to solve the problem where textdraws gets deleted when you lose connection or server restarts you can simply just place the textdraw creation in the while true like this:
wait 10
// exemple 1
0C48: samp textdraw 599 create "Exemple_1" pos 557.0 300.0 // 599 is the textdraw id, "Exemple_1" = the text, 'pos' = the position of your textdraw
0C52: samp textdraw 599 set_letter_size 0.21 1.10 color -8391919 // Set the size and the color of th
0C4C: samp textdraw 599 set_style 1 // Font Style
0C4D: samp textdraw 599 set_shadow 1 color -16448253 // 1 to enable shadow (+ the color of the shadow) || 0 to disable
// exemple 2
0C48: samp textdraw 594 create "Exemple_2" pos 557.0 330.0
0C52: samp textdraw 594 set_letter_size 0.4 1.10 color -891919
0C4C: samp textdraw 594 set_style 0
0C4D: samp textdraw 594 set_shadow 0 color -16448253
// exemple 3
0C48: samp textdraw 592 create "Exemple_Number_3" pos 557.0 360.0
0C52: samp textdraw 592 set_letter_size 0.21 0.90 color -83919
0C4C: samp textdraw 592 set_style 3
0C4D: samp textdraw 592 set_shadow 1 color -16443
for the multiple colors textdraws: textdraws in cleo doesnt support multi colors so you ll have to do x2 textdraws aligned next to each other and set their color each