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Event Gaseste locatia/ Find the location


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RO: Dupa ce Diabolik a organizat acest tip de event, m-am gandit ca ar fi frumos sa-l continui eu deoarece mi-a placut ideea.


Descrierea Event-ului

In fiecare saptamana voi posta cateva poze cu anumite locatii din San Andreas. Pozele vor fi fara mini-radar, chat, bani etc. (F7). Aceste locatii pot fi oriunde: Los Santos, San Fiero, Las Venturas, pe munti/dealuri etc. La fiecare poza voi da si un Hint despre locatie. Primul care va posta poza va primi 100.000$




1. In poza facuta trebuie sa fie vizibile mini-radarul si chat-ul.

2. Poza trebuie facuta dintr-un unghi cat de cat asemenator (chiar si identic, daca se poate).

3. Poza poate fi facuta cu orice vehicul sau cu character-ul.



De asemenea, oricine este bine-venit sa doneze o suma de bani pentrul premiul event-ului. Donatorii nu vor beneficia de anumite hint-uri sau aflarea locatiei etc. Acestia pot participa la event daca doresc. Ceea ce trebuie sa faci, ca sa donezi, este sa completezi urmatorul model:



-Suma pe care doresti sa o donezi:

-Nr. de telefon (optional):


English: After Diabolik had organised this type of event, I've thought that it would be nice to continue it because I liked the idea.


The Description of the Event


Every week, I will post some screenshots with some locations of San Andreas. The screenshots will be made without mini-radar, chat, money etc. (F7). These locations can be anywhere: Los Santos, San Fiero, Las Venturas, on mountains/hills etc. Every time I will post a screenshot, I will give a hint about the location. First person who post the SS will get 100.000$



1. On every screenshot, the mini-radar (small map on the left corner of the screen) and the Chat must be enabled.

2. The SS must be taken from a similar angle (identical it would be good)

3. The SS can be taken with all vehicles or with the character (as mine)




Every player is welcome to donate for the prize of this event. The donators will not benefit from finding the location etc. He can participate at the event if he wants. For donating, please fill the model:



-The sum of donation:

-Number of cellphone (optional):


Editia I




Hint: Locul se afla in Los Santos. In partea stanga se afla gunoaiele, un alt indiciu.


Location: SS

Hint: It is located in Los Santos. There is the garbage too, in the left side of the screen.

Edited by k1ll3r1
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Imi pare rau, dar cred ca nu ai citit bine regula 1. Poza trebuie facuta fara F7, adica CU Chat si Mini-radar.

Poti reveni cu un edit si daca nu posteaza nimeni inainte, vei castiga.

Edited by k1ll3r1
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Imi pare rau, nu este locatia buna. Daca te uiti atent in poza mea, sunt niste gunoaie acolo.



Sfarsitul primei editii.

Castigator: RamoNa.




Editia a-II-a


Locatie: Poza

Hint: In nordul orasului Los Santos


Location: SS

Hint: It is located in north of Los Santos city.

Edited by k1ll3r1
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Sfarsitul editie II.

Castigator: CrazyWolf

Dovada: Poza

Premiul: 100.000$ (Donatii: 0$)


F4L Blade, ai revenit cu edit prea tarziu.

In scurt timp (maine poate) voi face urmatoarea editie. Fiti pe faza ca voi reveni cu Edit.

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Editia a III-a


Locatie: Poza

Hint: Locatia se afla aproape de aeroportul parasit.


Location: SS

Hint: It is located somewhere near the airport from desert.


Multumesc everzor pentru donatie. Premiul a fost ridicat la 200.000$

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Sfarsitul editiei III

Castigator: everzor

Dovada: Poza

Premiul: $200.000 (Donatii: $100.000, Donator: everzor)


Voi reveni in scurt timp (maine sau poimaine) cu un edit cu inceperea editiei urmatoare.




Editia a IV-a


Locatie: Poza

Hint: Aproape de Las Venturas


Location: SS

Hint: Near Las Venturas

Edited by k1ll3r1
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poza : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/703/samp026ezw.png/


nick: Delgado


P.S. tdd a ajuns mai rpd ca mine de asta e si el in poza.eu sunt cel in alb


POZA : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/samp071n.png/




Locatia este corecta, am fost primul care am postat, deci winner :D


cat bulan ba omuleeeee X((( am fost si de fatza cu tn cand am facut pozaa X((( da mi-a luat mult ca am luat toate casele de la palatu lu kaiac in jos pana am gasit casa aia nenorocita.ehh bine jucat orikm :-J

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