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AdeM nWo

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Everything posted by AdeM nWo

  1. Discord ID: ade_m Rank(s) wanted: Moderator Forum, Programmer, Peaceful Faction Member RPG profile link: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Adem The rank bar from RPG profile:
  2. Name: AdeM Rank: SF Boss Date: 01/06/2024 - 30/06/2024 Evidence: Click Here Other specifications: Great job @ RicoGL
  3. Nick: AdeM Rank : SF Boss (Leader) Instructor of the week : Sarthak1Aswani Number of licenses he/she sold : 105 Date : 24.06.2024 - 30.06.2024 Proofs of [/Transfer] : PM. Other specifications: Good job!!
  4. Nick: AdeM Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Sanctioned member: Ghost.. Sanction: Faction Warn (3/3) Reason: Weak Monthly Played (<8 Hours/Played) Proofs (optional): Topic Monthly activity Other specifications -
  5. • Name: AdeM • Rank: SF Boss (Leader) • Statistics: CLick here • Member with less than 15 hours played: 0 • Member with less than 8 hours played: 1 • Proof (Optional): - • Anything Else?: -
  6. Hello and welcome to B-Zone community ! Make sure to explore our platforms: Discord.b-zone.ro : for easy communication with fellow players and stay up to date with news and informations about B-Zone ! Shop.b-zone.ro : explore B-Zone shop Wiki.b-zone.ro : to discover all the Necessary information about b-zone Rpg.b-zone.ro : SA-MP B-Zone Role Play Game website ! hope you enjoy !
  7. Nick: AdeM Rank : SF Boss (Leader) Instructor of the week : Roby.WTF. Number of licenses he/she sold : 64 Date : 17.06.2024 - 23.06.2024 Proofs of [/Transfer] : PM. Other specifications: Good job!!
  8. • Nick: AdeM[nWo] • Rank: SF Boss • Date of test: 21/06/2024 • Candidate: Plastic • Score (x/3): 2/3 • Observed by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Welcome !
  9. • Nick: AdeM[nWo] • Rank: SF Boss • Date of test: 20/06/2024 • Candidate: Parker05 • Score (x/3): 2.5/3 • Observed by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Welcome !
  10. Nick: AdeM Rank : SF Boss (Leader) Instructor of the week : Soulrayen Number of licenses he/she sold : 169 Date : 10.06.2024 - 16.06.2024 Proofs of [/Transfer] : PM. Other specifications: Great job
  11. Nick: AdeM Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Sanctioned member: rpg2_Anto.BACKBBY Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Complaint [#191354] Proofs (optional): https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/report/191354 Other specifications -
  12. • Nick: AdeM[nWo] • Rank: SF Boss • Date of test: 16/06/2024 • Candidate: Tylerr • Score (x/3): 3/3 • Observed by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Next Time !
  13. No problem, if you wish to fix the problem with opcodes follow the youtube tutorial video below:
  14. Nume în joc: AdeM Lider / Sublider al facțiunii: SF School Instructors Dovada cu taxa plătită: https://imgur.com/a/nZ4oKuT Alte precizări: SFSIUUUUUU
  15. Hello, for the givekey & rrf1 use this: :cmd_gk SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@, 26@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ else_jump @error_gk say "/givekey %d" 21@ samp.CmdRet() :error_gk chatmsg "Error: Use /gk <id>" -1 samp.CmdRet() :cmd_rrf1 SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@, 26@) if and 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 1@ 1@ > 0 else_jump @error_rrf1 0AF9: samp say_msg "/refill %d 1" 1@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/repair %d 1" 1@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/refillgascan %d 1" 1@ SAMP.CmdRet() :error_rrf1 chatmsg "Error: Use /rrf1 <id>" -1 samp.CmdRet()
  16. " You Didnt Respect the Post Model "
  17. try with this: {$CLEO} 0662: "Comenzi Scurte by EzeQ " thread "Comenzi Scurte by EzeQ " wait 2500 // Registering client commands 0B34: samp register_client_command "cs" to_label @cmd_cs 0B34: samp register_client_command "off" to_label @cmd_off 0B34: samp register_client_command "on" to_label @cmd_on 0B34: samp register_client_command "gj" to_label @cmd_gj 0B34: samp register_client_command "en" to_label @cmd_en 0B34: samp register_client_command "j" to_label @cmd_j 0B34: samp register_client_command "k" to_label @cmd_k 0B34: samp register_client_command "sc" to_label @cmd_sc 0B34: samp register_client_command "gk" to_label @cmd_gk 0B34: samp register_client_command "fill" to_label @cmd_fill 0B34: samp register_client_command "rrf1" to_label @cmd_rrf1 0B34: samp register_client_command "rr" to_label @cmd_rr 0B34: samp register_client_command "lm" to_label @cmd_lm 0B34: samp register_client_command "lp" to_label @cmd_lp 0B34: samp register_client_command "gg" to_label @cmd_gg :cmd_cs 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FF9900}>-------------------------------{FFFFFF}[ Comenzi Scurte ]{FF9900}-------------------------------<" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/off {FFFFFF}=> /turn off" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/on {FFFFFF}=> /turn on" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/gj {FFFFFF}=> /getjob" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/en {FFFFFF}=> /engine" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/j {FFFFFF}=> /jobs" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/k {FFFFFF}=> /killcp" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/sc {FFFFFF}=> /spawnchange" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/gk {FFFFFF}=> /givekey <id>" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/fill {FFFFFF}=> /fill+/fillgascan" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/rrf1 {FFFFFF}=> /repair+/refill jucatorilor pentru 1$" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/rr {FFFFFF}=> /repair+/refill" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/lm {FFFFFF}=> /leavemission" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/lp {FFFFFF}=> /leavepaintball" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FFFFFF}*{33FF00}/gg {FFFFFF}=> /getgift" 0AF9: samp say_msg "{FF9900}>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_off 0AF9: samp say_msg "/turn off" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_on 0AF9: samp say_msg "/turn on" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_gj 0AF9: samp say_msg "/getjob" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_en 0AF9: samp say_msg "/engine" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_j 0AF9: samp say_msg "/jobs" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_k 0AF9: samp say_msg "/killcp" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_sc 0AF9: samp say_msg "/spawnchange" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_gk 0B2A: samp get_last_command_params 0@ 1@ if 0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d" 1@ then 0B36: samp 2@ = get_player_nickname 1@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/givekey %s" 2@ else 0AF9: samp say_msg "~y~/gk <id>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_fill 0AF9: samp say_msg "/fill" 0AF9: samp say_msg "/fillgascan" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_rrf1 0B2A: samp get_last_command_params 0@ 1@ if 0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d" 1@ then 0AF9: samp say_msg "/refill %d 1" 1@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/repair %d 1" 1@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/refillgascan %d 1" 1@ else 0AF9: samp say_msg "{ffa85c}Sintaxa: [/rrf1 <id>]." end SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_rr 0AF9: samp say_msg "/repair" 0AF9: samp say_msg "/refill" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_lm 0AF9: samp say_msg "/leavemission" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_lp 0AF9: samp say_msg "/leavepaintball" SAMP.CmdRet() :cmd_gg 0AF9: samp say_msg "/getgift" SAMP.CmdRet()
  18. Nick: AdeM Rank : SF Boss (Leader) Instructor of the week : Roby.WTF. Number of licenses he/she sold : 79 Date : Jun 3 2024 - Jun 9 2024 Proofs of [/Transfer] : PM. Other specifications: Good job!!
  19. Hello, That freezing is probably caused because you didnt compile your Script Click F6 to compile or click on the compile icon on the top bar
  20. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP thread "testt" repeat wait 10 until SAMP.Available while true wait 10 alloc 10@ 256 0B75: samp get_chat_string 99 text_to 10@ -1 -1 -1 if 0C29:1@ = stristr string1 10@ string2 "Text matched here" then say "/yourcommand" wait 1000 end end This should work good for you !
  21. Hello, im gonna give you this and from it edit it however you want. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP thread "test" repeat wait 10 until SAMP.Available while true wait 10 alloc 10@ 256 0B75: samp get_chat_string 99 text_to 10@ -1 -1 -1 if 0AD4: $bla = scan_string 10@ format "Text Matched here" 16@ then say "/yourcommand" end free 10@ end
  22. Nick: AdeM Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Sanctioned member: k1[N]d3r.exe Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Deathmatch - PM Proofs (optional): PM Other specifications -
  23. > > > Activity < < < This Saturday 08/06/2024 📅 AT 20:00 (Server time) we'll have a Faction Activity. the presence is OPTIONAL Looking forward to see as many of you as possible !
  24. Nick: AdeM Rank: SF Boss Date of test: 03/06/2024 Candidate: Drest Score: (2/3)
  25. Nick: AdeM Rank : SF Boss (Leader) Instructor of the week : Rico[] Number of licenses he/she sold : 240 Date : May 27 2024 - Jun 2 2024 Proofs of [/Transfer] : PM. Other specifications: Amazing Job !
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