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Everything posted by BASTARDO ToV

  1. (28 Jun- 4 Jun) Hello instructors, this week you have to finish 10 missions (Dimitri, Ryder...) First 3 instructors to complete the mission will win the prizes. Proofs must be sent via PM Here
  2. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Manager - Date of the test: 28/06/2021 - Candidate: AlexDDB - Results (x/3): 1.5/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  3. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Manager - Date of the test: 27/06/2021 - Candidate: joker_exe - Results (x/3): 3/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  4. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Manager - Date of the test: 27/06/2021 - Candidate: Viar_Afton - Results (x/3): 3/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  5. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Manager - Date of the test: 27/06/2021 - Candidate: roraku - Results (x/3): 0/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  6. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Manager - Date of the test: 27/06/2021 - Candidate: GabyNice - Results (x/3): 3.5/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  7. Nume: .BASTARDO Rank: 5 Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/iRIV0Vd Alte precizari:Spor tuturor.
  8. Nume in joc: BASTARDiNO Contract ales: https://imgur.com/a/3ncLQJU
  9. Nickname: Arjun4237 Meeting / Activity: Activity Date and hour: 20/06/2021 20:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): HERE Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: BASTARDO.: 500.000$ Other mentions: GJ Arjun!
  10. 1st place: @LLstylish.NSFW 300.000$ 2nd place: @Wampire 200.000$ Congrats!
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