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Alessandro last won the day on September 20 2019

Alessandro had the most liked content!


About Alessandro

  • Birthday 11/27/2001

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  • Location
    Tirana, Albania

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  1. Display Name: Alessandro Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil):Avatar Cover a logo a userbar semnatural a moto. Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu): Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): Tema (În caz că nu există o imagine): Alessandro For Mayor Money daily for every player. Text: 100k/day for everyone plan. Dimensiuni: - Alte precizări: I need something really special maby even a gif please give me some options to chose from.
  2. - Name: Alessandro - Rank:5 - Candidate: YoungBlood - Date and time:11/04/2019 - Theoretical test result:2.5/3 - Resolved practice test:10/10 - Admins / Rejected: Admis
  3. Good time right ?!   :))) i am so happy to have you as my friend.


  4. * Nume: Alessandro * Rank: 4 * Bară RPG (cea mică): https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Alessandro * De ce dorești această funcție?: I think that i am well fit for the Tester Position, i will try to get only the good members inside LSPD. * Ai cunoștințe de limba engleză?: Yes English is the language i speak * Crezi că ne poți ajuta cu candidații?: Allways with pleasure. * Alte precizări: Thanks for reading my application.
  5. do something about this please IMPORTANT. 




    1. SaRtOR


      It is already a known issue that will be fixed a.s.a.p :) 

    2. Alessandro


      i hope it will be fixed before my Faction Warn :P

  6. We need to make an event in the memory of TheTom the legend Tom come back your office of Subleader is empty and it misses you
  7. Hello please take a look at this i saw that you are an real Artist so i might ask you for this favor



    1. Alessandro


      Thanks it was amazing

  8. Display Name: Alessandro Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil): Avatar-Cover Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu): I never made a request this is my first time and i am hyped. Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): - Text: Alessandro Proud LSPD Member. Dimensiuni: i think i will leave it in your hand. Alte precizări: Thanks for your time this picture means alot to me cause in real life my cousin is part of RENEA the Albanian Special Police team and i growed up training and dreaming to join them.
  9. (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. a d y y

      a d y y

      alessandro you re in love?

    3. Clauddia
    4. Alessandro


      i have a fiance man sorry i am not available. 

  10. thanks for vote loody xD

  11. when will Miss and Mister B-Zone open at what time?

  12. ye its sad.....
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