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About DH01

  • Birthday 02/19/1998

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  • Location
    Manchester, England, United Kingdom

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  1. Long time no see nab. Hope you're still alive and doing fine. Take care of yourself.

    1. DH01


      Cmf nabule. I don't log on to the forum much, probably once every few months lol. Doing well! Working on some businesses in real life.. big goals ;) How about you?

    2. Delgado


      Just popped back into the community some months ago and I managed to get myself a cheeky color on the forum :)) It was the only manner I had to still get in touch with you, so that's why the forum.

      Outside of that, juggling real life as well, last semester of uni coming up so it's gonna be a hassle.

      Glad to see you're still alive and well lad.

    3. DH01


      haha quality stuff man! love that ???


      keep at it bro!! catch up soon ?

  2. Snaky movemeeents not having me at friends faam, how you beeen bredgin’ ? shout your boy init 

    1. DH01


      hahaha mate I rarely even log onto here never mind managing a friends list lmao. hope you're good!!

  3. Zer01


    1. DH01
    2. Zer01


      send me a message, I have a business proposition for you in the uk if you are interested xD

    3. DH01


      Currently a bit busy with a few businesses already man, once things get going I'll be in touch :)

  4. DH01

    Hiya mate. Looks like you got absolutely demolished by @Kelton on the last topic you created. Commiserations. Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery. Hope the kids are well. #OnwardsAndUpwardsFromHere

    1. cowS


      hahaahahhaah got fuckin destroyed init

    2. DH01
    3. South MrJelly
  5. DH01


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lundy


      mai joc putin doar pe rpg1..:)), da...a fost frumos primul an pe rpg4 :D

    3. G T X
    4. DH01
  6. DH01 come back on RPG4 xd

    1. DH01


      My time's over sorry! Living the real dream now :P

  7. DH01

    You alright there mate cheekily visiting my profile page without saying anything? CHEEKY.

  8. My nickle , whats up ? 


    1. DH01


      bn pai nu mai joc, what about you, what's up

  9. DH01

    Fuck knows why I wasn't following you lol

  10. Cum e treaba?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DM Mach
    3. oPANARAMA
    4. Quavo


      PM me noob. Ursuletu e in camara. Unde-i ursuletu? :)) Don't say who am I, please.

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