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News Reporters - Discuții / Discussions


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eu unu nu prea ma relaxez....shy de invatsat am timp..dar asta e...ashteptam...ashteptam...si gata...asta e .. APP cine vrea sa-y recomand un joc...sa ma contacteze..nusht cum sa trimit mesaje, razvane..nu prea ma pricep p forumul asta

Edited by icstasy
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Mda...cred k o perioada nu o sa mai jok...imi pare rau...apare o kestie inaccesibil nickname... vedety poza jos...Va salut si ne vedem pe server cand se rezolva problema ku nickname-ul...Pana atunci mai vorbim pe forum sau pe messenger/x-fire..Salut

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  • psoN changed the title to Discuții / Discussions
  • E l e g a n t locked this topic
  • .Aku unlocked and locked this topic
  • .Aku unlocked this topic

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