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Nu le consider pe toate proaste. dar unele chiar ma enerveaza si imi pare rau ca le-am cunoscut. ma gandesc totusi si la vorba aia.

In spatele unui barbat puternic, sta o femeie puternica. ma gandesc, ce sta in spatele unei femei puternice? :))

Lasa ma vorbele, cei care le-au spus au murit de mult :))

De fapt, femeia aia puternica din spatele barbatului e doar buna la pat, nu inseamna ca o duce si creierul :))

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Neata baieti, doamne ce plictiseala... Am avut 2 runneri pe la 5 si de atunci nici macar un suspect, am verificat toti playerii dupa server nici un drugs :)) Stam degeabaaaa!

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Neata colegi... eu trebuie sa ma duc la liceu... fac ore de 30 de minute...


Bafta la /arrest, sa aveti o zi buna !

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I have a question, because I joined FBI just yesterday, do I need to post a report this week? Or can I wait till the next week? Because Yesterday and today are not really enough days for a report.


Ps. On my tea break at work :P

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Back... Ce plictiseala in game...

Macar numai sunt atatea eventuri sa avem si noi suspecti...

Doamne cat am putut rade... A luat maxtreme ban :))) Acum nu ne mai facem griji de parerile lui :))


DH01 - I said you yesterday, if you entered Friday / Saturday or Sunday the report its for the next week. In your case, yes, its for next week, beacuase you entered Friday. I hope you understood now! Good luck!

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I have a question, because I joined FBI just yesterday, do I need to post a report this week? Or can I wait till the next week? Because Yesterday and today are not really enough days for a report.


Ps. On my tea break at work :P

No you do not. You have to wait until next week.



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It's nice... I see you enjoy that adds!


Ce mai faceti agenti? Sa cam lasat liniste pe la discutii..

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