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B-zone TV - Stunts v.2, by BlueR


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Micku7zu, nu mai fug de ei pt. ca dau report ca sunt codat in nestire.

MrYonutz, Windows Movie Maker.. l-am facut in graba, n-am mai pus efecte si prostii. Ar fi iesit mai bine.

DooMasteR, ba da te lauzi! :))

Meghy, nea! Clan inseamna prieteni, am prieteni. :))

MrBig, e simplu, daca vrei te invat.

Corneliu, ala l-am pus in v.1, nu stiam atunci nici sa-l fac bine.


Pt. restu, doar mersi! :))

Edited by BlueR
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