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Everything posted by Peleg

  1. Added to the Blacklist with 1 warning for distrurbing reporter during A.G.
  2. He will not be added to the Blacklist since the RPG bar it's a picture and not a link.
  3. - Nume: Peleg - Rang: 5 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 30.05.2020 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Smash or Pass - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Tendoi, .Anne - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii [/l]: https://imgur.com/a/crW1TSy - Dovada (screenshot) cu participantii la inceputul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/927NJrs - Alte precizări:
  4. Added to the blacklist with 1 warning. Get's nothing
  5. Name: Peleg Name of the player: Volkano Level of the player: 114 RPG bar: reason: DM proofs: anything else: -
  6. - Name: Peleg - Newspaper written on: 07/04/2020 (Corona Time) - The newspaper was approved by: Samurai. - The title of the newspaper: Chiliad Mountain - Newspaper (photo): https://imgur.com/a/jYSdTXf - Other specifications:
  7. - Nume: Peleg - Numele celui reclamat: FrostedGhost - Levelul celui reclamat:17 - Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mică): - Motiv: DM - Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/HrwHrCG - Alte precizări: - Nume: Peleg - Numele celui reclamat: IePuReP - Levelul celui reclamat:44 - Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mică): - Motiv: DM - Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/0QcPFt0 - Alte precizări:
  8. - Nume: Peleg - Rank: 1 - Tipul de pachet: 4 - Anunţul: Deagle Master - SPRING EDITION - va avea loc in data de 11 aprilie la ora 21:00. Detalii la sectiunea Mayor! - Anunţurile publicate (dovada): https://imgur.com/a/ZlFD2Ee - Alte precizări:
  9. SoferPeTurf gets 2/2 blacklist for Vulgar Language and KrisTi 1/2 for Light Insults
  10. • Nick: Peleg • Rank: SF Boss • Date of test: 31/01/2020 • Candidate: Esca.AreBoale • Score (x/3): 1/3 • Anything else?:
  11. • Nick: Peleg • Rank: SF Boss • Date of test: 30/01/2020 • Candidate: Urkelbama • Score (x/3): 0/3 • Anything else?: Welcome
  12. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: kaviya Number of licenses he/she sold: 150 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/moNqdtI Date: 20.01.2019 - 26.01.2019 Other specifications:
  13. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: Draganov. Number of licenses he/she sold: 130 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/aZSFe6M Date: 06.01.2019 - 12.01.2019 Other specifications: Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: Draganov. Number of licenses he/she sold: 180 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/aZSFe6M Date: 13.01.2019 - 19.01.2019 Other specifications:
  14. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: Jelo Number of licenses he/she sold: 72 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/CYeXWPC Date: 23.12.2019 - 29.12.2019 Other specifications:
  15. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: Stan49ley Number of licenses he/she sold: 89 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/LV4yagj Date: 16.12.2019 - 22.12.2019 Other specifications:
  16. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: Robert.WARMACHINE Number of licenses he/she sold: 50 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/4A52LuB Date: 09.12.2019 - 15.12.2019 Other specifications:
  17. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: TinKode Number of licenses he/she sold: 48 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/97nMI6w Date: 08.12.2019 - 08.12.2019 Other specifications:
  18. The topic SF School Instructors - License Costs & Procedures has been edited, make sure you read and understand it. Link: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/246303-sf-school-instructors-license-costs-procedures/
  19. New rules updated in the Internal Regulation topic Vehicles from another school instructors • ranks 1-3 will have to get permission from rank 4+ to the current city. (Model: LSSI/SFSI/LVSI Can I take Maverick/Speeder?) • rank 4+ will be able to use other SI cars without permissions (Model: Maverick/speeder of LS/LV/SF with me )” Note: You can use other School Instructors vehicles only for license tests. If you break those rules, you will get a Faction Warn.
  20. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: Dark_Archon Number of licenses he/she sold: 19 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/KTdR0pC Date: 25.11.2019 - 01.12.2019 Other specifications:
  21. New rules updated in the Internal Regulation topic • If the candidate is AFK during the test (or before the test started) for more then 3 minutes or not accepting the commands (like: [/accept licenses], [/accept lesson] [/accept license]) the member is allowed to [/stop lesson] and leave the candidate. Whoever breaks this rule will receive a Advertisement Verbal and if it continues Faction Warn.
  22. Name: Peleg Rank: SF Boss Instructor of the week: TinKode Number of licenses he/she sold: 50 Proof of [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/a/UZjlMz2 Date: 18.11.2019 - 24.11.2019 Other specifications:
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