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Care sunt serialele tale favorite? | Which are your favorite TV series?


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Pana acum am terminat de vazut .


"10 Things i hate about you"

"Blue Mountine State"


"Two and half man"(2/7 sezoane)

"Gossip Girl"(2/3 sezoane)

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Ce am urmarit pana acum si mi-a placut:

¤ Prison Break - Nu cred ca mai tre' sa zic ceva :))

¤ b]Flash Forward[/b] - A fost frumos, un subiect original si captivant. Pacat de americani ca n-au pic de gusturi... sper sa-l continue


Ce urmaresc acum:

¤ Gossip Girl - Pana sa dau de el nu credeam ca o sa ma prinda atat de tare, but... Primele 2 sezoane au fost fenomenale, in al 3-lea au dat-o in telenovele pt fetite de 12 ani (Chuck & Blair, too much love, wtf ?!). Acu' vad ca au inceput iar tare, frumos, Chuck vs Blair rullz, se-ntoarce si lil' J... Chuck cu toate tampeniile lui fac tot serialu'...

¤ Supernatural - E cul, no comment, Jensen are stofa de regizor

¤ The Mentalist

¤ Lie To Me

Edited by syN
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Eu am vazut Prison Break , Lost , Legend of the Seeker , SG-1 , SGA , FlashForward , si momentan urmaresc : Merlin , Hawaii Five-0 , SuperNatural , SmallVille , The Vampire Diaries si multe altele .

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