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Forta Steaua Bucuresti !





Suma depusa:

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Sunt depusi pentru absenta nemotivata la antrenament:



Toti cei ce vor fi trecuti pe lista de mai jos, trebuie sa bage 100,000$ in seiful familiei, cei ce nu baga, primesc automat FactionWarn.


1. DiviNe

2. Caty_Style

3. Zeama.

4. Barnicle30

5. Ankit_Kumar

6. Moha_Smufu

7. bianca_dragutza

8. bercea17

9. Roman_Diomede

10. Str_Razvan

11. DeadPK

12. CryTek.Corleone

13. DaNy

14. Denis.Mitchell

15. DonShaDow


Termen limita 48 ore. Cine nu plateste la timp primeste automat FactionWarn.

Edited by Chris Brown
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