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Everything posted by Tendoi

  1. Tendoi


    nu ma prind??
  2. Tendoi


    da nu iluminati au 666.... ala e Lucifer
  3. Nick:Tendoi Rank: Leader Culoarea săptămânii aleasă: Negru(id 0) Perioada:11.02-17.02 Alte precizări:Distractie placuta! Nick:Tendoi Rank: Leader Color choosen: Black(id 0) Other specifications:Have fun!
  4. Nick: Tendoi.SarpeleThau Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Stan. Reason: Banat. I have sanctioned with a: Demitere. Proofs : - Other specifications : -
  5. Tendoi

    Civil 3

    a fost live pe b-zone
  6. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Date of test: 09/02/2010 Candidate: .Raduq Score (x/3): 1/3 Pratical test (0/3) : 1/3 Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Date of test: 09/02/2010 Candidate: Cosmyn28 Score (x/3): 0/3 Pratical test (0/3) : 0/3
  7. Deci fiind ca sa iti explic cel din a 2 a poza este lider TTB pe rpg2 si era live si a dat de un youtuber pe nume Nicusor7 pe ome.tv.
  8. Scuzati paint-ul, mi-a cazut editul.
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