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Everything posted by Andrada

  1. Fratioruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    1. HN Daryl

      HN Daryl


    2. Andrada



  2. Nick: .AndraRangul detinut: LiderNumele celui sanctionat: Bursu13Data sanctionarii: 03.03.2019 Sancţionat cu (Amenda / Avertisment / Faction Warn / Demitere): AVMotiv: PMDovada (optional, dupa caz): La cerereAlte precizări: -
  3. Imi cer scuze pentru intarziere.
  4. Imi cer scuze pentru intarziere.
  5. Nu este nevoie de dublu post. Imi cer scuze pentru raspunsul intarziat.
  6. Postarea unei imagini deja editate este strict interzisa. Interdictie 5 zile.
  7. Postarea unei imagini deja editate este interzisa. Interdictie 5 zile.
  8. Pentru cover ''ceva frumos'', este cel mai bine sa detaliezi. Tema random este interzisa. Poti deschide alta cerere.
  9. Imi cer scuze in numele echipei pentru raspunsul intarziat.
  10. Puteti propune urmatoarea tema SOTW accesand acest link: click here

  11. Puteti propune urmatoarea tema SOTW accesand acest link: click here

  12. **UPDATE, 02.03.2019** Am adus mici modificari legate de aspectul Regulamentului Intern. Am deschis un nou topic Paramedics - Culoarea saptamanii / COTW, puteti citi mai multe apasand pe numele acestuia. Acesta a fost realizat pentru a face putina ordine, sa nu fie totul incurcat, pentru a stii cu totii ce si cum, si pentru a respecta regulamentul.
  13. Salutari, dragi paramedici, In acest topic, liderul si / sau subliderul / subliderii vor anunta care este culoarea in care o ambulanta poate fi vopsita, intr-o anume saptamana. Nu uitati ca, potrivit regulamentului, aveti voie sa vopsiti ambulantele de Luni pana Duminica. Se poate posta dupa urmatorul model: Nume: Rang: Culoarea aleasa: Data (Luni - Duminica) cand aceasta este valabila: Alte mentiuni: Cu bucurie, .Andra Greetings, my dear paramedics, In this topic, only the leader and / or the subleader(s) will announce in what color an ambulance can be painted, on a given week. Please don't forget that, according to the Intern Regulation, you are able to paint the ambulances from Monday to Sunday. Model: Name: Rank: The chosen color: The date (from Monday to Sunday) when this is valid: Other mentions: With joy, .Andra
  14. Before you read the Internal Rules, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you assure you have read and know the: Server rules; General Rules of Peaceful Factions; The following rules are only available for the Paramedics faction. General Information Paramedics is a peaceful faction located in Las Venturas. The purpose of this faction is to save the injured people and their cure of drugs addiction. Being the only faction of this type on the server, Paramedics have to operates in all the three cities. The minimum level to join this faction is 7. To be able to take part of this faction you have to apply on our server website: https://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/view/paramedics/apply Available commands 1.The command [/r] - it is used to be able to talk with faction members. On this chat you are not allowed to use indecent/vulgar language, to argue with other members (penalty: faction warn). 2.The command [/heal] - is used to restore people’s health. This command can only be used inside of a faction vehicle (Ambulance, Police Ranger or Raindance). The medic together with the patient have to be inside of the vehicle. Using the command, [/heal <name> <price>], the medic will restore FULL health to the patient and get the specified amount of money. 3.The command [/rehab] - is used to cure drugs addiction. 4.The command [/accept <medic>] - is used to accept a request from a player. Before using this command, you MUST announce on the faction chat [/r] that you are taking the command, mentioning the ID too. E.g: “i take command <id>”. In case you fail to do so, you will be punished with a Verbal Warning and in case you repeat the same mistake, you will be punished with aFaction Warn. After you take the command, a checkpoint will appear on the map indicating the location of the patient. 5.The command [/duty] - is used to become on/off duty. This command is strictly forbidden to be used outside of a faction vehicle (punishment: faction warn). In case of care you are on duty (/ duty) and are available (/ servicecalls) you are obliged to accept them in case of customer care. (sanction: First offense - verbal reprimand, then Faction Warn); 6. Command [/fvs] can be used to spawn more faction vehicles. **Note: To spawn a Ranger you need approval from a Rank 4+. You can get the approval by asking on [/r] (Example: /r Can i use Ranger?). If you don't get the approval in course of 2 minutes. you can take the Ranger. A exception from this rule is when there is no Rank 4+ in game. you cand take the Ranger without approval. 7. The command [/members] shows a list of all the faction members. 8.The command [/fvr] - can be used to respawn faction vehicles by a rank 5+. **Note: You have the obligation to announce on the faction chat at least 10 seconds before the intention to use [/fvr]. (Sanction: Verbal Warning). **Note: Using the command [/fvr] in an abusive way (respawning machines just to confuse a teammate, spamming with it, etc.) will be penalized with faction warn or Rank down for severe abuse/multiple violations. 9.The command [/onduty] - it use to see all members on duty. 10.The command [/corpses] - Used to see the corpses that can be picked up. 11.The command [/corpse]- It is used to retrieve a corpse. - Before using this order, you are OBLIGED to announce on the faction chat that you have taken over the respective order, mentioning its ID. Example: “i take command <id>”.. Otherwise, you will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first violation, and if the mistake is repeated, you will be sanctioned with a faction warn After you have retrieved the body, a checkpoint will appear on the map representing the location of the body. Heal & rehab price The price to heal is $1 for paramedics members and $50 for the rest of the players. . The price for rehab is $1 for paramedics members, $2,000 for mafia members and $3,000 for the rest of the players. Note: Providing a different service than the one desired by the player is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning. Example: When the player asks for [/heal] and you give [/rehab], or vice versa Giving a wrong service is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning. Each member has an obligation to ask what service they want from anyone who gets into the ambulance. (sanctions: Verbal Warning) Activity reports The minimum number of points to finish your activity report is the following: Rank 1 (Candidate Paramedic) - 55 points. Rank 2 (Paramedic) - 45 points. Rank 3 (Paramedic in Charge) - 35 points. Rank 4 (Paramedic Ambulance Commander) - 30 points. Rank 5 (Paramedic Field Chief) - 20 points. Admins and helpers have the report halved. *Note: 1 [/heal] = 1 point 1 [/rehab] = 1 point. 1 [corpse] = 1point, 1 test = 5 points. The leader chooses the testers, only the ones that are in the PM with the leader will be able to test feature members (punishment: rank down). Any member rank 4+ who uses the command [/ft] on one from candidates without being a tester, will be sanctioned with Faction Warn to the first deviation and Rank Down if he continue. Players which doesn’t need to make their activity report: members with accepted inactivity requests (except the members which made it on Friday, Saturday or Sunday); new faction members (except the ones that joined the faction at the beginning of the week: Monday, Tuesday); The sanction for not performing the report is: Rank 1 - For non-completion of the current report, you will be kicked from the faction with 60/60 FP. Rank 2 - For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If this unfinished report is not recovered this time, the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP. Rank 3 or higher - For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If that unfinished report is not recovered this time, then the player will receive rank down. If the following report is not finalized neither, already having in the past 1 unfinished report, 1 recovery report that has not been finalized and the current one not completed, then the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP. Member promotion and punishments removing ⦁ Rank 0 (Candidate): It will be awarded when the member is accepted for faction tests. ⦁ Rank 1 (Candidate Paramedic): It will be awarded when the member passes the faction tests. ⦁ Rank 2 (Paramedic): It will be awarded after a minimum of 14 days in the faction. ⦁ Rank 3 (Paramedic in Charge): It will be awarded after a minimum of 14 days from the last promotion. ⦁ Rank 4 (Paramedic Ambulance Commander): It will be awarded after a minimum of 21 days from the last promotion. ⦁ Rank 5 (Paramedic Field Chief): It will be awarded after a minimum of 30 days from the last promotion. ⦁ Rank 6 (Assistant Chief Paramedic): They are the leader's helpers. They are chosen by the leader to help with the administration of the faction. Note: A Faction Warn adds 14 days to the rank up. A Faction Warn is removed after a minimum of 14 days if the leader decides to do so. A Verbal Warning doesn't add any days to the rank up. A Verbal Warning disappears after 7 days. Any permission slip from meeting/activities adds you an extra day at rank promotion -Members who don't have minimum 6 hours played (goldaward) in a month will be dissmised. -Members who have between 6-12 hours played (goldaward) in a month will be punished with Faction Warn Skins conforming to ranks Down below there is a picture with the skins available on this faction. 1. Members can wear skins of their rank or skins which require lower ranks. 2. Punishment for wearing a skin that requires a higher rank is faction warn. Meetings and activities 1. All meetings and activities are announced in the Important Announcements topic. 2. In case you are not able to attend a meeting or an activity you MUST make an activity request in the Permission Requests topic. 3. Unprovoked absence from the meeting/activity is sanctioned with a faction warn. 4. Only the leader and the subleader are allowed to organize meetings. 5. Any members of rank 3+ can create activities between the faction members. 6. All the activities must be announced in the Important Announcements topic with at least 3 days before it will take place. 7. The leader must know first in case any activity will be created. Do not create activities without the approval of the leader or the subleader (punishment: faction warn). 8. The organizer must have proofs with the presence of the members (punishment: rank down). 9. In case you are required for an activity (deals, etc), it is forbidden to stay ON DUTY (punishment: faction warn). 10. The behavior of the members on meetings/activities: You are not allowed to stay AFK for more than 5 minutes in a session or activity. Fine - $30,000 for the first violation, and with a Verbal Warning if you continue. You are not allowed to trash talk, to spam, to argue with others (punishment: faction warn); You are not allowed to use anims without the permission of the leader. Fine - $30,000 for the first violation, and with a Verbal Warning if you continue. If you are not able to attend all the activity/meeting you have to announce the leader/subleader on [/w]. Faction Vehicles 1. Faction vehicles are not be used for personal purposes (punishment: faction warn). 1*. Raindance is the only vehicle who can be used in personal purposes, only for rank 5 members! 2. You are not allowed to abandon a faction vehicle. After you finish your job, you respawn the vehicle (punishment: faction warn). In case you can not respawn the vehicle, ask for a [/fvr] from a rank5+. 3. You are not allowed to stay more than 10 seconds AFK in a faction vehicle (punishment: Fine - 10.000$). 4. The vehicles conforming to their rank: Rank 1 - Romero Rank 1 - Ambulance Rank 3 - Raindance / Police Ranger 5. You're allowed to change the color of your ambulances . I want to specify ONLY color, not Noss not Hydra or rotate; who puts these components gets verbal warning. this rule is valid only on MONDAY - SUNDAY depending on the color chosen from in the COTW topic. 6. You have the obligation to annouce where you get a faction vehicle. Example: /r Ambulance at my - HQ /r Ambulance at my - LS Hospital Deviation rom this rule leads to your sanction with Verbal Warning on the first violtaion, and with Faction warn if you continue. 7. You have the obligation to notify when you respawn a vehicle. Example: /r Ambulance RR. Deviation from this rule leads to your sanction with verbal warning at the first violation, and with faction warn if you continue. 8. All members are required to use the [/duty] comamand when use faction vehicles. (Sanction: Verbal Warning). Traffic 1. All the government vehicles (including the abulances) have priority in traffic, as long as they have the siren and the beacon open, only in case of an urgency. Who is being caught abusing those facilities will be punished with a faction warn. 2. It is your right in case a Police Member suspends your driving licence or giving you a fine to complain him if you had an urgency, providing all the profs and details in your complaint. 3. You are not allowed to park your ambulance on the “i” of the businesses (CNN, GS, etc.) (punishment: faction warn). Fines 1.Such proof shall post in the Fines topic following the model of the first postt. 2.Any fine must be paid within 48 hours. Failing to pay the fine will lead to a faction warn. 3. The fines can now be paid directly from the game, without the evidence beign posted on the forum. Blacklist 1.A player can be added on the faction blacklist starting with the level 7. 2.Players that are on the blacklist can not apply to the faction and will not beneficiate of any service from the faction. 3.If anyone adds a player wrongly to the blacklist it will be punished with a faction warn or even kicked out of the faction. 4. Punishments will be given conforming the following mentions: For - Drive By, Death Match, Kamikaze, light insults, mockery, disturbing the member when doing his duty there will be given 1 warn! For - Vulgar Language, excessive DM/DB, excessively disturbing the member when doing his duty or at activities there will be given 2 warns! If a player is added to the blacklist, in order to be taken out, he has to pay the following: To get rid of 1/2 warns, for players with the level between 7-9, they have to pay - 3.750$. To get rid of 2/2 warns, for players with the level between 7-9, they have to pay - 7.500$. To get rid of 1/2 warns, for players with the level between 10-15, they have pay - 7.500$. To get rid of 2/2 warns, for players with the level between 10-15, they have pay - 15.000$. To get rid of 1/2 warns, for players with the level 16+, they have pay - 15.000$. To get rid of 2/2 warns, for players with the level 16+, they have pay - 30.000$ 5. In order to pay the fines you have to use the command [/mybl] and the faction members will get no money from this. 6.Members that want to add a player to the blacklist have to make a post in the Blacklist topic and wait till the leader or the subleder will decide if the proofs are enough to add the specified player to the blacklist. Protection 1.For now, were are not protected by anyone! 2.The members of the faction that will protect us will have the following benefits: Services at the smalles prices [/heal], repair, guns with only 1$; They can attack the players on our blacklist. Forum behaviour 1.Any faction member must check the forum daily, especially the Paramedics section. 2.It is forbidden to spam or make useless posts in: Discussions between members (warn on forum and faction warn in game). 3.It is forbidden to post in the administrative topics without the approval of the leader (Important Announcements, Test Log, etc.) (punishment: faction warn). 4.Breaking forum rules will lead to in-game punishments. Other rules 1. The rank 3 members have the obligation to organize events within the faction; 2. The rank 4+ members have the obligation to support tests; 3. You can have any quantity of drugs; 4. It is forbidden Deathmatch and Drive-by without a legitimate reason on your faction colleagues, (punishment: Faction warn); 5. The photos with server's DMG Informer are INVALID in the DM/Cop attack type of complaints. There should be clear evidence in which to see the Deathmatch intention (video proof, the specific message received from the server when you're killed, or even SCREENSHOTS to see clear intention); 6. Any leader and any member who has access to the faction vault, uses the money for personal purposes is sanctioned with Leader Warn / Faction Warn at first offense, and if it continues is sanctioned with dismissal. 7. You are allowed to work any job, be it legal or illegal. 8.Business done on the faction chat or announcements related to the sale or purchase of an item on the faction chat is prohibited. (penalty: fine - Fine - 25:000$) 9.If a patient does not specify which service they want after being asked 3 times, the Paramedic has the right to use the /eject command on that player. It is necessary to have evidence. (penalty: fine - Fine - 30:000$) 10.You are not allowed to spam or write with Caps Lock ON. (penalty: fine - Fine - 50:000$)
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