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Everything posted by Tendoi

  1. i am bad at maths :)))) i wanted to say 24 months :))))))))))
  2. To practice english it's better, yes, but the problem is that most of players those days don't speak english. Even if it's 2018 they are like 13 14 15 years old.
  3. Kinda impossible man because in best time from when i am here there were less than 10 english persons and 20+ romanians.
  4. Thanks mate! I didn't changed the applications into romanian, but it is now possible to apply in both languages. And we will be happy to have you back
  5. Nickname: Tendoi. Date and hour: 06.10.2018 18:00 Meeting / Activity: Activity Other mentions: This activity it's optional. The winner it's iTzValyRo. Congrats
  6. Tendoi

    "I guide others"

    E ok. Vreau si eu semnatura ta pwp
  7. =))))))))))))))))))))))))))) cei care nu stiu mema nu au cum sa o guste
  8. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Date of test: 10/10/2018 Candidate: Alec$$ Score (x/3): 0.5/3 Pratical test (0/3) : 0/3
  9. @Gaby A Felicitari ai castigat locul 1! @Criq Felicitari ai castigat locul 2! @ikali Felicitari ai castigat locul 3!
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