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RPG Administration - Senior
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Everything posted by Rustom

  1. R.I.P Yuri....

  2. * Name: Ketan * Rank: Rank 5 (379 day's) * RPG bar (small): * Why do you want this function?: Because i know all Rules and I have experience about Department test (3 Time Rank 4+ in PD), I like to take English players Test because i am also English. * Do you speak english fluently?: yes. * Do you think you can help us with the candidates?: yes. * Other specifications: -
  3. On private chats (local, /sms, /call, /whisper, /carwhisper, /c, /ac) you are allowed to use other languages. why only new ? old players also have risk .......
  4. Nickname: ketan Rank: 5 Team: ( Roads or Swat ) Swat I will be gone because: Internet, i can't tell you when it's will go OFF so it's better way to give a pass requests to avoid sanction. Other specifications?: Not conform but try to attend Meeting 100%.
  5. Give +1 on my post.
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