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Buna ziua!

Am modificat cateva lucruri la regulamentul intern dupa ce am primit cateva propuneri din partea lui DreeW.

Va rog sa cititi cu atentie punctele: 2.29 | 4.7 | 3.5 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 7.9 | 5.9 !




I have modified a few things to the intern rules after I received some proposals from DreeW.

Please read carefully the points: 2.29 | 4.7 | 3.5 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 7.9 | 5.9 !




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Buna seara!

Va aduc la cunostinta ca am modificat putin modelul de postare pentru interviuri si pachete, la fel si preturile acestora!

Topicuri modificate: Detalii interviuri si pachete de anunturi | Cereri interviuri | Cereri pachete de anunturi!



Good evening!

I inform you that I have modified the posting model for interviews and bundle of announcements a bit, as well as their prices!

Modified topics: Details about interviews and bundles | Interviews requests | Bundle of announcements requests!

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Buna seara!

Tin sa va informez ca si saptamana viitoare aveti raport optional cu ocazia sarbatorilor. Sper ca ati avut un Craciun fain alaturi de cei dragi voua. Cel mai probabil voi face o activitate, dar cand suntem mai liberi, inainte sa inceapa scoala si dupa ce au trecut sarbatorile. In caz ca voi organiza, va anunt din timp.

Va doresc un AN NOU FERICIT plin de surprize placute! ❤️ 



Good evening!

I want to inform you that next week you have optional report on the occasion of the holidays. I hope you had a great Christmas with your loved ones. Most likely I will do an activity, but when we are free, before school starts and after the holidays. In case I organize, I will announce in advance.

I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR full of pleasant surprises! :* 


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Buna ziua!

Precum v-am informati mai dinainte, am decis sa facem un targ saptamana asta, initiativa fiind a lui Anne. Ea impreuna cu mine si adminii care vor fi acolo vom coordona si organiza targul!

De asemenea, acolo va fi si Paramedics pentru a oferi heal si rehab, SF Taxi pentru transportul persoanelor si LSSI care vor da licente fara teste si celor care nu au nivel 50, iar noi, News Reporters, vom oferi ziare (rank2+), interviuri spontane (rank 3+) si anunturi pe toata durata targului cu sintaxa TARG in fata. Ex: TARG: Ailime vinde NRG-500, [/sms ID]. Respectati regulile de la anunturile gratuite!

> Detalii:

-> Activitate: Targ.

-> Data si ora: 09.01.2020 (joi) de la ora 20:00.

-> Locatie: orasul LS, zona Santa Maria Beach, undeva pe plaja langa far.

Cine nu se conformeaza ordinelor risca de la amenzi la sanctiuni!

Activitate optionala!




As I informed you before, we decided to do a fair this week, being Anne's initiative. She and me and the admins who will be there will coordinate and organize the fair!

Also, there will be Paramedics to offer heal and rehab, SF Taxi for the transport of people and LSSI who will give licenses without tests and those who do not have level 50, and we, News Reporters, will sell newspapers (rank2+), spontaneous interviews (rank 3+) and ads throughout the fair with TARG syntax in front. Ex: TARG: Ailime sell NRG-500, [/sms ID]. Follow the rules of the free ads!

> Details:

-> Activity: Targ.

-> Date and time: 09.01.2020 (Thursday) from 20:00.

-> Location: LS city, Santa Maria Beach area, somewhere on the beach near the lighthouse.

Who does not comply with orders risks from fines to sanctions!

Optional activity!

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Buna seara! Am redirectionat cateva topicuri altor reporteri din cauza activitatii unora.

In randurile de mai jos voi spune membrii si topicurile de care se vor ocupa acestia pe o perioada nedeterminata de timp.



Cereri interviuri - orice rank 3+ poate raspunde

Evidenta interviurilor - Anne

Cereri pachete de anunturi / Evidenta pechetelor de anunturi - Ailime

Evidenta raportului de activitate - Anne

Evidența ziarelor - .Alex si DreeW

Evidența concursurilor și emisiunilor - LiT

Lista neagră - Raluca

Evidența anunțurilor Role-Play - Heisenberg.

In ''Seiful facțiunii și amenzi'' nu va mai raspunde nimeni pentru ca se poate da direct din /members si /fines


Doresc seriozitate si implicare. Cine stie ca nu poate sa se ocupe de topic, sa ma anunte! 

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Buna ziua!

Va aduc la cunostinta ca de acum, orice reporter care are rank 3+ poate raspunde in topicul de ''Cereri interviuri''. 

Ar trebui sa raspundeti cam asa: @X, cerere acceptata. Ai la dispozitie 5 zile sa contactezi orice reporter care are rank 3+ pentru a sustine interviul. Numarul interviului: y.

Numarul nu-l puneti aleatoriu, este crescator. In caz ca gresiti, aveti obligatia de a va corecta, daca nu, riscati sa fiti sanctionati.

In caz ca persoana ce face cererea nu a respectat cerintele, trebuie sa-i respingeti cererea, in caz contrar veti fi sanctionati! De asemenea, am schimbat si modelul de postare a interviurilor. Verificati topicul respectiv pentru a nu fi sanctionati!



I inform you that from now on, any reporter who has rank 3+ can answer in topic "Interview requests".

You should answer something like this: @X, accepted request. You have 5 days to contact any reporter who has rank 3+ to support the interview. Number of interview: y.

Do not put a random number, it is increasing. In case you are wrong, you have the obligation to correct yourself, otherwise you risk being punished.


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Buna ziua, reporteri!

Dupa cum bine stiti unii dintre voi, am marit raportul la fiecare rank cu cateva puncte, dar nu s-au adaugat live-uri in plus de sustinut sau ziare de scris / vandut. Noul raport va intra in vigoare de luni, 03.02.2020 si el va arata cam asa:


Rank 1: 110 [/news]

Rank 2: 100 [/news] -> ramane un singur ziar de scris si 15 de vandut

Rank 3: 90 [/news] -> raman 3 live-uri

Rank 4: 60 [/news] -> raman 2 live-uri 

Rank 5: 50 [/news] -> ramane un singur live

Va doresc o luna plina de surprize frumoase si mult succes la sesiuni / teste.


Hello reporters!

As some of you are well aware, I increased the report to each rank with a few points, but no additional live feeds or writing / selling newspapers were added. The new report will come into effect on Monday, 03.02.2020 and it will look like this:


Rank 1: 110 [/news]

Rank 2: 100 [/news] -> there remains only one writing newspaper and 15 to sell

Rank 3: 90 [/news] -> 3 lives remaining

Rank 4: 60 [/news] -> 2 lives remaining

Rank 5: 50 [/news] -> only one live

I wish you a month full of beautiful surprises and great success in sessions / tests.




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Buna ziua, dragilor!

Vom avea o activitate in data de 15.02.2020, asta fiind sambata. Mai multe detalii in topicul cu Activitati!



Hello, dear!

We will have an activity on 15.02.2020, this being Saturday. More details in the topic with Activities!


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Sambata, 29.02.2020, ora 19:00, se va desfasura un targ pe aeroportul parasit.

Prezenta este OBLIGATORIE. Daca stiti ca nu puteti asista, puneti o cerere de invoire!

Verificati topicul cu activitati pentru mai multe detalii.

Sa speram ca alaturi de noi vor fi si cei din:


Tow Truck Company

SF Taxi

LV School Instructors

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Buna ziua!

Va aduc la cunostinta ca de azi, 02.03.2020, cei care ofera live-uri la preturi necuresponzatoare vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn

Verificati regulamentul intern, specificatia 9.21 si 9.22!


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Buna seara!

Tin sa va informez ca am schimbat sanctiunea pentru nepostearea live-urilor. Nu veti mai primi AV, ci direct FW chiar daca este prima abatere.

De acum veti putea da doar 2 emisiuni pe saptamana, maxim una pe zi!

Regula intra in vigoare peste 48 de ore!



Good evening!

I want to inform you that I have changed the sanction for the relocation of the live. You will no longer receive AV, but directly FW even if it is the first deviation. 
From now on you can only give 2 shows per week, maximum one per day!

The rule goes into effect over 48 hours!


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Buna ziua, dragi colegi!

Vreau sa organizez luni, 16.03.2020, o activitate in cadrul factiunii cu ocazia ca avem liber unii dintre noi, dar nu toti intr-adevar. 

Activitatea va fi una speciala ce tine de News Reporters. Ea va incepe luni de la ora 19:00 in Training Room (la HQ).

Activitatea este OPTIONALA deoarece nu v-am putut anunta mai repede.



Hello, dear colleagues!

I want to organize on Monday, 16.03.2020, an activity within the faction on the occasion that we have some of us free, but not all really.

The activity will be a special one related to News Reporters. It will start on Monday from 7:00 PM in NR Training Room (at the HQ).

The activity is OPTIONAL because I could not announce you faster.

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Buna ziua!

Am actualizat modelul de la cereri interviuri si de la evidenta concursuri si emisiuni.

De acum, va rog sa copiati modelul corect cand postati o emisiune sau un concurs. Trebuie sa faceti un screenshot la tipul emisiunii/concursului cand e precizat pe [/l], nu [/f].




I updated the model from interview requests and the evidence from competitions and shows.

From now on, please copy the correct model when posting a show or contest. You have to take a screenshot of the type of the show/contest when it is specified on [/l], not [/f].

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Buna ziua, dragi reporteri!

Deoarece am primit prea multe PM-uri din partea unor membri cu prilejul de a sanctiona pe altii pentru niste nimicuri, am schimbat sanctiunea de la punctul 3.11, 4.9 si 5.10 din regulamentul intern.

De acum, daca veti posta un news si nu veti tine cont de cele 5, respectiv 25 secunde, sanctiunea nu mai este AV prima abatere, FW a doua, ci amenda de 25.000$.



Hello, dear reporters!

Since I received too many PMs from some members in order to punish others for some nonsense, I changed the sanction from 3.11, 4.9 and 5.10 of the intern rules.

From now on, if you post a news and you do not take into account the 5, respectively 25 seconds, the sanction is no longer AV first offense, FW second, but fine of 25.000$.


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Buna ziua!

Pentru ca in ultimul timp am vazut reclamatii pe website cu motiv ''news aiurea'' am decis sa va scriu cateva sfaturi ca sa evitati greselile de acest tip pe viitor.

Verificati topicul ''Ghidul reporterului incepator'' unde am scris ''Greseli frecvente si sfaturi despre cum le puteti evita''.

Daca aveti si alte idei ce se incadreaza acolo, va astept cu un mesaj pe Discord / WhatsApp sau PM pe forum.




Because lately I have seen complaints on the website with the reason "bad news" I decided to write some tips to avoid mistakes of this type in the future.

Check out the topic ''Beginner Reporter's Guide'' where I wrote ''Common mistakes and tips on how to avoid them''.

If you have any other ideas that are out there, I expect you to send me on Discord / WhatsApp or PM on the forum.


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Buna seara!

In randurile de mai jos urmeaza topicurile de pe forum ale factiunii si responsabilii pentru acestea.

In caz ca vreti sa renuntati la topic trebuie sa-mi spuneti, iar eu voi da sansa altuia de a se implica in factiune ca membru.

In caz ca vreti sa va implicati mai mult si doriti un topic de care sa va ocupati, ma anuntati prima data si va ziceti dorinta, nu raspundeti voi de capu' vostru.


Cereri interviuri - poate raspunde orice membru cu rank 3+

Cereri pachete de anunturi - George.TNT

Evidenta raportului de activitate - George.TNT

Vrei sa fii B-Milionar? - Tendoi

Evidenta concursurilor si emisiunilor - George.TNT & qNicu

Evidenta interviurilor -  Nicu

Evidenta ziarelor - Tendoi

Evidenta anunturilor Role-Play - Vaida

Lista neagra - Tendoi

Fotografia saptamanii - Kenobi 

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Buna seara, reporteri!

Tin sa va informez ca am adaugat inca un tip de emisiune.

Daca sunteti curiosi in legatura cu noua emisiune, puteti sa o vedeti in topicul ''Detalii despre transmisii in direct si pachete de anunturi''.

De asemenea am modificat timpul de terminare a emisiunilor si a interviurilor. De la 45 minute la o ora.

Daca aveti si alte idei de emisiuni nu ezitati sa ma contactati. 



Good evening, reporters!

I want to inform you that I have added another type of show.

If you are curious about the new show, you can see it in topic "Details about live broadcasts and ad packages".

I also changed the time to finish the shows and interviews. From 45 minutes to one hour.

If you have other ideas for shows do not hesitate to contact me.

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Buna ziua, dragi membri!

In urma unei sugestii venite din partea fostei voastre colege, .Anne, am adaugat o amuleta care va ofera anumite avantaje in urma unor numar specific de puncte la raport. 

Mai multe detalii puteti gasi pe prima pagina a topicului ''Evidenta raportului de activitate & clasament''.

De asemenea am scris in ''Informatii'' despre topicuri si responsabilii acestora.

Pentru nelamuriri, nu ezitati sa ma contactati!

Sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa! ❤️ 


Hello, dear members!

After I got a suggestion from your former colleague, .Anne, I added an amulet that gives you certain benefits as a result of a specific number of points in the report.

You can find more details on the first page in topic ''Activity report evidence & leaderboard''.

I also wrote in ''Information'' about topics and their responsible.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

Have a nice week! ❤️ 

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Va informez ca am adaugat un nou anunt informativ dupa ce am primit un PM in legatura cu acesta.

De asemenea am adaugat sanctiuni privind prestatia jucatorilor in timpul unui interviu / concurs / emisiune -> verificati topicul cu Detalii despre transmisii in direct sau la cereri interviuri.




I inform you that I have added a new informative announcement after receiving a PM regarding it.

I also added penalties for player performance during an interview / contest / broadcast -> check the topic with Details about live broadcasts or interview requests.

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Buna ziua!

Va aduc la cunostinta faptul ca de luni, 27.04.2020, cei de rank 5 nu mai au posibilitatea de a sustine interviuri fara cererea facuta de client pe forum, ci doar liderul si subliderii pot face aceasta.

Verificati in regulamentul intern urmatoarele puncte: 6.11 & 6.11.1 & 7.10!

De asemenea, tot din data precizata mai sus, membrii care sunt Local Editor nu vor mai avea privilegiul de a sustine emisiuni, ci doar cei de rang 4+.



I inform you that from Monday, 27.04.2020, those with rank 5 have no longer have the possibility to hold interviews without the request made by the client on forum, but only the leader and the sub-leaders can do it.

Check the following points in the internal regulations: 6.11 & 6.11.1 & 7.10!

Also, from the date specified above, members who are Local Editor will no longer have the privilege to support shows, but only those of rank 4+.

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In urma unei sugestii am hotarat sa impart concursurile in doua categorii.

1. Concursuri normale (cele de pana acum de cultura generala)

2. Concursuri speciale (topic special <click>)

Daca aveti intrebari, nelamuriri sau sugestii de alte concursuri speciale, nu ezitati sa ma contactati.




Following a suggestion, I decided to divide the contests into two categories.

1. Normal competitions (those so far of general culture)

2. Special contests (special topic <click>)

If you have questions, concerns or suggestions for other special contests, do not hesitate to contact me.


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Buna ziua!

In urma unor discutii am decis ca cele doua factiuni partenere sa rupa parteneriatul, asa ca nu mai avem pact cu SF Taxi.

In schimb, am decis sa facem parteneriat cu FBI. Ei ne vor da mandate la 5.000$, iar noi le oferim serviciile noastre la jumatate din pretul normal.

< De exemplu: Un interviu e 20.000$ si voi le dati [/live id 10.000$] >


De retinut:

In cazul in care membrul X din FBI nu respecta conditiile, voi le puteti face PM cu liderul acestuia si cu liderul vostru (cu ambii lideri).

In cazul in care voi (membrii News Reporters) nu respectati pactul si sunteti reclamati de un coleg din factiunea partenera de aceasta, nu veti beneficia de rank up pentru o perioada, fw clear la timp (nu va accept nici amuleta) si veti primi 100.000$ amenda.


De luni, 18.05.2020, un singur reporter va putea lua amuleta in urma acumularii celor 450 de puncte la raportul de activitate. Cel care are cele mai multe puncte, dar peste cele precizate pe prima pagina a topicului va primi amuleta.

Verificati punctele 1.12 si 1.13 din regulamentul intern!





Following some discussions, we decided that the two partner factions should break the partnership, so we no longer have an agreement with SF Taxi.

Instead, we decided to partner with FBI. They will give us warrants for 5.000$, and we offer them our services at half the normal price.

<For example: An interview is 20.000$ and you give them [/live id 10.000$]>


To remember:

If member X of FBI does not meet the conditions, you can make them PM with his leader and your leader (with both leaders).

If you (News Reporters members) do not respect the pact and you are complained about by a colleague from the partner faction of it, you will not benefit from rank up for a period, fw clear on time (I do not accept any amulet) and you will receive 100.000$ as a fine.


From Monday, 18.05.2020, only one reporter will be able to take the amulet after accumulating the 450 points in the activity report. The one who has the most points, but above those specified on the first page of the topic will receive the amulet.

Check points 1.12 and 1.13 of the internal regulations!

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Buna ziua!

Tin sa va informez ca de luna viitoare veti fi sanctionati daca nu indepliniti minimul de ore cerut.

V-am pus la dispozitie informatiile de care aveti nevoie in acest topic (click) la punctul 6.

De asemenea, verificati si comenzile factiunii!

Sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa!




I inform you that from next month you will be sanctioned if you do not meet the required of minimum hours.

We have provided you with the information you need in this topic (click) in point 6.
Also, check the faction's orders!

Have a nice week!

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Buna seara!

Observ ca unii dintre voi nu va dati deloc interesul in a scrie ziare de calitate, fapt care ma va face sa fiu mai stricta privind temele acceptate pentru ziare in regulamentul intern.

Daca refuzati sa va dati interesul o sa scriu toate temele pe care le puteti aborda, fara sa mai las un orizont deschis pentru voi.

Un sfat: scrieti despre ceva ce ati citi si voi, nu le fusariti doar sa scapati de raport si gata. Sper ca nu voi mai vedea asa ziare.

Nu suntem roboti, aceasta factiune se bazeaza pe creativitate, nu uitati!



Good evening!

I notice that some of you are not interested at all in writing quality newspapers, which will make me stricter on the topics accepted for newspapers in the internal regulations.

If you refuse to give your interest, I will write all the topics you can address, without leaving an open horizon for you.

An advice: write about something that you would read, don't just shoot them to get rid of the report and you're done. I hope I never see such newspapers again.

We are not robots, this faction is based on creativity, don't forget!

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Buna ziua!

Modelul pentru postarea concursurilor/emisiunilor a fost schimbat.

Verificati prima pagina a acestui topic (click) pentru a evita sanctiunile!

De asemenea si anuntul informativ legat de cererile de interviuri a fost actualizat!




The template for posting contests/shows has been changed.

Check the first page of this topic (click) to avoid sanctions!

Also the informative announcement related to the interview requests has been updated!

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