Nume: Dion_ibe
Rank: 1
Suma depusă: $10.000
Data şi ora depunerii: 03/06/2019
Motivul: Absent at wars
Alte precizări: -
Nick: Dion_ibe
Rank: 1
Amount of money deposited: 10,000$
Date and time of deposit: 31/05/19
Reason: absent
Other specifications: -
My brother have HUAWEI and i can say Yes he is good phone and he don't have any problem but sometime the Phone Bug but he fixe in 2-3" min Max So thanks for sharing Good Bye ____*
@@BiRi Jr,
Lock here:
-->Ram: 3GB
-->Card MicroSD(max 200 GB)
I know this model you can save much of music and photos...etc but after 5-6 weeks The phone Will say to you : "You are not Allowed to open"
Sony Xperia Good model then* SAMSUNG in the GPU and Procesor,ThAnks for posting,Good Luck !!!!
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