Salutare dragi membrii! / Hello dear members!
RO: As dori sa va anunt ca am facut modificari in regulament pe care as dori sa le verificati. In mare parte de aspect + cateva reguli:
- Am adaugat regula legata de contractele efectuate cu distante intre 199.0-199.9.
- Am adaugat 2 cereri noi pentru business-urile de tip Arena, mai exact War Arena si Racing Arena:
"Tinta mea, Nume (ID), este in War Arena de 3 minute, pot da leavehit? [x/2]"
"Tinta mea, Nume (ID), este in Racing Arena de 3 minute, pot da leavehit? [x/2]"
- Legat de cereri, nu sunteti obligati sa puneti TAG-ul playerilor. La sfarsitul cererilor de leavehit din regulament aveti mai detaliat.
- Incepand cu 1.04.2017 va trebui sa aveti obligatoriu 20 de ore jucate pe fiecare luna, altfel veti fi demisi.
EN: I would like to announce you that i've made some changes in the faction rules and i would like you to check them. I've arranged it and i've added few rules:
- I've added a new rule related to the contracts fulfilled with distances of 199.0-199.9.
- I've added 2 new requests for Arena type bussinesses, War Arena and Racing Arena:
"My target, Name (ID), is in War Arena for 3 minutes, can i leavehit? [x/2].
"My target, Name (ID), is in Racing Arena for 3 minutes, can i leavehit? [x/2].
- Related to the requests, you are not obligated to write the player's clan TAG. You can check this more detaliated at the end of Leavehit requests in the Agency Rules.
- Starting with 1.04.2017, you must have at least 20 hours played every month, otherwise you will be dismissed.