], timeString[32]; //cream variabilele necesare

	gettime(hour, min, sec); //luam ora, minutele si secundele
	getdate(year, month, day); //luam anul, luna si ziua	
	format(dateString, 32, "~w~%02d/%02d/%d", day, month, year); //formatam string-ul pentru data cu valorile luate mai sus
	format(timeString, 32, "~w~%02d:%02d:%02d",hour, min, sec); //formatam string-ul pentru ora cu valorile luate mai sus
	TextDrawSetString(ServerDate, dateString); //Setam textdraw-ului pentru data string-ul formatat mai sus
	TextDrawSetString(ServerTime, timeString); //Setam textdraw-ului pentru ora string-ul formatat mai sus
	TextDrawShowForAll(ServerDate); //Afisam tuturor jucatorilor textdraw-ul pentru data
	TextDrawShowForAll(ServerTime); //Afisam tuturor jucatorilor textdraw-ul pentru ora
	return 1;


Cam așa se poate afișa data și ora pe server. Sper că v-a fost de ajutor acest tutorial. Pentru orice întrebare/nelămurire puteți trimite un PM la un Programmer sau să deschideți un topic in secțiunea Help and Discussions.


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Hey, Congratulations for this great tutorial. 

getTime() probably gets the timing of the hosting machine, can we base our time on something else? ( a timestamp for example ).

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9 minutes ago, CouldnoT said:

Hey, Congratulations for this great tutorial. 

getTime() probably gets the timing of the hosting machine, can we base our time on something else? ( a timestamp for example ).

Answer is no, because it is not possible for the timestamp time to be server time on host (timestamp time is your computer time). If you have a localhost server, your server have your computer time (of the host practically).

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@Tupi I don't have idea if timestamp is predefined this way for SA:MP what I meant by timestamp is export the timestamp timing from a site web ( timestamp : is the number of seconds counted starting from 1970 I can't remember the exact date ), so, all I have to do to regulate the date is so it can match the real timing is my country, for example.

hour = hour - 1;

Am I right?

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12 hours ago, CouldnoT said:

hour = hour - 1;

Am I right?

@CouldnoT This statement is extraordinarily false, it has absolutely nothing to do with that. 


You neet call API for date and time for the date and time of a country different from yours.

Edited by Tupi
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5 minutes ago, CouldnoT said:

Provide an example.

forward MyHttpResponse(index, response_code, data[]);

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if (!strcmp("/hello",cmdtext,true))
        HTTP(playerid, HTTP_GET, "kc.gd/hello.txt", "", "MyHttpResponse");
        return 1;
    return 0;

public MyHttpResponse(index, response_code, data[])
    new buffer[ 128 ];
    if (response_code == 200)
        format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "The URL replied: %s", data);
        SendClientMessage(index, 0xFFFFFFFF, buffer);
        format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "The request failed! The response code was: %d", response_code);
        SendClientMessage(index, 0xFFFFFFFF, buffer);

It's not too complicated, but I don't know how many I understand.

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