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Tow Truck Company - Discuţii / Discussions


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Vreau sa le urez bun venit celor noi ,sper sa va integrati cat mai repede si sa aratati ca sunteti mecanici 100% :)), si nu uitati daca aveti nelamuriri suntem la dispozitia voastra, mai bine intrebati daca sunteti nesiguri de unele lucruri. Bafta !

Edited by Vi3wer
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Nu am postat de mult aici, cu ocazia asta vreau sa urez si eu bun venit celor noi si o sedere placuta si indelungata.

Aveti grija de unde tractati, daca nu sunteti siguri aveti la dispozitie [/f] sa intrebati si noi va ajutam.

Edited by AlexXXD
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Am deschis topicul cu rapoarte, dar nu va sfatuiesc sa puneti rapoartele de acum. Excluzat cel mai bun raport, urmatoarele 5 rapoartele cu peste 150 tractari vor primi 10.000$. Deci succes, inca aveti timp!


In seara asta voi incerca sa fac un event, sa ne mai destindem umpic. Cine doreste sa participe, sa fie online si sa stea cu ochii pe /f.

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Bună seara. Nu am avut ocazia să interacţionez cu cei noi astăzi, am fost foarte ocupat. Vreau să le urez aici bun venit, sper să vă acomodaţi şi integraţi repede în această facţiune. Aveţi grijă ce faceţi de-alungul şederii voastre aici, să nu faceţi prostii că veţi fi sancţionaţi. Este un sfat, nu o ameninţare.


Notă: Rapoartele de activitate dacă le postaţi nu aveţi voie să le editaţi! Cei noi sunteţi scutiţi de ele, dar totuşi dacă puteţi face 50+ tractări sunteţi liberi să postaţi.

Notă 2: Am postat şedinţa (23.03; 19.30), cine nu poate veni să facă o cerere de învoire în topicul respectiv, iar după se va organiza un event interesant, într-un interior special cu un premiu pe măsură. Cum am am zis şi în topicul acela, detaliile le veţi primi în momentul organizării.

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Buna seara colegi!

Bun venit celor noi, sunt sigur ca o sa va acomodati foarte repede aici. Profitati de sansa oferita de Silviu si aveti grija de unde tractati. Daca aveti nelamuriri, puteti intreba pe [/f].


Spor la tractat!

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Nick: Vinnie
Rank: Senior Mechanic
Propunere: Sa se traduca regulamentul intern in engleza cat mai curand. M-a sunat un jucator strain dornic sa intre in factiune dar nu a gasit regulamentul. Nu am avut cum sa-l ajut eu. Sa se gaseasca un membru care stie foarte bine engleza si sa traduca.







@, dacă vrei îl traduc eu.
EDIT: După o oră de muncă:
You are not allowed to use a bad language on the faction chat, but not only. You risk to receive FW or to be dismissed (considering the respective case).
You are not allowed to do spam on the faction chat. You risk a $1.000 ticket or FW (considering the respective case).
You are not allowed to use the /togfam command (this command hides the faction chat). You risk to receive FW or to be dismissed.
Each and every member is bound to respect the server regulation.
The usage of a bad language is strictly forbidden.
Bad jokes are not permitted.
You need to respect every person you come in contact with.
You are not allowed to do deathmatch (DM) or drive-by (DB). You risk to receive FW or to be dismissed (considering the respective case).
The meetings and activities will be announced by the leader / subleader in the „Ședințe și activitați” topic two days before.
Within the meeting, you are not permitted to speak without being allowed. Answer to the leader / subleader questions when they allow you. If you talk not being allowed you will first receive an $1.000 ticket followed by FW if you continue.
If you come to the meeting up to 15 minutes, you will only receive a $2.000 ticket, more than that will be considered as an absence and will be punished accordingly.
At the meeting, the problems within the faction and the unclarities will be solved, suggestions will be accepted / rejected and the salaries will be given. Other announcements, such as the weekly report results and events, will be as well made.
If you cant get to the meeting, make a pass request on the forum.
The job you need to have is mechanic. If you do not have it, you will be punished with FW.
The leader, subleader, and the rank 4 members can have any legal job.
If you wish to change your job, you can make a request on the „Cereri job" topic. Whatsoever, you need to have at least rank 2!
The price you will offer refill will be $5 and repair $3. The ones who will charge more, will be punished first with AV, then with FW.
Being  AFK in the spawn room more than 3 minutes will be punished with an $1.000 ticket (more than 15 minutes -> FW)
Being  AFK at the HQ's entrance (the i place) more than 3 minutes will be punished with an $1.000 ticket (More than 15 minutes -> FW)
 Being  AFK at the /tow checkpoint (LS/LV/SF) more than 3 minutes will be punished with an $2.000 ticket (more than 15 minutes -> FW)
Being  AFK on a meeting/activity more than 3 minutes will be punished with an $2.000 ticket (more than 15 minutes -> FW)
If a ticket is not paid in 24 hours the punishment will be Faction Warn.
You are allowed to own a Deagle only for self-defense, not for DM/DB. You risk to receive FW if you own other weapons.
You can /rob anytime if you are able to get to the meetings/activities.
You can go to any type of event (violent or not), but you need to respect the server regulation and cause no problems.
You are not allowed to own drugs. You risk to receive FW.
You are not allowed to play barbut on money (Who /dices a bigger number wins). You risk to receive FW.
You are not allowed to post in the "Reclamatii" topic.
If you post in that topic, you will be punished.
If you want to defend yourself, PM the leader with your evidence.
You are bound to respect all the rules written in the "Tractari legale/ilegale" topic.
When you take a HQ vehicle, you have to announce on /f (ex: Tow Truck la mine)
After you finish your work with the vehicle, respawn / repair it. (/f Tow truck / Utility respawned / repaired)
The faction vehicles will only be used for work, you are not allowed to use for your personal problems. You can use them as a transport to another vehicle, with the condition to respawn it.
You are not allowed to tow legally parked cars. If you do, you will be dismissed (with 60/60 FP if you don't have 14 days within the faction).
If a player tells you to let his car down (not to tow it) you have to give it back. If you don't do so, you will receive FW or will be dismissed (considering the respective case).
In the next areas you need to warn the players before towing:  Oricare Pay'n'Spray, Tunning , CNN LS/LV/SF , Bank LS/LV/SF, Rentcar LS/LV/SF, Farmer, Trucker, Benzinării, Gunshop LS/LV/SF, GarbageMan, LSPD, City Hall, Civilian Spawn, Car Dealership, Fishing Place si Jail-ul (ex: “Atenţie tractez!”).
Plains and helicopters can be towed from everywhere. If a personal helicopter isn't parked in the airport, you can tow it once, then you will move it to the airport. You risk to be dimissed if you tow it repeatedly.
If a personal car is parked in an ilegally zone, it can be towed once, and moved to a parking area after. You risk to be dismissed if you tow it repeatedly.
The department and Paramedic vehicles can be towed from any place, but they have to be under 1000.0 HP (using /dl). When towing them, you need to have active the command /dl so that the vehicle's HP will be seen. Who does not respect this rule, will receive FW.
The: Buses, Garbage Trucks, Taxies, Tow Trucks (LV), Tow Trucks (HQ) can be towed from any place, but they have to be under 1000.0 HP. If they are having 1000.0HP, they must be taken to their spawn area. When towing them, you have to use the /dl command so that the vehicle's HP will be seen.
When you tow a vehicle, you have to enter in the checkpoint (/tow LS/LV/SF). Who doesn't do that, and parks the car somewhere else, will be dismissed (60/60 FP if the player doesn't have 14 days in the faction).
You are not allowed to tow a car while driving the truck. You need to stop and tow it. Who tows while driving (having speed) will be dismissed.
Unannounced 3 days or more inactivity will lead to dismissal (60/60 FP if the player doesn't have 14 days in the faction)
If you have a problem with a colleague or other community member, PM the leader and he will manage it. Do NOT try to handle it all by yourself. You risk to get punsihed as well.
It's strictly forbidden to report your colleagues on forum (Exception: adveritising, illegal business, cheats)
What it's said on the faction chat will remain so. Giving information about the subjects discussed inside the faction will lead to dismissal.
If you receive 2 FWs in the first 14 days you will be dismissed with 60/60 Faction Punish.
You are not allowed to do spam in the discussion forum topic. Replies such as "Hey! How you doin'? I just came back from school" will be not tolerated. You risk to receive FW or to be dismissed (considering the respective case).
If you get banned, we have the right to dismiss you (with FP you don't have 14 days in the faction).

PS: mai trebuie adaugate titlurile si culorile.

Edited by Katherine S4F
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Voi iesi de pe SA:MP, este deja destul de tarziu. Sper ca va placut excursia noastra si micul event de la final si cel mai important, sa va fii distrat. Voi vedea, poate voi mai organiza activitati in genul.


Am facut o serie de poze, o sa le pun pe toate, click.


, iti multumesc pentru munca depusa, dar puteai sa ma anunti inainte. Astazi, impreuna cu Lilisor am tradus regulamentul :)) . O sa ma uit la ambele si o sa selectez ce este mai bun, facand unul perfect. Va conta mult ceea ce ai facut.


, sunt sigur ca daca nu aveam manele in Bus, nu iti placea.


Noapte buna tuturor. Ne vedem maine.

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Voi iesi de pe SA:MP, este deja destul de tarziu. Sper ca va placut excursia noastra si micul event de la final si cel mai important, sa va fii distrat. Voi vedea, poate voi mai organiza activitati in genul.


Am facut o serie de poze, o sa le pun pe toate, click.


, sunt sigur ca daca nu aveam manele in Bus, nu iti placea.


Noapte buna tuturor. Ne vedem maine.

Frumoasa seara, tot asa! :*
Adevarat graiesti, faza cu manelele :))

Salut tuturor! De astazi voi fii noul vostru coleg. Sper sa ne intelegem cat mai bine!

Salut Nelutu. Bine ai venit, sper sa ramai mult timp de astazi innainte alaturi de noi, si sa te simti cat mai bine.


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Buna ziua! Astazi am foarte multa treaba, din pacate nu cred ca voi intra mai devreme de 20:00.

Vreau sa mentionez ceva, pentru cei noi veniti: Sa nu credeti ca nu o sa fiti verificati la tractat, nu tractati ilegal pentru ca veti fii demisi! Sper ca nu o sa avem probleme.

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Doresc sa le spun noilor veniti, sedere placuta si sa aiba grija de unde tracteaza! Sper sa va integrati usor. PS: Seether, pagina noua. Asa sa te oftici tu.

Asa bun, deci sa trecem la treaba.


P.S. Asa sa te oftici tu imediat.



Buna dimineata. Vreau sa le urez welcome celor noi veniti, sa aveti grija de unde tractati. Ne vedem in game.

Multumesc ynna:* ce mai faci?



Buna ziua! Astazi am foarte multa treaba, din pacate nu cred ca voi intra mai devreme de 20:00. Vreau sa mentionez ceva, pentru cei noi veniti: Sa nu credeti ca nu o sa fiti verificati la tractat, nu tractati ilegal pentru ca veti fii demisi! Sper ca nu o sa avem probleme.

Insfarsit scapam de tine.

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Hei, salutare colegi! N-am mai postat de mult timp pe aici... vad ca Seether se iubeste tare cu SilviuM... Cu ocazia asta le urez WELCOME tuturor celor care au intrat acum... aveti grija cu tractatul, dar si cu raportul... mai ales la pozele cu /dl. In rest, voi ce mai faceti?

Edited by Danut99
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Hei, salutare colegi! N-am mai postat de mult timp pe aici... vad ca Seether se iubeste tare cu SilviuM... Cu ocazia asta le urez WELCOME tuturor celor care au intrat acum... aveti grija cu tractatul, dar si cu raportul... mai ales la pozele cu /dl. In rest, voi ce mai faceti?

Da imi vine sa-l omor cand il vad, glmuesc:))

Ce sa zicem eu sunt la o activitate colectiva pe forum ( spam ) cu colegii mei de clan.


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