Aplicațiile pentru helperi au fost închise si au primit raspuns final. Fiecare aplicație a primit un verdict cu un motiv de acceptat sau motiv de respins. Mai multii detalii se afla la statistica asta: Click
Cei care au 40 de puncte + au fost acceptati automat, iar cei care au avut 40 de puncte + si au fost respinse, au primit motivele pentru care au fost respinsi.
Cei care au fost respinsi pe motivul "Limbaj Vulgar", au fost respinsi din cauza limbajului folosit in joc in ultimele 2 luni.
Avand in vedere ca stafful a sters toate sanctiunile, nota de la Behavior a fost acordata pe baza de Faction History.
Cei care au avut 1500 ore jucate + au fost luati in considerare si nu au fost respinsi automat.
Amintiti-va: Nu suntem obligati sa raspundem la PM-uri legate de aplicatii pentru helper, cat timp cei respinsi au primit motive bune si clare pentru a fi respinsi, insa putem raspunde la lucruri care nu sunt clar si sa acordam clarificarii.
The helper apps has been closed and given a final answer, Each application received a verdict with a reason of accept and a reason of rejection. More information can be found in the statistics below: Click
Those with 40 points + have been automatically accepted, if not they have clear reasons for their rejection.
Those rejected for ''Dirty chat log'', it's because their chat log in the last two months was full of bad language.
Taking into consideration that the staff decided to clear all the punishments, the mark of ''Behavior'' has been given based on faction history.
Those who have 1500 Hours played were taken into consideration and not automatically rejected.
Remember: We're not obliged to answer any PMs related to helper apps as long as those rejected got their clear reasons of rejection, although we may answer some of them for clarification.
RPG2 Administration Team
B-Zone Staff
Copyright B-Zone 2017
+1 pentru o viata mai buna.