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cowS last won the day on August 9 2024

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  1. Thanks for fixing the lag. Naturally, the server count is remaining stronger each day now because there's a big reduction in desync kicks Hopefully the server can prosper.
  2. Your nickname: cows Server: rpg1 Bug: 1 Description of the bug: For a few months there's been a horrible bug with /ef. Essentially, from all the parkour maps I have edited etc and @ AdeM nWo can attest to this as well - it seems rotating the furniture in certain axis causes the furniture object to become 'stuck'. Stuck meaning: You cannot edit or remove it without needing to relog. You also can't actually edit the position ever again too. It's also worth mentioning, players who do not respawn themselves will still see the objects even if they have been deleted from the database. That means, this could theoretically be abused to create infinite furniture if you think about it. Because /ef doesn't actually stop working if you only press remove. I doubt this can have any adverse actual effects in day-to-day gaming, but, it is something worth mentioning. Screenshot(s): The screenshots provided below are from when I edited my latest parkour map. I leave the infrastructure for the players to fall on but I deleted the entire timber frame parkour course I made. The maps are designed so that they follow the object's natural positioning for speed - hence how I can build them so quickly. From the screenshot you can see the ones which requires rotating in this instance, were left behind. The ones which are directly added onto the map, they were deleted (and editable) with no problem. Anything else.. I have noticed in the Z axis, rotation seems to work and editing does too, so it may be the X and Y axis which are causing issues. I hope this detailed explanation speeds up the bug testing stage. https://imgur.com/a/3WRRVUr __ Bug: 2 Description of the bug: This is a known bug but it is for the Risky Squares map. Here's a video from the date of posting this post where it was pretty bad, i'm also running a high FPS modpack which usually lets me do things easier so I imagine it's living torture for the others. I would kindly request this map's platform structure gets another quick look at, might be a case of adding some kind of mountain structure to stabilize the /join. From what I know from sa:mp experience, Veh 590 has a similar effect. If players are teleporting to the organizer whom is stood on a freight box, you will die and fall through the map like risky squares. When stood on platform that's the actual GTA SA material or object ID, it seems to be fine. I don't know if some kind of portion could be used as the floor instead, or somehow to make this kind of bug stop, but i really hope so soon. It's been like this for 2 years and it's an amazing system, I wish I could use it more for the players. Video: Thank you!
  3. cowS

    Gold Events by cowS

    12/11/2024 Events Blacklist update 1) ImpacT. / Hassen / Telecom / Oussema / and all other secondary accounts of his, can be verified with an admin 5. Reason: Personal infomation disrupibution and ineligible for the prize. 2) Lunga - Same as above and ineligible for the prize. 3) BabashKIA - Reason: Language on the organizer and ineligible for the prize. 4) Kamikaze - Surfly and ineligible for the prize. 5) AmaZe - above already on the interdiction list. and ineligible for the prize. 6) BuRNUKT - Language and ineligible for the prize. 7) Hopkins (all accounts) - 30 days - Fast C-Bug : https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/report/306788 - and ineligble for the prize : 12.12.24 8 - MOXY - (all accounts) - 30 days - Fast C-Bug : To be added - and ineligble for the prize : 12.12.24 16:41 UK Time 9) - 30 days - Fast C-Bug : End: 12.12.24 ** I reserve the right to add anyone to this list before or during any event. Daily events are being made continuously and that means there's always another perso n ready to come and cause problems. This list is just a guideline of players who have consistently pushed the barriers of the organizers time and patience and do not have the right to play anymore. Not everyone makes it on the list for mistakes, but if you managed to get here, you're not worth the time simply. Thanks for understanding and enjoy the events.
  4. RO: După cum mulți dintre voi știți, evenimentul nostru masiv de 10.000 de aur și 30KK$ nu a fost realizat, într-o serie de 3-4 evenimente care au durat peste o oră. Parkour-ul este posibil (pot încărca câteva dintre dovezile mele pentru asta la sfârșitul concursului pentru a evita eliberarea prea multor indicii), dar vă ofer tuturor altceva acum... __ Oricine termină Parkour la Casa 884 (trebuie să înregistrați întreaga rulare a Parkourului) poate pretinde 5.000.000$ de la cowS. Trebuie doar să-mi dai un DM aici sau pe forum.b-zone.ro (nume de utilizator: și cowS), iar eu îl voi revizui, iar dacă l-ai completat în mod legitim vei primi fondurile. Termenul limită pentru aceasta este 9/11/2024, aveți o săptămână și casa este deschisă 24/7 pentru oricine. Închirierea este încă dezactivată pentru a permite o oarecare corectitudine pentru proprietarii casei, iar în videoclipul pe care îl filmați, trebuie să nu aveți arme sau abuz de animație, altfel nu va conta. Aveți voie să țintiți cu pumnii pentru a ajuta la controlul mișcării, la fel cum ar face un pistol, dar trebuie să subliniez că nu pot fi folosite arme. EN: As many of you know, our massive 10,000 gold 30KK$ event was not done, in a series of 3-4 events that lasted over an hour. Parkour is possible (I may upload some of my evidence for it at the end of the contest to avoid giving away too many clues), but I'm giving you all something else now… Anyone who finishes Parkour at House 884 (you need to record the entire run of the Parkour) can claim 5.000.000$ from cowS. You just need to DM me here or on forum.b-zone.ro (username: cowS also), and I will review it, and if you completed it legitiately you will receive the funds. The deadline for this is 9/11/2024, you have one week and the house is open 24/7 for anyone. Renting is still disabled to enable some fairness to the house owners, and on the video you film, you must have no weapons or animation abuse or it won't count. You are allowed to aim with the fists to help control movement, just like how a gun would, but I must emphasize no weapons can be used. -- *** Remember, you must film the entire Parkour run which where you reached the end. Without this proof, you could have easily used surfly, animation abuse or any kind of third party mod to help you. We are doing this to ensure the fairness for all players. House ID 884 Rent: Disabled Rules: NO Guns, NO ANIM abuse. Stopevent 09 / 11 / 2024 -- 23:59 Good luck!! Discord ID cowS to send video: AIPX
  5. cowS

    Gold Events by cowS

    01/11/2024 30.000.000$ + 10.000 Gold Parkour Interdiction List 1) ImpacT. / Hassen / Telecom / Oussema / and all burner accounts surrounding his, can be verified with an admin 5. Reason: Personal disputes, personal remarks, use of forbidden mods on Parkour in the past which gives advantage, general problem causing and ineligible for the prize. 2) Lunga - Same as above and ineligible for the prize. 3) BabashKIA - Reason: Language and hate speech on the organizer, insulting the organizer and event maker. and ineligible for the prize. 4) Kamikaze - Surfly and ineligible for the prize. 5) AmaZe - above already on the interdiction list. and ineligible for the prize. 6) BuRNUKT - Language and ineligible for the prize. 7) CartusDauGlonte ** I reserve the right to add anyone to this list before or during the event. The prize is substantial and this will be done according to my evidences of how they won, and the history of the player is taken into account for participation.
  6. I think this community is lucky to have a team who still cares enough to put detailed updates like this out. Other communities are far off from the standard you put out and it shows, I think you're making the right move as always @ Madalin @ Kelton Cool update with the YouTubers, they deserve it ❤️ Muu
  7. cowS

    Gold Events by cowS

    Blacklist as of: 12/10/2024 Interdiction list from cowS events 30 days: Fast C-Bug 1) SoBig2Glory: Event LMS Deagle, Fast C-Bug, added on 02.10.2024 @ 19:51 UK time 2) AmaZe.. : Fast C-Bug: Added 12.10.2024 @ 22:41 UK time https://youtu.be/cLl7yY01qpw Note: Using the blacklist again as seeing more people abuse more often, and this will be re-used to protect the prizes awarded and stop them from participating. Proof can be provided for all members of the blacklist.
  8. cowS

    Gold Events by cowS

    Blacklist as of: 02/10/2024 Interdiction list from cowS events 30 days: Fast C-Bug 1) SoBig2Glory: Event LMS Deagle, Fast C-Bug, added on 02.10.2024 @ 19:51 UK time Note: Using the blacklist again as seeing more people abuse more often, and this will be re-used to protect the prizes awarded and stop them from participating. Proof can be provided for all members of the blacklist.
  9. - Name: cows - Link to the website profile / RPG bar: - The type of interview you want: normal - Name of other participants (if any): - - Link to the website profile of the participants / RPG bar: - - I was aware of the rules presented on the first page: yes - Other specifications: -
  10. @ Kelton This may be useless info, but the two occasions I got this bug, I was playing the server well past 3-4 AM. Logged in afternoon time later that day to find a massive boost in Tier. May have something to do with Auto 5AM clearchat and when the server does a backup? Just a theory.
  11. En: Sorry to interject, but a nice underrated feature you can use is to click the 'Main' or 'Secondary' color and you can also type the desired hidden color ID, rather than needing to scroll endlessly. Ro (Google Translate): Îmi pare rău să intervin, dar o caracteristică subestimată pe care o puteți folosi este să faceți clic pe culoarea „Principală” sau „Secundară” și puteți, de asemenea, să tastați ID-ul de culoare ascuns dorit, în loc să trebuiască să derulați la nesfârșit.
  12. Happy birthday brother

    1. AIM Archer

      AIM Archer

      Thanks Bro 🤍😍

    2. DAGH nWo

      DAGH nWo

      Happy birthday!

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