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Mr Loki

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  1. Mai sterge si tu din mesaje!

  2. Ce fa' ma? Mai trajesti? Cica am auzit ca vei candida ca lider News Reporters. Ce a facut Anduu de i s-a luat lideru'? P.S.: Sunt Creepster din NR RPG 3.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Loki

      Mr Loki

      cine a zis ca o sa candidez, ca nu m-a intrebat nimeni daca vreau :))?

    3. Toni26


      Phai de ce n-ai candida? :))

    4. Mr Loki

      Mr Loki

      s-au ales candidatii pe baza nr de ore jucate luna asta, eu am avut inactivitate pana acum o saptamana deci 8 ore fata de 130 cate a avut cel ales :))

  3. @rey ms de demitere cu fp, va salut pe toti si poate (nu) o sa ne mai auzim candva, salut!
  4. Raportul de activitate cu numarul: 2 Numele membrului: Adywx94 Rank-ul membrului: 1 Data raportului: 15.08.2014 Numar de licente suspendate: 14 http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/adywx94/media/SAPTAMANA%202/PERMISE%202/sa-mp-147_zpsb09c2ea8.png.html?sort=3&o=0 Numar de amenzi date: 50 http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/adywx94/media/SAPTAMANA%202/AMENZI%202/sa-mp-110_zps8b5050ef.png.html?sort=3&o=0 Numar de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): - Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' / "neprezentare acte" date: 16 http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/adywx94/media/SAPTAMANA%202/NCO%202/sa-mp-063_zps3e16cce0.png.html?sort=3&o=0 Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): - Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: - Punctaj total: 94 Alte mentionari: -
  5. Activity report number: 1 Member name: Adywx94 Member rank: 1 (Officer) Date of the report: 09/07/2014 Number of suspended licenses: 7 http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/adywx94/media/permise%201/sa-mp-062_zps2cfd1ace.png.html?sort=3&o=0 Number of tickets given: 43 http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/adywx94/library/amenzi%201?sort=3&page=1 Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 0 Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 5 http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/adywx94/media/nco%201/sa-mp-101_zpsf4e167b5.png.html?sort=3&o=0 Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 0 Number of beginners players helped: 0 Total points: 62 Other specifications: Am postat pentru el, am inteles ca nu-i merge contu de pe forum sper sa fie bine. O zi buna!
  6. Ban doar 7 zile+ interdictie departamente + FP ....la cate prostii am facut ma asteptam la mai mult, na eu va salut si va urez succes inca odata. ilie vezi ce prostii o sa faci sa nu patesti ca mine @@Inferno27, m-ai demis tu sau kelton? @@VAG, @, mersi
  7. Na...eu ma las te samp, aici a fost foarte fain, nu prea mai am timp/chef de jocul asta...asa ca va salut si va urez succes in ce vreti sa faceti. Salut.
  8. pe la sfarsit masina ce transporta banii ia foc si dupa pare ca fumega, cam asta e putin aiurea...in rest a fost fain bv
  9. @, @, @@Alonso, @@A l i n, @@VAG, @, Neata, bagati si voi niste pareri ceva...
  10. Lumeee! Vreau sa fac un film de actiune da nu am idee / inceput de scenariu ... sau ceva pareri. Filmul vreau sa il fac legat de airsoft si probabil ca se va filma undeva in niste cladiri dezafectate sau la Arsenal park. Bagati pareri sau ce idei aveti ca stiu ca sunt bune. Noapte buna.
  11. Activity report prepared by Detective AndreiDeiu (rank 2), SWAT Team. Report number: 8 Number of suspects arrested: 5 http://imgur.com/a/JmapY Number of suspects killed: 3 http://imgur.com/a/Fn50s Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 3 http://imgur.com/a/qqG6p Number of wanteds "disobeying orders" given: 0 Players helped: 0 TOTAL score: 11 Other specifications: The activity report was prepared during: -
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