Sarbatoarea irlandeza de Halloween se aproprie si pe serverele comunitatii B-Zone. Cu ocazia aceasta, din data de 29.10.2021 pana in data de 31.10.2021, in 2 topicuri speciale, jucatorii fiecarui server RPG1 / RPG2 isi vor posta costumele de Halloween iar cele mai infricosatoare si unice costumatii vor fi premiate. Modelul de inscriere in aceasta competitie este urmatorul:
RPG Bar (mic):
Alte precizari:
Pentru a nu fi descalificati din competitie, fotografia trebuie sa fie incarcata direct pe forum, nu se accepta link care sa fie atasat in modelul de inscriere, iar pentru a putea face acest lucru exista doua optiuni:
1. Atasati fotografia in postare si aceasta va aparea cand postati in topic.
2. Accesati si urmariti acesti pasi, ulterior adaugand acel link in postare iar poza va aparea pe ecran:
3. Fiecare jucator poate participa la o editie (de pe RPG1 sau RPG2) cu un singur cont
4. In cazul in care copiati ideea altor participati sunteti descalificati.
5.Fiecare castigator urmeaza sa fie aleas prin voturile oferite de 3 membri a B-Zone Social Media cat si de Senior Admins (Level 4+ admins/Supervisors)
6. Toate pozele participantilor trebuie sa aibe afisate serverul cat si data, in caz contrar jucatorul este descalificat.
Premiul pentru acest concurs este urmatorul, de mentionat faptul ca nu este la comun cu amandoua servere, asadar pe RPG1 vor fi 3 castigatori iar pe RPG2 tot 3 castigatori. Premiul concursului consta in:
Locul 1 - 1000 gold + Level UP sau job skill up
Locul 2 - 750 Gold + Slot Garaj sau Free Hidden
Locul 3 - 500 Gold + Orice Crate sau Free Change Nickname
The Irish holiday, Halloween is approaching on the B-Zone community servers. On this occasion, from 29.10.2021 to 31.10.2021, in 2 special topics, the players of each RPG1 / RPG2 server will post their Halloween costumes to compete for the top 3 scariest and the most unique costumes. These will be awarded a prize. The registration model for this competition is as follows:
RPG Bar (small version)
Further details:
In order not to be disqualified from the competition, the photo must be uploaded directly on the forum, attach links to the registration form are not accepted, and in order to do so there are two options:
1. Attach the photo in the post and it will appear when you post in the topic.
2. Access and follow these steps, later adding that link in the post and the picture will appear on the screen:
3. Each player is allowed to participate in one of the editions(RPG1 or RPG2) with one particular account.
4. Copying other players' photos are subject to disqualification
5. The winners will be chosen by a jury formed of 3 members from the B-Zone Social Media Team and the RPG1 or RPG2 Senior Staff (Level 4+ admins/Supervisors)
6. All the photos submitted must display the Server and date otherwise they're disqualified
The prize for this contest is the following, it should be mentioned that it is not shared with both servers, so on RPG1 there will be 3 winners and on RPG2 also be 3 winners. The contest prize consists of:
1st - 1000 gold + Level UP or job skill up
2nd - 750 Gold + Slot Garaj or Free Hidden
3rd - 500 Gold + Orice Crate or Free Change Nickname
Concours by:
@Social Media Team B-Zone
RPG 1 & RPG2 Senior Staff
copyright @Karther.