Nick: Drike
Rank: 1
Date that you can't come: 22.06.2017
I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): war
The absence reason: i have net problems
Number of consents this week (x/2): 1/2
Other specifications: ty snrr just wait me bro
Display Name: BechirR Royal
Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo): Avatar
Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu): -
Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnatura): -
Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine): Toky ghoul picture ( anime )
Text: LaaBiDi
Dimensiuni: 150x300
Alte prec: Dear designer, I need a good animation ( Gif ) in the picture with the text, Thanks a lot.
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