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Everything posted by Tendoi

  1. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Mircea.ZEW Reason: Reclamatie PM! I have sanctioned with a: FW Proofs : - Other specifications : -
  2. Tendoi

    Cica trist

    Mai bine zis fata ta când ai biz HouseUpgrade
  3. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Liviu__ Reason: Reclamatie Website! I have sanctioned with a: AV Proofs : - Other specifications : -
  4. Foarte bun filmul cat si interpretarea Sandrei Bullock. Foarte frumoasa si munca depusa de tine.
  5. Nick:Tendoi Rank: Leader Culoarea săptămânii aleasă: Alb Perioada:06.01-13.01 Alte precizări:Distractie placuta! Nick:Tendoi Rank: Leader Color choosen: White Other specifications:Have fun!
  6. Salut, ce faceti ba? Nu am mai vorbit de anul trecut. La multi ani!
  7. Salut, ce faceti ba? Nu am mai vorbit de anul trecut. La multi ani!
  8. Salut, ce faceti ba? Nu am mai vorbit de anul trecut. La multi ani!
  9. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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