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Back de-afara, ma bag la teme si la studiat, maine am vreo 2 teste programate 8-|. Spor la comenzi, baieti!






Aha. Multumesc, poate o sa ma apuc si eu.

Cum merge treaba ?





Mersi iubire :-*

Edited by F4L Blade
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Neata! ~o) 2 teste astazi 8-|. Macat traiesc cu satisfactia ca maine am o zi super-usoara.

Spor la comenzi si teme celor ce invata dupa-amiaza, bafta la scoala celor ce sunt de dimineata.


@DH I think that's an issue which affects most of us :D. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Burn the bitch up.

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@everzor - Nice one :P


Good morning all. Today is a big day at school for me as I have a short history exam. Yesterday I was revising...


Good luck at commands, school and everything else all! Bafta!

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Back si eu de la liceu, am scapat de teste, la unul am chiulit, de celalalt a uitat profa :)).

Am fost la un vin fiert si ceva smochine inainte sa ajung acasa, mi-au prins bine pe frigul asta, insa acum m-au cam luat de cap.. mananc ceva si ma bag la tv, poate am noroc s-adorm putin.

Maine am o zi usurica, deci imi permit.

Spor la comenzi, baieti!

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