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Everything posted by GoSa

  1. it's wrong request becouse iplayed my wars : check b-zone. Nick: KrosO Rank: 2 Day: 19 I'm taking a leave from: wars Date: 2017/06/28 Reason: i can't be online at this time and if i done my programs i will play Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else: Good luck for wars
  2. Nick: KrosO Rank: 2 Day: 18 I'm taking a leave from: wars Date: 2017/06/27 Reason: i didn't sleep yet so am realy tired. and i can't be at wars. Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else: Thank's to undrestand my situation
  3. when the shop will be like that at 26/06 to 02/07 ?
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