* WAR-ul între mafioţi se va pedepsi cu wanted 1 "WAR" fără drept de predare, iar wanted-ul va fi acordat direct fără somaţii în prealabil tuturor mafiotilor de pe turf. Nu vor exista favorizări, şi orice mafiot (fie el admin, sau orice alt jucător) va primi wanted.
* Nimeni nu va mai putea interveni pe cont propriu la WAR. Membrii departamentelor se vor organiza într-o echipă mare şi vor folosi vehiculele departamentelor pentru intervenţie. Pentru organizare / adunare folosiţi [/d]. Se va respecta următorul şablon:
- Se va forma o echipa de 10 cops (minim). Se va face un screenshot de catre organizator, ca sa dovedeasca ca au fost prezenti 10+ cops la WAR.
-Cei 10+ cops vor fi organizati in 2 echipe. O echipa va da wanted unei mafii, cealalta se va ocupa de a doua mafie prezenta la war.
*La HQ-urile mafiilor nu se va face nici o exceptie, regula ramane aceeasi. Daca mafiotii al caror HQ este atacat vor iesi din HQ vor primi wanted deasemenea.
*Organizatorul membrilor trebuie sa fie un rank 4+. Daca nu este un rank 4+ care sa organizeze nu se va merge la war.
* WARS between mafia members will be punished with wanted 1 "WAR" without surrender , which will be given directly without warning to each family member who is located on the turf. There will be no advantageing, any mafia member (even an admin, or any other player) will get wanted.
* No departament member will be allowed to go on his own at wars. Department members must make a big team and organize themselves for interventions. They have to use department vehicles for war interventions. [/d] can be used for organization / gathering. The following team formation must be accomplished:
-It will form a team of 10 cops (minimum). It will take a screenshot by organizer, to prove that 10 + cops were present at WAR. The organizer must be rank 4+
-The 10 + cops will be organized into 2 teams. A team will give a wanted to a family(mafia), the other will punish the second family(mafia) presence at war.
-At Families HQ,there will be no exception, the rule remains the same. If family members, wich HQ is attaked, will get out from the HQ they will get wanted too.