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YoungBlood Nazismus

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Everything posted by YoungBlood Nazismus

  1. Nick: blood.drop Rank:1 Platesc amenda conform evidentei din data: 30.08.2019 Sumă: 5.000$ Motiv: score ScreenShot:https://imgur.com/a/CyclOk6
  2. Nick: COINMASTER Rank:2 Platesc amenda conform evidentei din data: 29.08.2019 Sumă: 5.000$ Motiv: Score ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/OaB7IN7 Alte precizări: His forum account didn't work for him so he asked me to post this deposit evidence.
  3. Nick:DoPamine Rank: 2 Platesc amenda conform evidentei din data: 29.08.2019 Sumă: 5k Motiv: Wars ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/7MleBL7 Alte precizări:
  4. The only reason that you have internet cuz you're in europe , unless that romania would've been an american cow since WW1 , same as cuba now.
  5. Wtf , they will throw their shit on the capital rather than an invaded county? ya , right
  6. Rashidun-Umayyad-Abbassid-fatimid-Ottoman
  7. You think i said that Chernobyl is in Romania? OMG you wish :3 I was talking about the toxic materials that Russia didn't want anymore, They were throwing it on you east land all the time, poor Romania, From Ottoman empire to soviet union, no wonder why the Euope union doesn't want you to have their currency. Cuz they don't know who will own your country after 10 years!
  8. Get some drugs, you are too sick to live, i never offended your country what i told you about forgiveness paychecks is damn true you can ask whoever you want your churchs used to sell paychecks as tickets to enter heaven lol
  9. Where were you when we ruleed asia,north africa and half of europe for 1200 years? We aren't no one bitch even today we can curse whoever the fuck we want and we can express our opinions without being punished, russia dumped her chernoyl toxic shit on your east land and now you are dealing with cancers everyday. At least we ruled the world once, but you never did/will And about killing people for religion, religion is just a cover for the dirty market , hitler killed thousands of people and still, he is a dictator not a terrorist! The invadors killed almost a million and a half on india,egypt,algeria... still they are not terrorists , and today at syria , usa russia UK even france they're bombing everywhere around iraq/syria and they are not the terrorists, terrorism is a definition created by high-power to grant their position and make people fear on their safety
  10. You don't own my thoughts, you don't like them then don't come anywhere near or across my memes
  11. Whatever Romania is, 30 years earlier you were Russia's bitch, sick savages internet made you a little modern this doesn't change anything that happened in Europe (Crusade war - Romanian-Hungarian war ...) Your revolution took control over your country, culture and now all that you can read about is rainbows and flowers talibanu? what the hell does this even means, 300 years earlier you were slaughtering each others for religion and selling forgiveness paychecks (sorry for my dear Christians ) , the west created a war and a brand new market where they could sell their shit and weaponize a fake war, just to make the world blind over the thousands of violations that happen every day in Palestine, Burma, Lybia..., they set everything up by the end of WW2 . Just google what France did to guinea when she forced full independence. We are all invaded by our hateful souls
  12. Nick:DoPamine Rank:1 Platesc amenda conform evidentei din data:28.8.2019 Sumă:5,000 Motiv:-7 score ScreenShot:https://imgur.com/a/eZ70Z8r Alte precizări:Succes, Don't waste it ?
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